The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#RapeCulture Eggs and Omelettes

Last night I linked A.J. Delgado’s item about the suspicious nature of the rape “epidemic” on college campuses. This phenomenon contradicts common sense: Overall, rates of violent crime (including rape) in the United States are on a downward trajectory, and universities have undertaken extraordinary programs to raise awareness (for both men and women) to prevent […]

Campus Rape Reports Increase?

A.J. Delgado has some interesting observations: [I]f recent reports are to be believed, there is an outright “epidemic” of rape on college campuses, one so grave that students are even complaining that school administrators are not going far enough in hunting down and punishing the accused. NPR confirmed last month that campus rape reports are on the rise and that […]

Feminism: Love as Oppression and Heterosexuality as Subordination

Anyone who studies feminist theory quickly realizes a truth first expressed by Women’s Liberation pioneer Ti-Grace Atkinson in 1971: “Feminism is the theory. Lesbianism is the practice.” That is to say, when feminists condemn “patriarchy,” they are not merely condemning all men, but also heterosexuality, viewing heterosexual women as victims of male oppression. Insofar as […]

‘She Passed Out in a Bedroom . . . She Wasn’t Strong Enough to Push Him Away’

When @Belle_Knox — porn alias of Miriam Weeks, the Duke University freshman Women’s Studies major — began telling her story, everyone with an interest in the field of abnormal psychology took notice. Her explanation of why she was doing what she was doing simply didn’t add up. We were asked to believe that financial desperation […]

The #RapeCulture of Planned Parenthood

Enabling rapists because . . . choice! Planned Parenthood abortion clinics have come under fire countless times over the years for not reporting cases of statutory rape to authorities as required by state law. Now, in Arizona, officials says the abortion giant failed again to provide the proper report to authorities about a victim of […]

#RapeCulture? FBI: Illinois Democrat Bragged About Molesting 6-Year-Old Girl

When he resigned last month, many people were shocked to learn that an Illinois Democrat was under investigation for federal child pornography charges. Now court documents provide a lurid glimpse of The Pervert Party in action: Former Illinois State Rep. Keith Farnham was charged Monday with using both personal and state-owned computers to trade hundreds […]

Report: ‘No Regrets’ Sex Teacher Said She Had Sex Dreams About Teen Boy in 2008

Readers may remember Jennifer Fichter, the 29-year-old Florida teacher who allegedly told the mother of a 17-year-old student that she had “no regrets” about having sex with the boy. Evidence now emerges that Fichter’s sexual interest in young boys was a problem when she was a middle school teacher six years ago: LAKELAND, Fla. — […]

Donald Waelde Wants to Be a Woman — and Also, Perform Oral Sex on a Horse

The Craigslist ad (left) led to arrest of Donald Waelde (right). Far be it from me to say that Donald Waelde’s alleged interest in horse sex is typical of Arizona’s LGBT community: Once again, deputies from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office have busted someone who went to Craigslist looking for sex with an animal. This […]

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