The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

An Hour and a Half That Cannot be Recovered

by Smitty ? Zombie JoeWho do you know?That last brain cell is failing.Your handlers can'tVitality plantWhere Charon's boat is sailing. ? #Debates2024 — I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande (@smitty_one_each) June 28, 2024


by Smitty Some sorry Socialist para-dogs About which Commies ever bark Are how “the things” our spirit bogs With “Equity for all” in *their* dark Materials: good in their way No shame is found in the suitable tool Yet “Stuff obsessions” wreck the day (Extremist views are of the fool) In stark contrast are we […]

Trans. Sec. Buttigieg Announces $500M Pronoun Retooling Effort

by Sissypuss Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg decried the language used to describe the recent Key Bridge disaster in Baltimore. “We have to do everything in our power to avoid such costly calamities in the future,” he said, referring to the collision of the merchant vessel Dali with a bridge support, “and ‘everything’ means striking such […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Coffee, please

— compiled by Wombat-socho Coffee. Tread juice. Java. Is there anything it can’t do? Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley et Hamas delendam sunt. ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Eight Predictions Friday, also, the Saturday Blondepocalypse. EBL: Saturday Night Girls With Guns, Carmen Curlers, MAGA SCOTUS Blues, Corsicana, “Wuthering Heights”,  Scenes From The Decameron, Black Sheep Squadron, […]

Save The Republic

by Smitty via PowerLine: 21% of Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child Voting assistance is perfectly legal at the polling place, with […]

The Swampeoisie are the Colonial Occupiers

by Smitty So, if Michael Hayden is equating armed, religiously faithful Americans with Hamas, does that mean that Hayden and the Swampeoisie are the Colonial Occupiers? While I reject General Hayden in general (heh) and his cheap smear in particular, if he’s stipulating a false equivalence between patriots and terrorists, at some point, it could […]

Damn Right I’ve Got The Blues

by Smitty What could motivate me to get a blue check on TwitterX? Elon Musk Just Detonated His ‘Thermonuclear’ Lawsuit The shark food doesn’t come cheap, but if Musk is successful, this might prove as important a move as buying Twitter. Godspeed, Elon.

Married, carnivorous, pro-life, athletic, heterosexual, male, combat veteran, NRA life member, stick-driving, Trump-supporting, Messianic Jew CEO awarded “ScapeGOAT”

by Smitty Married, carnivorous, pro-life, athletic, heterosexual, male, combat veteran, NRA life member, stick-driving, Trump-supporting, Messianic Jew CEO awarded “ScapeGOAT” title by spokesman Ibinhamburger Ken’doll of the Beyond Original Leftist Signaling Hub Integrated Elite Squad (BOLSHIES): “My intensive scientific research into the Unbearable Whiteness of Being has finally located the universal epitome of privelege: the […]

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