The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

At Bielat HQ, Ready for the Road Trip

NEWTON, Mass. — Here at Sean Bielat campaign headquarters on a Saturday afternoon, Ace of Spades and several of his readers are running the phone banks: “Hey, my name’s Ace. Would you like Sean Bielat to build you a robot?” The big news today is that Sean Bielat is the top fundraiser in Massachusetts: In […]

Boston Postcards

BOSTON — Some photos of the stuff I’ve been covering yesterday and today: You might recognize the guy with the camera. So what’s Ladd Ehlinger Jr. doing in Boston? OK, I can’t tell you exactly what Ladd’s doing here, but in this photo he is talking to Kiera and in maybe a week you’ll know what this is all […]

Thanks, Professor Reynolds

Barney Frank and his lover take a private jet ride to the Virgin Islands with a hedge fund billionaire, prompting Professor Glenn Reynolds to proclaim: I don’t want to hear one goddamned word about my freaking carbon footprint from Barney Frank, or his cronies. He speaks for millions.

Reporting News That Liberals Want You to Ignore? ‘Right-Wing Attack Site’!

BOSTON — A rainy morning in Massachusetts and here’s my latest column at The American Spectator: Tina Hood of Worcester said “it blew my mind” when she heard her congressman say, “I think the Constitution is wrong.” Rep. Jim McGovern later called his statement a “slip of the tongue,” but to Ms. Hood — a […]

It’s a Small World, After All

BOSTON — I called a source tonight to see if there had been any developments with Marty Lamb‘s campaign in the 3rd District. Well, yes, Mark Levin had mentioned the campaign and Howie Carr had interviewed Marty and — the latest news — there was this mention from a certain nationally known conservative columnist: Rep. Jim […]

Democrat Jim McGovern: ‘Silly’ to Blame Him for ‘Constitution Is Wrong’ Gaffe

BOSTON — After last night’s debate gaffe in Shrewsbury — when Jim McGovern said, “I think the Constitution is wrong” — it was to be expected that the 3rd District Democrat would try to spin his way out of it: Last night, I had a slip of the tongue. While answering a question about the awful Supreme […]

Fishersville Mike Sends Out The Righteous Brothers For Barney

by Smitty Very, very well played sir. SEAN BIELAT for U.S. CONGRESS

Massachusetts Democrat Jim McGovern Says, ‘I Think the Constitution Is Wrong’

BOSTON — Tonight in a debate at Shrewsbury High School, Democratic Rep. Jim McGovern shocked the audience when he declared, “I think the Constitution is wrong” (0:32): Discussing campaign-finance regulation, and apparently referring to the U.S. Supreme Court’s January Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission ruling, McGovern said: “We have a lousy Supreme Court decision that […]

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