The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is Ladd Ehlinger Irresistible?

BOSTON — Roxeanne de Luca is an advocate of traditional family values. But there’s something about the phrase “independent film director” that produces a spontaneous reaction in young women. UPDATE: Also irresistible? Pudding!

HOLY COW! Republican AZ-7 Challenger McClung Now in ‘Dead Heat’ with Grijalva

BOSTON — Just got back from Sean Bielat headquarters, where one volunteer said she’s starting to sense a “Scott Brown feeling” about the campaign against Barney Frank. Logged onto my e-mail and saw a tip to a Politico article about a race on the other side of the country: Add Rep. Raul Grijalva to the growing […]

Democrats, Unions Bankroll 527 Group Attacking Massachusetts Republican

BOSTON — Charles Baker is the Republican candidate challenging Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Lately, Baker has been targeted by attack ads from a group called “Bay State Future,” headed by Barbara Weniger. But this group is actually a front for Democrats and labor unions: The more than $2 million worth of negative ads, aired by […]

MA-6 Update: Democrat John Tierney Tries to Distance Himself From His Wife

BOSTON – Howie Carr in the Boston Herald calls the Democrat’s gangster brother-in-law an Armenian Whitey Bulger: Patrice Eremian Chew Tierney, aka Mrs. John Tierney. Gets indicted for laundering millions in ill-gotten gains for her brother, a fugitive gangster, and when she gets caught, she tells the judge she’s depressed and gets fined $2,500. . […]

The John Tierney Scandal: Did Democrat Benefit From His Racketeering In-Laws?

The Massacusetts Democrat’s wife pleaded guilty to tax fraud charges this week, and now questions are being asked about John Tierney’s campaign contributions: US Representative John F. Tierney’s elderly mother-in-law donated $4,800 to his campaign account at the same time that she was receiving money from a bank account that was allegedly funded with illegal […]

MA-6: Bill Hudak Has a New Slogan

“My wife never committed tax fraud” Kinda catchy, don’t you think? I just made that one up. Moe Lane has his own slogan for the case against Patrice Tierney, wife of a Massachusetts Democrat, but I think simpler is better when it comes to campaign slogans. Another one that might work: “My brother-in-law isn’t a federal fugitive.” […]

Beat Barney, Stomp Steny

We’ve told you before about Sean Bielat, who’s taking on Barney Frank in Massachusetts, and Charles Lollar, who’s challenging Steny Hoyer in Maryland. Both of these men are U.S. Marines, and today they get a big “Semper Fi” shout-out from Ken Blackwell: While Frank typically wins with 65 to 75 percent of the vote, Bielat is […]

My Sincere Apology . . .

. . . to members of the Brain-Damaged American community and the people who love them. Some of my best friends are brain damaged and, in point of fact, several experts have theorized that brain damage — perhaps caused by unfortunate adolescent habits — may explain why I occasionally act like the sixth-grade smart-aleck I used to […]

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