The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

About 250 Sean Bielat Supporters Protest Bubba and Barney’s Boston Blowfest UPDATE: Text of Bielat Speech Added

According to the Boston Globe: TAUNTON, Mass.—Former President Bill Clinton is urging Massachusetts voters in the old industrial city of Taunton to re-elect Rep. Barney Frank and vote other Democrats into office. As Clinton spoke Sunday at the Taunton High School, about 250 supporters of Frank’s Republican opponent, Sean Bielat (BEE’-ah-lot), gathered at the Taunton […]

Pro-Fellatio Coalition to Gather in Boston

Bill Clinton will campaign Sunday for Barney Frank and never have two more famously fervent advocates of oral sex shared a stage at a political event — not even in Boston! And what is the occasion for this Bill and Barney reunion? Well, you see, back in January, a guy named Scott Brown got himself elected to the […]

One Year Ago Today

Thanks to Bob Belvedere for reminding us that, for the past 365 days, Ted Kennedy has been the only kind of good Democrat. And Mary Jo Kopechne still could not be reached for comment.

Unsure About Barney Frank’s Conversion

by Smitty Conservative Girl puts a religious spin on Frank’s awakening, but let’s not overplay this quotation: “I hope by next year we’ll have abolished Fannie and Freddie,….it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn’t afford and couldn’t really handle once they had it….I had been too sanguine about Fannie […]

Massachusetts, Purveyor Of Fine Bollocks

by Smitty (h/t Drudge) reports that the Massachusetts legislature is going in through the out door again, passing a law to ignore the will of their people, and instead just give their electoral votes to the popular vote winner nation wide. But Senate minority leader Richard Tisei said the state was meddling with a […]

Could Scott Brown Kill The Frank’n’Dodd Wall Street Reform?

by Smitty (via The Corner) Reuters reports: Brown’s possible defection from the bill increases the chance of a successful Republican filibuster this time unless Democratic leaders can find another vote. Democrats control 57 seats in the Senate and Republicans 41. Two independents usually vote with the Democrats. It takes 60 votes to end a filibuster. […]

‘How Can Someone Hate America?’

The Boston Herald reports on yesterday’s raids: Federal agents are scrambling today to determine whether a Boston cab driver and Brookline gas station attendant arrested yesterday in a massive sweep knew whether their money was provided to a suspected Times Square terror bomber. The Pakistani natives were rounded up in raids in Watertown and Brookline […]

Terrorism at 39 Waverley Avenue?

Photo by Da Tech Guy Pir Khan, Mohammad Bakht Zameen, Said Pervez — these are reportedly the names of three tenants of the boarding house at 39 Waverley Avenue in Watertown, Mass., raided Thursday morning by agents of the FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and local police. At least six search warrants were executed, and […]

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