The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#Occupy Ignorance: Elizabeth Who?

Aleister at American Glob was yukking it up over the stunning incoherence of these idiots at Occupy Boston interviewed by Holly Robichaud of the Boston Herald: “I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do. I support what they do.” — Elizabeth Warren, referring to Occupy Wall Street “In 1996, Warren was the […]

‘Equality’ for 0.5%

There is no fraction of the population so tiny that it cannot be organized into a victimhood constituency that provides liberals an opportunity to congratulate themselves on their moral superiority: BOSTON – Wednesday, November 23, 2011 – Governor Deval Patrick today signed H.3810, “An Act Relative To Gender Identity,” historic legislation to legally protect transgender individuals from […]

McDonnell & Patrick On Press The Meat

by Smitty (via SWAC Girl) I’m a fairly huge Bob McDonnell fan, but Deval Patrick affords some amusement: 01:06 Patrick: “Do we want a government that is on the side of helping people help themselves?” 01:18 Patrick: “The American people are going to choose a partnership with leadership, in the form of President Obama, which […]

Plot Was ‘Not Reflective of a Particular Culture, Community or Religion’

Curious statement from U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz: “I want the public to understand that Mr. Ferdaus’ conduct, as alleged in the complaint, is not reflective of a particular culture, community or religion. In addition to protecting our citizens from the threats and violence alleged today, we also have an obligation to protect members of every […]

Border Wars in … Boston?

Peter Ingemi reports this scoop: BOSTON – On Monday, September 26th at noon in Room 222 of the State House, a bipartisan and bicameral coalition of legislations will announce the filing of a comprehensive illegal immigration bill directed at enhancing the safety of the Commonwealth’s communities and the protection of taxpayer dollars. And his reaction: […]

A Mom Named Stacy

Names are curious things. Sometimes I have to explain what should be obvious, that the name of this blog is “The Other McCain” because I did not support my distant cousin John’s candidacy in the 2008 GOP primary campaign. (Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Bob Barr!) And when people ask, “Should I call you Bob? Rob? […]

Please Remind Me: Why Was It So Important to Elect Scott Brown?

You guys remember how fired up conservatives were in January 2010, right? I’ve been scratching my head lately: Senate Democrats forced a vote Wednesday on the controversial fiscal plan drafted by House Budget chief Paul Ryan, splitting the Republican caucus . . . Moderate Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine were joined by Sen. Scott Brown […]

Oh, My: Hearing Turns Ugly

Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren, a special advisor to President Obama, got raked over the coals yesterday by Rep. Patrick McHenry and other Republicans: A House committee hearing on Tuesday about the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau disintegrated into heated accusations of lying, with the panel’s chairman accusing Elizabeth Warren of giving misleading testimony at […]

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