The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mike Capuano: Thug 4 Life

“He’s a thug, plain and simple,” says Pundette, after Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Mike Capuano demonstrated the liberal “New Tone” at a union rally in Boston: “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the […]

An Important Anniversary

On this day a year ago, I arrived in Boston to cover the Scott Brown campaign. I’d taken a train from D.C. — leaving at 3 a.m. — and arrived at 11 a.m. in downtown Boston where I was picked up by Pete Da Tech Guy, whom I’d never met before. The tales of what ensued over […]

Strategy Lesson: State Parties Matter

For the benefit of Alex Pareene — who strangely seems to believe that campaigns are of secondary importance to who wins elections — let me unravel a bit of strategy. When I visited Massachusetts in early October, there was clearly a grassroots “enthusiasm gap” favoring Republicans. Da Tech Guy kept saying he had that Scott Brown […]

FBI Report: Remember That Predicted Wave of Tea Party Hate Crimes?

Despite warnings about “right wing extremists” from the Department of Homeland Security, the Great Hate Tsunami of 2009 failed to materialize: The number of hate crime incidents in the United States reported for 2009 came down from 2008, according to data released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Monday. “While the number of law […]

Da Tech Guy on Da Radio 5 p.m. ET

During this year’s campaign in Massachusetts, the Blogfather of the Axis of Fedora began making occasional appearances on WCRN-AM 830, a 50,000-watt news/talk powerhouse in Worcester. After talking to the station management, Pete realized that a weekend show was a feasible proposition, hustled up advertisers to support it and will debut his own show today […]

TSA: Teen Sexual Assault?

What kind of people get government jobs as Airport Junk-Touchers? WHDH-TV via Gateway Pundit: A Transportation Security Administration worker at Logan International Airport is accused of assaulting a 14-year-old girl. Sean Shanahan, 45, of Winthrop is being held on $50,000 cash bail following his arraignment in East Boston District Court. He is charged with statutory rape, enticement […]

VIDEO: New Ad Slams Barney Frank on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Poll: Sean Bielat 63%, Barney Frank 31%

OK, it’s merely an unscientific online poll at the Web site of the New Bedford Standard-Times, but that won’t reduce the shock factor for Democratic Party operatives when they see the headline via their Google alerts. Sometimes you just want to mess with their minds, for the pure outrageous hell of it. In more serious news, Fleming […]

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