The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The #JoinMiTeam Campaign

How to Get a Twitter Follow: Tweet #JoinMiTeam Today! @RTsivitse @IDBarber8 @arpeabody <- THESE GUYS DID! @MIGOP #ComebackState — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 19, 2013 Today I was working on a long and tedious rant about the federal RICO lawsuit Kimberlin v. Everybody when my cell phone rang and the caller was identified as […]

Family Terrorized as Michigan Teachers Support Colleague Who Molested Boy

Former middle-school teacher Neal Erickson, 38, pleaded guilty in May to having sex with a boy beginning in 2006 — when the boy was a 14-year-old eighth-grader — until 2009. His fellow teachers in Ogemaw County, Michigan, supported Erickson, writing letters to the judge asking for a lenient sentence. Any parent would be horrified by […]

On Another Plane, Everyone Is High-Fiving George Orwell Over Affirmative Action

by Smitty Legal Insurrection points to the abject farce of Affirmative action. First, the Daily Caller: This fall, the Supreme Court faces an even bigger test of its determination to support equality when it hears Schuette v. Michigan Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, a case challenging the right of a state (in this case, Michigan) […]

Left’s ‘Tent Truthers’ Claim Union Attack on AFP in Lansing Was an ‘Inside Job’

Right now I have a former police officer, heavily armed at my house protecting my wife. The threats are severe. Prayers appreciated. — Steven Crowder (@scrowder) December 14, 2012 Steven Crowder is being targeted for smears and terroristic intimidation by the radical Left, possibly including Anonymous/Occupy anarchists who have come under suspicion for targeting Americans […]


Lee Stranahan returned my phone call today. He was in Lansing, Michigan, to cover this week’s union goonfest for, and he told me the story of what happened to Clint Tarver. Clint is a beloved local figure, his hot dog stand across from the Michigan state capitol being a sort of institution, a landmark. […]

Accuse the Accusers: @scrowder Gets the Left’s ‘Plate Glass Window’ Treatment

After yesterday’s incident in which labor union activists tore down an Americans for Prosperity tent in Lansing and sucker-punched Stephen Crowder, this headline zoomed up the Memorandum aggregation: Breitbart Folks Appear to Fake Violence in Lansing Huh? This was a decidedly odd piece of blogging: The claim that somehow the union thug clobbering Crowder was part […]

Weird News: Portman’s Ghost in Ohio; Bad Michigan Poll; Killer’s Ex-Girlfriend

Just a lot of weird stuff in the news today, beginning with this: My friend Chris Moody stayed at the historic Ohio hotel owned by the family of potential GOP running mate Rob Portman — and was warned to beware of ghosts! (OK, but is it a Republican ghost?) Meanwhile, in yesterday’s Michigan Republican primary to […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk:
‘If I Could Walk That Way …’

Chris Moody and Steven Crowder with Crowder’s haawwtt fianceé, Hillary, at the Santorum event in Grand Rapids, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 “Another Wednesday morning, another hotel room, another grim bout with the TV Morning News . . . These goddamn Wednesday mornings are ruining my health.” – Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the […]

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