REPUBLICAN PRIMARY RESULTS HQ: Michigan and Arizona Vote Tonight
by Smitty 2251 EST: A Memeorandum scan: HotAir has Allahpundit needing to get him some rest: Romney’s doing so well [in Michigan] tonight, in fact, that he might end up with a bonus talking point tomorrow. In 2008, he won the state with 338,000 votes. Tonight, with a little more than 70 percent reporting, he’s […]
EXCLUSIVE: Election Day in Hell, Michigan: Does Romney Have a Snowball’s Chance of Winning?
Election Day reporting from Hell, Michigan, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 THREE MILES FROM HELL, Michigan On my way from Troy to Grand Rapids — site of Rick Santorum’s Michigan primary victory party tonight — I got a late start and realized I wouldn’t make it in time for Senator Santorum’s 3 p.m. event at his […]
Santorum Turns the Tables on Mitt in Michigan With Robo-Calls to Democrats
Rick Santorum greets supporters in Lansing, Monday, Feb. 27, 2012 “[T]he devastating oppo hit has been the defining characteristic of the Romney campaign since December . . .” — Reid J. Epstein and Zachary Abrahamson, Politico, Feb. 24 “It has been confirmed that a robocall making the rounds in Michigan the day before the state’s […]
TROY, Michigan It’s 7 a.m., which means the polls just opened in today’s Michigan Republican primary. Polls will be open until 8 p.m. The front-page banner headline story in today’s Detroit Free Press: TODAY, MICHIGAN VOTE COUNTS It’s a make-or-break day for Romney, Santorum After two weeks in the headlights of the national hunt for […]
Rick Santorum in Lansing, Michigan, Calls Romney’s Attack Ad Campaign a ‘Joke’
Rick Santorum speaks in Lansing, Monday, Feb. 27, 2012 LANSING, Michigan Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum says it is a “joke” to be accused of liberalism by his rival, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Speaking the day before Michigan voters go to the polls for Tuesday’s crucial GOP primary, Santorum said he has been “leading, […]
Santorum: The Fight and the Fighter
TROY, Michigan Last night, when I neared the Colonial Valley Suites in Davison, I immediately realized a huge crowd had turned out for Rick Santorum’s event at the Crystal Hall. Cars were parked alongside the road. Pulling over to park the rented Toyota by the roadside, I had to walk a few hundred yards to […]
My Saturday Night in Hell
The Dam Site Inn in Hell, Michigan Don’t need reason. Don’t need rhyme. Ain’t nothing I would rather do. Going down, party time, My friends are gonna be there too . . . — AC/DC, “Highway to Hell,” 1979 TROY, Michigan We were nearly in Hell when it occurred to me that we weren’t actually […]
Rick Santorum Hears Hillary Clinton’s Caution About GOP Campaign Rhetoric, Delivers Cupcake And Pony Speech
by Smitty Speaking to Tunisians, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, in summary “Pay no mind to those zany Republicans; they’re just talking election-year smack.” Via Alan Colmes, via Tampa Bay Online: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton advised an audience in Tunisia on Saturday to “not pay attention” to the comments made by […]
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