The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Detroit-ification Syndrome

“‘No American city ever fell as far or as fast as Detroit,’ Julia Vitullo-Martin has observed, and the man who presided over Detroit’s descent into depression and decay was a former radical labor activist named Coleman Young. . . . “Young was elected mayor of Detroit in 1973, narrowly defeatingthe city’s police chief, John Nichols. […]

WOW: Left-Wing Narrative on Train Wreck Debunked by … Washington Post?

A broken clock is right twice a day, and even one of the most reliable liberal propaganda organs can’t deny Pete Buttigieg is a liar: The Washington Post reviewed “every possible regulatory change” that was made under the Trump administration and found that none of them contributed to the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. […]

Ukraine Joe Ignores Ohio

Ohio is Trump country, so screw ’em. This has been the general Democrat attitude toward the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, dealing with the catastrophic train derailment, a story being deliberately ignored by the stenographers of the liberal media. Oh, but Ukraine Joe’s so presidential! President Biden made a surprise, hourslong visit to Kyiv on […]

Ohio Voters Are Not Stupid, the Polls Are Mostly Bulls**t and Tim Ryan Is Losing

There was a debate Monday in the Ohio Senate race, which isn’t really a race, because Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan is going to lose, badly. The only suspense is the exact size of J.D. Vance’s winning margin. Let’s be clear about one basic fact: Ohio is a Republican state. There was a time, as recently […]

The Future Democratic Voters Project and the 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim

One of the things about political tribalism is that it encourages participants to think of politics as a fight for survival — Us and Them — in which there are no rules. The Democratic Party has made identity politics part of their core belief system, which interwoven with the strategic idea that demographic trends (particularly […]

Illegal Alien Charged With Raping and Impregnating 10-Year-Old in Ohio

Ann Coulter remarks that now we know why the media weren’t identifying the predator involved in this headline-making atrocity: A Columbus man has been charged with impregnating a 10-year-old Ohio girl, whose travel to Indiana to seek an abortion led to international attention following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade and activation […]

‘Not a Whisper Anywhere’: Abortion Story About 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Looking More and More Like a Complete Hoax

As any student of logic knows, it is very difficult to prove a negative, so I hesitate to say that the latest developments have definitively debunked the sensational story about a 10-year-old Ohio girl going to neighboring Indiana for an abortion. I first called attention to this story (“A Story Too Good to Check?”) on July […]

There’s Always a Backstory: Why Was Ma’khia Bryant Living in a Foster Home?

Look closely at that photo. It’s what Columbus, Ohio, police Officer Nick Reardon was looking at a split second before he fired his pistol. The fat girl in blue jeans — 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant — had a kitchen knife in her right hand and was about to stab the woman in pink. In the parlance […]

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