The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Election Fraud: Democrat Firm Identified as Source of Suspicious Voter Registration Forms in Four Pennsylvania Counties

Before we get to the connection between this Pennsylvania story and Arizona politician Francisco Heredia, let me first bring you up-to-date on how the story unfolded over the past several days: Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams provided an update on Wednesday on her office’s investigation of approximately 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications. Adams said […]

BOOM! We Are So #Winning!

Of course, I must add the necessary “don’t get cocky” disclaimer, but ladies and gentlemen, this news is YUGE: Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris is waving the white flag in North Carolina, surrendering the state to former President Donald Trump as her campaign withdraws nearly $2 million in planned ad buys from television […]

DOA on the Road to Social Justice

In 2019, faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville held a workshop entitled, “Let’s Talk About Privilege.” Among the attendees was Samantha Hamer, a school social worker who graduated from UW-Platteville in 2016. After the workshop, Hamer said: “Racism and white supremacy need to be dismantled everywhere, including Platteville. White people built these systems and still […]

Kamala Is Underperforming

Keep that word in mind — “underperforming” — as you contemplate the fact that Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania, a state that Joe Biden (allegedly) won by more than 80,000 votes in 2020. Let’s compare Kamala’s polls to Biden’s polls four years ago. On this date in 2020, the Real Clear Politics average showed […]

Springfield Gets What It Deserves

When tales of Haitian immigrants eating cats emerged on social media this week, it suddenly focused attention on the city of Springfield, Ohio, but now we are learning there’s more to the story: “Those 20,000 Haitians did not show up overnight or uninvited. Though flown in by the federal government, they were not forced on […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Say hello to Corey Cobb-Bey and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because he died Thursday night in the proverbial hail of police gunfire after he murdered a Dallas cop and wounded two others. Four months ago, I warned about this particular kind of craziness (see “The ‘Moorish Sovereign Citizen’ Menace,” April […]

Do Taxpayers in Madison, Wisconsin, Want Schools to Celebrate a Killer?

Sumter County is in south Georgia, north of Albany and west of Cordele. The county seat is Americus, but arguably the most famous town in Sumter County is Plains, from which hometown a certain peanut farmer grew up to be President of the United States. The county is largely rural, with a population of less […]

Republicans Dodged a Bullet Today — and Van Jones Tells the Truth About Why!

Folks, if Donald Trump wins in November, today will be remembered as the day that the 2024 election shifted decisively in his favor. While vice-presidential picks rarely affect the outcome of an election (Thomas Eagleton being perhaps the most egregious exception to that rule), Kamala Harris could have made the Electoral College (EC) arithmetic very […]

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