The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mystified Why Trump Keeps Criticizing Georgia Republicans? Here’s the Answer

Was the 2020 election stolen? That’s a yes or no question. Were I called to testify under oath, I’d have to answer yes. I’ve talked to friends in Georgia who tell stories of “ballot harvesting” there, and this is completely apart from the arguably unconstitutional rule change that allowed universal vote-by-mail in my native state. […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Deranged Florida Family Murders Deputy

“She was talking about how she was . . . God’s wife, and we were all demons, and our dogs were hell hounds and all of this, and it was just a crazy and insane moment.” — witness interviewed by WESH-TV This story broke over the weekend, but I didn’t report on it immediately because […]

Aspiring Rapper Update

Say hello to Charles Andrew Jones II, a/k/a “Julio Foolio” and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because Mr. Jones died last month in a hail of gunfire in the parking lot of a Tampa hotel. Because it’s been more than a month since our last Aspiring Rapper Update, I’ll remind you […]

‘Ghost’ Gets 28 Years in Federal Prison

Darrick Dernard Bell was known by a dozen aliases, including “Ghost” and “Tone,” during the years when he made the Victory Inn in Detroit a “house of horrors” before his criminal operation was busted and the sleazy hotel was demolished in 2018. Bell had six prior felony convictions, including second-degree murder in 1996, and why […]

Secret Service Boss Resigns After Disastrous Congressional Testimony

Well, that was quick: Embattled Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle has announced she will resign from her post less than two weeks after the agency’s calamitous failure at Donald Trump’s July 13 campaign rally led to him being wounded by an assassin’s bullet. Cheatle, a 28-year veteran of the agency, faced mounting pressure to step […]

A Near-Miss in ‘Killadelphia’

Just yesterday, I discussed “Detroit-ification,” a phrase describing the way Democrat-controlled cities become hollowed out, as everyone who can afford to live somewhere else moves away from the urban blight. And then I saw this news story from Philadelphia:   Authorities have identified the suspect who is accused of shooting a 7-month-old baby boy on […]

The Detroit-ification Syndrome

“‘No American city ever fell as far or as fast as Detroit,’ Julia Vitullo-Martin has observed, and the man who presided over Detroit’s descent into depression and decay was a former radical labor activist named Coleman Young. . . . “Young was elected mayor of Detroit in 1973, narrowly defeatingthe city’s police chief, John Nichols. […]

FAFO Hall of Fame Nominee

Let me begin this by saying I am against road-rage violence. As someone who frequently finds myself shouting obscenities about the idiocy of fellow motorists — do you people even know what “merge” means? — I understand that it is wrong to engage in retaliation. Brake-checking or cutting someone off in response to another driver’s […]

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