The Virginia GOP Primary Beclownment Continues Despite Loss Of Red Noses
by Smitty Leaving a trail of round red noses and prop cigars, the Perry and Gingrich campaigns are appealing the slap-down already delivered for their failure to meet the Virginia primary voting deadline. Politico reports: Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s lawyers filed a motion with a federal appeals court Sunday, seeking to win him a place […]
Guess I Might Be Joining Drach
by Smitty Who must also be a Virginian. I thought that Perry’s lawsuit was a trifle *cough*Progressive*cough* in its general character, for all more primary ballot choice would be welcome. What a crazy. . .train. I mean, crazy like some pre-pubescent Japanese kid rocking out with Ozzy crazy:
Going To The Political Party Meeting Was Like Eating My Vegetables
by Smitty I grew up thinking that political parties were mainly for nerdy, preppy people who were taking a break from chess club or something. Then I was in the military, where, while voting is a big deal, partisanship is like evangelizing: a big no-no. Which is good. The fact that the military swears fealty […]
Timmy Kaine, You’ve Got Less Of A Prayer Than An Atheist Convention
by Smitty I strongly urge you to follow the lead of the smartest Democrat going, Jim Webb, and just don’t bother showing up in November. Your purple state Virginia fantasy is in for serious shredding. But if come you must, bring Manbearpig to campaign for you, like he did for Jim Moran. That was at […]
‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran: “Naaah, VA-8 Residents Don’t Need A Vote”
by Smitty Via Patrick Murray, we have this tidbit about ‘Gentleman’ Jim, always looking out for Virginianshimself: Jim Moran said Northern Virginia was more reflective of the D.C. metro area than the rest of the state. “We’d all be better off if they took the Virginia and Maryland suburbs and made them part of the […]
Open Letter To Senators Warner & Webb
by Smitty Gentlemen, The news of the President appointing Richard Cordray and three NLRB names without hearings should dismay anyone who has sworn an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. The Cordray appointment opens the door to large scale mortgage re-financing. This sounds far-fetched, but we are in an election year, and look at the disinterest in legality, […]
Shorter Cuccinelli: Forget That I Was Trying To Re-jigger The Rules For 2012
by Smitty January 1, 2012 Dear Friends and Fellow Virginians, As many of you read yesterday in the news (link here for the story) I was considering supporting an effort to change the rules to allow the full range of presidential candidates on Virginia’s ballot on March 6th. I obviously feel very strongly that Virginia […]
Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli Rises To The Occasion For GOP Primary
by Smitty There is some blowback at Cuccinelli for being a bit of a self-promoter, wanting to be first in line to sue over ObamaCare, not to mention smaller outings. Like asking what exactly Michael Mann was doing on the public dime when Mann was cookin’ him some Anthropogenic Global Warming books, or suing the […]
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