The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

People Of AZ And CA: Pay No Attention To Utah. I Repeat. . .

Posted on | May 8, 2010 | 38 Comments

by Smitty

The top story is that Robert Bennett has been uninvited to a fourth term representing Utah as a GOP Senator. Also, it seems that he may not be allowed to try his hand at Liebermanism.

Just A Conservative Girl has the summary:

Senator Bob Bennett, 76, was given his walking papers today from the Utah GOP Convention. He was ousted on the second ballot earlier today. Bennett has been in office since 1992 even though he initially said he would only serve two terms.

Bennett has voted for mandated insurance, the wall street bailout, and is known for his earmarks. A combo that seems to be the kiss of death this election cycle. The Senator also spends little time with his constitutions and addressing their concerns. He has a war chest for his re-election that is said to be in the millions. During his last election he never ran an ad on television and yet still won with 69% of the vote. Another words, he figured he could stay in the senate as long as he wanted and to heck with the people he was there to represent.

Possibly a little bit harsh there. Let us be charitable and say Bennett did what he saw as his job, and the people of Utah re-arranged key parameters of that job for him, as is their prerogative.

Mark In Spokane makes a key point, emphasis mine:

A key thing to note about the Tea Party movement is that it isn’t necessarily friendly to Republicans, particularly establishment Republicans (like Bennett). It is friendly towards politicans who want to reform the federal government. As I keep saying, the Tea Party folks have a lot of similiarity to the Perot votes[sic] in the early and mid-1990’s.

Yes, I was one of those. You can flog me for splitting the conservative ticket in 1992, and I have two replies, both named George.

Back at the post title, what should AZ and CA glean from this? Is it possible to send RINO Johnny McCain off to work on his memoir after the 24 August primary? Does the fact that Carly Fiorina has the moneybags and is ensconced with The Right People mean that she gets the nod on 08 June to run against Boxer/Kaus?

Chris Cassone sent a link to a strongly critical essay by

Jim Riley (“Shemp” in King Obama video and King of Riley’s Farm), who very astutely summarizes what, at least I, am thinking about this debacle of another RINO at the top. And I got caught up in the Palinmania at Searchlight. It was hard not to… but rational conservative thought wins the day.

Read the whole thing, but here is the heart of Riley’s point:

How do you defeat the conservative movement? From the inside. You put up a war hero like John McCain, whose personal courage can’t be questioned but who has so little respect for our Constitution, he would have shut down the 1st Amendment 60 days before an election. You let people like Jihad-sympathizing Grover Norquist dominate gatherings like CPAC, because he can raise money, and then you send boys off to war behind leaders too timid to call Islam the enemy. You lionize a flag-waiving, gun-toting, beautiful mom, like Sarah Palin, who loves her country, but is too shallow to understand that endorsing global warming John McCain and shouting “drill, baby, drill” just do not compute. You have Fox News tell us just enough of the truth to garner our sympathies, but then you have Glen Beck calling Geert Wilders a fascist for exposing Islam, (and you watch Rupert move his headquarters to Dubai.) You ask for a limited government, but then you steer clear of the very social conservatism, the values vote, that would make limited government possible.

In short, you muddy the waters, you weaken the cure, you promote cowardice in the ranks. You make people think that the Republican party is your last best hope, that Fox News is “the only thing we’ve got,” that above all, we just need to put up someone who can win–even if, um, that person doesn’t represent our cause very well. You create heroes who aren’t really heroes, and leaders who aren’t really leaders, and then you fail to identify them for what they are — traitors. You look with contempt on a “purity test,” because that, after all, would make the conservative cause true, simple, and victorious. The enemy of the socialist, the radical environmentalist, the globalist, and the corporate monopolist is mental and moral clarity. You pretend that you want another Ronald Reagan, but if someone rises in the ranks, with Reagan’s clear moral vision, you make sure he’s defeated in the primary.

Dispassionately now, we can all agree that we’re in a bad position. The quibbling comes from thumb wrestling over evolutionary verses revolutionary change.

While I have precious little confidence in the Grungy Old Poobahs (GOP), and would not mind seeing McCain and Fiorina get the Bennett treatment, what really matters is:

  • Maximum expression in the primaries.
  • Quick reformation behind the primary victor.
  • Primary victors allowing reasonable policy modulation from all supporters, not just their initial ones.

The point of our representative democracy is that the name emerging victorious represent everyone. The overaching sin of the current administration is that its executive thinks people voted for Barack Obama, when, in fact, they voted for a President. Too much time spent at higher societal altitudes is a major input to this sort of confusion. Hopefully CA and AZ voters will help Fiorina and McCain deal with the ailment by choosing DeVore and Hayworth.

Further thoughts:


38 Responses to “People Of AZ And CA: Pay No Attention To Utah. I Repeat. . .”

  1. Jack
    May 9th, 2010 @ 3:20 am

    I’ve got $20 that says Fiorina and DeVore split the vote- giving the election to Campbell- who goes on to lose to Boxer.

  2. Jack
    May 8th, 2010 @ 10:20 pm

    I’ve got $20 that says Fiorina and DeVore split the vote- giving the election to Campbell- who goes on to lose to Boxer.

  3. smitty
    May 9th, 2010 @ 3:22 am

    Well, that outcome would certainly draw vacuum.

  4. smitty
    May 8th, 2010 @ 10:22 pm

    Well, that outcome would certainly draw vacuum.

  5. Barbara Espinosa
    May 9th, 2010 @ 3:32 am

    J.D. Hayworth opend a campaign headquarters in Tuscon, AZ and shared this tidbit of info with the audience.LOOK AT THIS it can stop any bill.
    “There should always be energetic opposition, not grounded in negativity but on the Constitution itself.” He said Obamacare could have been defeated with four words that Senator McCain knew he could say and never did. Senator McCain could have at the time the clerk read the title and the motion made to accept the bill like it had been read, said ” Mr President , I object.” That would have forced under Senate rules the entire bill be read by the clerk and when he came upon a blank portion under any section, the American people would then know full well that Rahm Emanuel, the president’s Chief of Staff, was in Harry Reid’s office doing his best to fill in those blanks while Senators who had never read the bill prepared to vote on it.

  6. Barbara Espinosa
    May 8th, 2010 @ 10:32 pm

    J.D. Hayworth opend a campaign headquarters in Tuscon, AZ and shared this tidbit of info with the audience.LOOK AT THIS it can stop any bill.
    “There should always be energetic opposition, not grounded in negativity but on the Constitution itself.” He said Obamacare could have been defeated with four words that Senator McCain knew he could say and never did. Senator McCain could have at the time the clerk read the title and the motion made to accept the bill like it had been read, said ” Mr President , I object.” That would have forced under Senate rules the entire bill be read by the clerk and when he came upon a blank portion under any section, the American people would then know full well that Rahm Emanuel, the president’s Chief of Staff, was in Harry Reid’s office doing his best to fill in those blanks while Senators who had never read the bill prepared to vote on it.

  7. Adobe Walls
    May 9th, 2010 @ 3:42 am

    The reason the “Tea Party” conservatives got what they wanted (partially), in Utah is that they got to work while there was time to succeed. They infiltrated the county and other local Republican organizations.
    That the “Right” can’t agree on whom the the ideal candidates are, is only one reason why we won’t get them in many cases. We are not going be able to avoid having to “settle” in many cases, that reality is more troubling as regards the Senate. After electing the best we can do we’ll just have to keep the pressure on them and most important pay attention.

  8. Adobe Walls
    May 8th, 2010 @ 10:42 pm

    The reason the “Tea Party” conservatives got what they wanted (partially), in Utah is that they got to work while there was time to succeed. They infiltrated the county and other local Republican organizations.
    That the “Right” can’t agree on whom the the ideal candidates are, is only one reason why we won’t get them in many cases. We are not going be able to avoid having to “settle” in many cases, that reality is more troubling as regards the Senate. After electing the best we can do we’ll just have to keep the pressure on them and most important pay attention.

  9. Mark in Spokane
    May 9th, 2010 @ 3:57 am

    Thanks for the shout out, Smitty! Much appreciated. I corrected the typo on my blog — thanks for pointing that out!

    Great analysis here, and great comments too. Time and organization is critical. Without those two things, energy and enthusiasm don’t matter much. If the Tea Party people really want to be effective, they need to keep that in mind. And they need to avoid the mistake that the Perot-folks did when they tried to set up the Reform Party — don’t split off from the 2 party system. Reform, if it is to happen, has to come from within the 2 party system. IMHO.


  10. Mark in Spokane
    May 8th, 2010 @ 10:57 pm

    Thanks for the shout out, Smitty! Much appreciated. I corrected the typo on my blog — thanks for pointing that out!

    Great analysis here, and great comments too. Time and organization is critical. Without those two things, energy and enthusiasm don’t matter much. If the Tea Party people really want to be effective, they need to keep that in mind. And they need to avoid the mistake that the Perot-folks did when they tried to set up the Reform Party — don’t split off from the 2 party system. Reform, if it is to happen, has to come from within the 2 party system. IMHO.


  11. just a conservative girl
    May 9th, 2010 @ 4:05 am

    Thanks for the linky love.

    I am sorry that you think I am being harsh, but I am put off by his comments about why “tea party” people are unhappy with him.

    I also think that he is too old and went against his promise to term limit himself.

    We need to get rid of the entrenched and start anew, otherwise we are going to lose our liberties.

  12. just a conservative girl
    May 8th, 2010 @ 11:05 pm

    Thanks for the linky love.

    I am sorry that you think I am being harsh, but I am put off by his comments about why “tea party” people are unhappy with him.

    I also think that he is too old and went against his promise to term limit himself.

    We need to get rid of the entrenched and start anew, otherwise we are going to lose our liberties.

  13. richard mcenroe
    May 9th, 2010 @ 4:40 am
  14. richard mcenroe
    May 8th, 2010 @ 11:40 pm
  15. Happenstance
    May 9th, 2010 @ 5:47 am

    For what it is worth, it looks like Google ads wants to endorse Crist on your site RSM. I know it is not your fault!


  16. Happenstance
    May 9th, 2010 @ 12:47 am

    For what it is worth, it looks like Google ads wants to endorse Crist on your site RSM. I know it is not your fault!


  17. Estragon
    May 9th, 2010 @ 6:26 am

    If Hayworth thinks objecting would have stopped the health care bill, he’s just showing his ignorance. Opponents hardly needed to focus public opinion, which was already approaching 60% against the bill at the time of passage. Does he think Reid and Obama gave a rat’s patootie of how it looked or what anyone thought? They were only concerned with the result, and that was in the bag before it ever came to the floor.

    But since Hayworth seems to be reinventing himself as a guy who knows the rules, has he decided to comply with federal law and reimburse Abramoff for the times he used his Sky Box for campaign money events? And did he ever return any of those Abramoff contributions? Never mind, we know he did not.

    Right, let’s back a guy who only avoided an Ethics probe by losing his safe GOP district, who has left a treasure trove of birther nonsense from his radio show, who can hardly open his mouth without sticking his foot in it, and who is one of the few who never cleansed himself of the influence-buying Abramoff cash. That makes sense – if you’re a Democrat hoping to steal this seat.

  18. Estragon
    May 9th, 2010 @ 1:26 am

    If Hayworth thinks objecting would have stopped the health care bill, he’s just showing his ignorance. Opponents hardly needed to focus public opinion, which was already approaching 60% against the bill at the time of passage. Does he think Reid and Obama gave a rat’s patootie of how it looked or what anyone thought? They were only concerned with the result, and that was in the bag before it ever came to the floor.

    But since Hayworth seems to be reinventing himself as a guy who knows the rules, has he decided to comply with federal law and reimburse Abramoff for the times he used his Sky Box for campaign money events? And did he ever return any of those Abramoff contributions? Never mind, we know he did not.

    Right, let’s back a guy who only avoided an Ethics probe by losing his safe GOP district, who has left a treasure trove of birther nonsense from his radio show, who can hardly open his mouth without sticking his foot in it, and who is one of the few who never cleansed himself of the influence-buying Abramoff cash. That makes sense – if you’re a Democrat hoping to steal this seat.

  19. Virginia Right! News Hound for 5/9/2010 | Virginia Right!
    May 9th, 2010 @ 9:03 am

    […] People Of AZ And CA: Pay No Attention To Utah. I Repeat. . . […]

  20. Dave
    May 9th, 2010 @ 4:25 pm

    DeVore will not win the Republican nomination. There’s no way he does. It will be Campbell or Fiorina, both of which are far, far ahead of him in the polls (and Campbell is leading). I’m sorry there’s a certain breed of conservative activist who doesn’t like to hear this, but it’s true. If you think there’s no difference between Fiorina and Campbell, feel free to tilt at windmills with Chuck… but you’re the same kind of people that gave us president Obama because you couldn’t hold your nose and vote for John McCain.

    Get the best conservatives possible for Texas, where a conservative can win a statewide election. But that ain’t the case in 2010 in California, and it’s crazy wishful thinking to think that it is.

  21. Dave
    May 9th, 2010 @ 11:25 am

    DeVore will not win the Republican nomination. There’s no way he does. It will be Campbell or Fiorina, both of which are far, far ahead of him in the polls (and Campbell is leading). I’m sorry there’s a certain breed of conservative activist who doesn’t like to hear this, but it’s true. If you think there’s no difference between Fiorina and Campbell, feel free to tilt at windmills with Chuck… but you’re the same kind of people that gave us president Obama because you couldn’t hold your nose and vote for John McCain.

    Get the best conservatives possible for Texas, where a conservative can win a statewide election. But that ain’t the case in 2010 in California, and it’s crazy wishful thinking to think that it is.

  22. Jim
    May 9th, 2010 @ 4:54 pm

    Dave — thanks for illustrating the “David-Killing” spirit perfectly. You’re the kind of “Republican” who embodies precisely the sort of cowardice that gave us a John McCain in the first place.

  23. Jim
    May 9th, 2010 @ 11:54 am

    Dave — thanks for illustrating the “David-Killing” spirit perfectly. You’re the kind of “Republican” who embodies precisely the sort of cowardice that gave us a John McCain in the first place.

  24. higgins1990
    May 9th, 2010 @ 5:46 pm

    I also voted for Perot, and still don’t regret it. What I do regret is when I am forced to choose between a Democrat and the likes of George HW Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush or John McCain. Just shoot me.

  25. higgins1990
    May 9th, 2010 @ 12:46 pm

    I also voted for Perot, and still don’t regret it. What I do regret is when I am forced to choose between a Democrat and the likes of George HW Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush or John McCain. Just shoot me.

  26. smitty
    May 9th, 2010 @ 7:06 pm

    I did vote for McCain, but, in the primary, voted for Thompson.

  27. smitty
    May 9th, 2010 @ 2:06 pm

    I did vote for McCain, but, in the primary, voted for Thompson.

  28. McGehee
    May 9th, 2010 @ 8:19 pm

    After electing the best we can do we’ll just have to keep the pressure on them and most important pay attention.

    By Jove, I think he’s got it!*

  29. Lonely Conservative
    May 9th, 2010 @ 8:19 pm

    Linked here:

    Ever since my recent problems my trackbacks aren’t showing up anywhere. Everything’s fixed and secured now, but I haven’t figured out the trackback problem.

  30. McGehee
    May 9th, 2010 @ 3:19 pm

    After electing the best we can do we’ll just have to keep the pressure on them and most important pay attention.

    By Jove, I think he’s got it!*

  31. Lonely Conservative
    May 9th, 2010 @ 3:19 pm

    Linked here:

    Ever since my recent problems my trackbacks aren’t showing up anywhere. Everything’s fixed and secured now, but I haven’t figured out the trackback problem.

  32. Utah’s Bob Bennett: I hear laughter in the rain! « The Radio Patriot
    May 9th, 2010 @ 5:55 pm

    […] Smitty at The Other McCain has a good analysis on it, well worth clicking to it. […]

  33. ross brown
    May 10th, 2010 @ 6:35 am

    Utah is Utah…Sen. Bennett forgot his folks they said forget you… would we be talking national health care if John McCain were elected??? OK you do not like Bush,Bush or Dole,were Clinton,Gore,and Kerry more to your liking..We need to do the best we can to get more Ronald Regan types elected.. if we can’t we go vote for the one closer to the ideal and keep the pressure on them to vote like we want them to. That is our duty,our job so let’s get to it.No more Monday morning quarterbacking. What are you doing to make things better NOW.

  34. ross brown
    May 10th, 2010 @ 1:35 am

    Utah is Utah…Sen. Bennett forgot his folks they said forget you… would we be talking national health care if John McCain were elected??? OK you do not like Bush,Bush or Dole,were Clinton,Gore,and Kerry more to your liking..We need to do the best we can to get more Ronald Regan types elected.. if we can’t we go vote for the one closer to the ideal and keep the pressure on them to vote like we want them to. That is our duty,our job so let’s get to it.No more Monday morning quarterbacking. What are you doing to make things better NOW.

  35. richard mcenroe
    May 10th, 2010 @ 3:39 pm

    I love the Carly astroturfing around the net. The numbers I’m seeing for the primary you know, the thing we’re voting on, are much closer. Also, Fiorina carries a lot of package, not least her creation of the shell company Reddington to bypass the embargo on selling sensitive technology to the mullahs. She’s a bad choice, period, not the less bad choice.

  36. richard mcenroe
    May 10th, 2010 @ 10:39 am

    I love the Carly astroturfing around the net. The numbers I’m seeing for the primary you know, the thing we’re voting on, are much closer. Also, Fiorina carries a lot of package, not least her creation of the shell company Reddington to bypass the embargo on selling sensitive technology to the mullahs. She’s a bad choice, period, not the less bad choice.

  37. The Wilders Round-Up, May 11th 2010 « Defend Geert Wilders
    May 11th, 2010 @ 8:11 pm

    […] The Other McCain – People Of AZ And CA: Pay No Attention To Utah. I Repeat. . . […]

  38. Is Utah a Sign of Things to Come for Establishment Republicans? :: The Lonely Conservative
    July 7th, 2010 @ 1:06 pm

    […] The Other McCain has a good rundown of the reaction to this news, so does Instapundit. Dan Riehl looks at the fallout and reminds us there will still be a primary between Mike Lee and Tim Bridgewater. […]
