The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Missing Grease Located

Posted on | May 25, 2010 | 5 Comments

by Smitty

The USNA Class of ’13 may have been a bit dismayed today to discover that, not unlike the American electorate, they got the obelisk without the grease.

Yay, Metrosexuals!

Your class is weak.

It would be a gross breach of protocol not to heap abuse upon these lesser beings for their shortcomings, as expressed by the lack of confidence in them by the USNA Superintendent. Maybe if they had had a Real Plebe Year, there would be less coddling at the climax.

Yet the question remains: where did all that lard go?

Now It Can Be Told

Busloads of police-escorted grease were rumored to have been delivered to the Sestak residence in time for the greased pig immitation on the talking head shows.
That grease arrived in time to lubricate arguably the most famous graduate of the Class of ’74, who was scheduled for an appearance on Press the Meat. The interrogation would be rough, the questions abstract, the meanings of the words imprecise, but, drag coefficient significantly lowered, Sestak was ready to wiggle like a worm in compost:

MR. GREGORY: Yes or no, straightforward question. Were you, were you offered a job, and what was the job?
REP. SESTAK: I was offered a job, and I answered that.
MR. GREGORY: You said no, you wouldn’t take the job. Was it the secretary of the Navy?
REP. SESTAK: Right. And I also said, “Look, I’m getting into this…
MR. GREGORY: Was it the secretary of the Navy job?
REP. SESTAK: Anything that go — goes beyond that is others — for others to talk about.

Big Journalism concludes:

This controversy has been one of the rare cases since the onset of the Obama presidency in which the mainstream media is trying to get to the bottom of the story. The problem though, is no one is asking Joe Sestak the real (and legitimate) “When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife?” question:

Congressman Sestak, if you are telling the truth about the job offer and not being forthcoming, you are covering up a possible crime. If you are not telling the truth, it is a different issue: you are lying to your constituents and to all Americans. Which is it Congressman, Pennsylvania voters need to know — are you lying, or are you covering up a crime?

Here is another variation on the theme. Before joining the other two dubious knobs in the Senate who’ve gone through the Herndon Ceremony, John McCain and James Webb, how about recalling the Honor Concept and speaking plainly, Mr. Sestak?

Are the notions of not lying, cheating or stealing among your core values, sir, or are they merely youthful notions, bereft of nuance?

Update: Clips, via American Glob

Update II: Via Insty, The Daily Caller reports that the Justice Department’s reaction is about like this:

Update III: Again via Insty, Uber Pig isn’t thrilled with Sestak, either. My personal suspicion is that Snarlin’ Arlen might be playing the Mailman card, IYKWIMAITYD. We’re all happy to see anything that discomfits Whitehouse Bob Gibbs, but it takes a goodly old supply of evil like Specter’s to drive this story past the Gerald Walpin Threshold.

Update Iv: Gateway Pundit has a Hannity clip saying that the Sestak scandal could be Eyjafjallajökull for the Administration’s flight plans.


5 Responses to “Missing Grease Located”

  1. American Glob » Blog Archive » Someone is Lying, Joe Sestak or the White House
    May 25th, 2010 @ 7:20 pm

    […] The Other McCain and The Daley Gator link! Thanks! […]

  2. Andrew Sullivan
    May 26th, 2010 @ 2:46 am

    I prefer midshipmen greased and wet. Don’t ask and don’t tell.

  3. Andrew Sullivan
    May 25th, 2010 @ 9:46 pm

    I prefer midshipmen greased and wet. Don’t ask and don’t tell.

  4. Bob Belvedere
    May 26th, 2010 @ 11:36 am

    …the Sestak scandal could be Eyjafjallajökull for the Administration’s flight plans.

    Man, Smitty, you’re good at turning a phrase.

    QUESTION: What does Will Folks think of greased obelisks?

  5. Bob Belvedere
    May 26th, 2010 @ 6:36 am

    …the Sestak scandal could be Eyjafjallajökull for the Administration’s flight plans.

    Man, Smitty, you’re good at turning a phrase.

    QUESTION: What does Will Folks think of greased obelisks?