The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Four Megahits of Joy Reliably Anticipated

Posted on | June 5, 2010 | 6 Comments

by Smitty

This weeks FMJRA notes that we will cross the four million hit mark either this weekend, or soon into next week. Woo hoo. It is also a blantant suck-up to Little Miss Attila, from whom we reliably anticipate further outbursts of greatness Real Soon Now.

Will Folks

Tacky Willy, as opposed to The Slick One, has been a reliable source of recent traffic. We thank you from the bottom of our bus, which has a very personal post especially written for a rotten creep like you. Buh-bye.

VIDEO: Is Wes Donehue Evil? Or Is Will Folks Total Scum?

Basil’s Underpants Gnome Theory of the South Carolina GOP Blogger Scandal

Douchebag Blogger Will Folks Claims That He’s a Victim of ‘Smear Campaign’

Will Folks Story Doesn’t Hold Water; Nikki Haley Undamaged by S.C. Rumor

More ‘Inappropriate’ Stuff in S.C. UPDATE: Larry Marchant Claimed 2008 One-Night Stand With Nikki Haley! UPDATE: Video; Bauer ‘Desperate’?

VIDEO: Haley vs. Bauer

Tweet From Nikki’s Husband; UPDATE: Video of Larry ‘Magic’ Marchant

Stand Up for Nikki Haley!

Nikki Haley Update: Jake Knotts and the ‘Raghead’ Heard Round the World

Sarah Palin: ‘All Kinds of Made-Up Nonsense’ About Nikki Haley

“Imagine There’s no Lefties. . .”

The Liberal Faith, in all its sweet nihilism, continues to be something which would probably amuse if the stakes were lower. The AGW (or whatever the Fear Of Weather is called this week) is matched by the Fear of Borders is matched by the Fear of the Great Big Little Israeli State. May the eternal nullity that is the thought of John Lennon absorb their foolishness into its endless well of nothing.

Anthropogenic Global WarmingClimate Change Myth Threatens Noble Savage Myth

‘Indigenous’ Mexicans? La Raza and the Reconquista Myth

Stand With Arizona? Not John McCain

VIDEO: Canadian Blogger Assaulted by Anti-Israel Union Thug at Protest

Flotilla of Fools vs. Israeli Navy

Israel Update: Prime Minister Netanyahu Cancels White House Meeting

It Was Not ‘Violence-Violence’

The Rest of the Story

Harry Reid, Comeback Kid?

Dave Weigel, Joe McGinniss, Jesse Griffin and the Palin-Hater Next Door

New MLB Trend: Obama Batting

Memorial Day: Virginia Third-Graders Sing ‘Thank You, Soldiers’

VIDEO: Chris Cassone ‘Memorial Day’

Siccing the FBI on Little Miss Attila?

Hellfire Missile 1, Shaikh Sa’id al-Masri 0

Tipper Gore — Available!

Associated Press: Bias? What Bias?

Douchebag Coalition Wants FCC to Regulate ‘Hate Speech’ in New Media

Bush? Homewrecker? That’s Just Sick

Barber Makes AL-2 GOP Runoff

Obama-Endorsed Rep. Hank Johnson to Participate in Segregated Forum? UPDATE: Johnson Will Not Attend

AZ Should Rejoin The Union?

Blogging Powerhouse Fishersville Mike To Take On Senator Jim Webb

Whittle Has Some Must-See Viewing


Online Career Counseling, Inc.

Video Of The Day: ‘We Con The World’

‘Just One Tweet’: Conservative New Media Get Results in Georgia 4th District Story

Another Ex-Disney Starlet Goes Slutty: Miley Cyrus Fakes Lesbian Kiss on TV

Black Friday?

Pat Condell And The Cordoba Mosque

VIDEO: South Carolina TV Covers Jake Knotts ‘Raghead’ Controversy

Other FMJRA Roundups:

Miscellaneous Shouts:

There is your FMJRA. Tune in tomorrow for another exciting round of Rule 5 Sunday.


6 Responses to “Four Megahits of Joy Reliably Anticipated”

  1. WhatsInItForMe
    June 6th, 2010 @ 1:59 am

    So, what kind of prize does the 4 millionth hit get?

  2. WhatsInItForMe
    June 5th, 2010 @ 9:59 pm

    So, what kind of prize does the 4 millionth hit get?

  3. Estragon
    June 6th, 2010 @ 5:25 am

    Congratulations, and I’m sure the following milestones will come much faster!

  4. Estragon
    June 6th, 2010 @ 1:25 am

    Congratulations, and I’m sure the following milestones will come much faster!

  5. WhatsInItForMe
    June 6th, 2010 @ 5:40 am

    No, really, I’m not kidding here! Balloons should fall from the ceiling and the 4 millionth customer should get a faaaabulous prize. C’mon, Smitty, do your computer thing and make it happen!

  6. WhatsInItForMe
    June 6th, 2010 @ 1:40 am

    No, really, I’m not kidding here! Balloons should fall from the ceiling and the 4 millionth customer should get a faaaabulous prize. C’mon, Smitty, do your computer thing and make it happen!

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