The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

We Hate You, Jake Gyllenhaal

Posted on | January 14, 2011 | 18 Comments

How dare you dump sweet little Taylor Swift!

When Jake Gyllenhaal dumped Taylor Swift over the phone just before New Year’s — ending their whirlwind two-month romance — Swift, 21, was completely blind-sided, multiple pals tell the new Us Weekly, out now.
“It was a 180-degree turn and so out of the blue,” a source tells Us of 30-year-old Gyllenhaal’s decision.
Explains another insider, “Jake just told her it wasn’t working out…Taylor is really upset and hurt. She doesn’t know what she did for him to put a stop to it. She feels really burned by him.”
Indeed, it was an about-face for the Love and Other Drugs actor, who was first to pursue Swift, asking his handlers in October to set them up . . .
“Jake started this whole thing, but then he just stopped responding to her,” another source says.

Mister Hollywood Movie Star evidently just wanted another notch on his belt. Love ’em and leave ’em. What a low-down polecat.

A curse on him. From now on, only bad things will happen to you, Jake. And when your career is ruined and you’re living in a cardboard box, you just remember it was because you done a good girl wrong.


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