The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Jon Stewart: ‘Get on Board or Shut the F*** Up Is Not a Particularly Compelling Pro-Democracy Bumper Sticker’

Question: When did Jon Stewart become a “MAGA extremist”? Because, you’ll recall, prior to June 27, anyone who so much as suggested that perhaps Joe Biden was less than coherent was denounced as a MAGA extremist, a fascist, an enemy of “Our Democracy,” etc. Before the June 27 debate, any and all criticism of Biden […]

The Star Treatment

My wife and our youngest daughter, Reagan, returned from Argentina last night. Reagan said that after the plane landed, she removed her sweater and fixed her hair because she knew — from previous experience — that as soon as they emerged from the gate at baggage claim I would be snapping photos. “Paparazzi Dad” is […]

Covering the Big Issues

Both of them: War in the Middle East, surging inflation, the Republican Speaker of the House clinging to a one-vote majority, a presidential election campaign stumbling toward what is certain to be a photo-finish conclusion, with one candidate doddering in senility and the other being hounded in courtrooms by witch-hunt persecutors — these are but […]

TikTok Inluencer Hangs Herself

Eva Evans had over 300,000 followers on TikTok and more than 30,000 on Instagram. She killed herself last weekend at age 29: The cause of death has been announced for Eva Evans, a TikTok influencer and director of the Prime Video series Club Rat, who died at the weekend aged 29. TMZ reports Evans appears […]

America Cries Out in Agony: ‘If Only Norm Macdonald Were Still Alive Today!’

There are many varieties of humor, but overkill — complete and total overkill — is too seldom noted among them. There’s something hilarious about watching a guy grab hold of a joke and then just pounding away on it until you’re like, “Oh, my God, he’s going there again!” Such was the genius of the […]

‘Oh, We’re Halfway There’

Because I don’t watch much TV except news and sports, I know almost nothing about Millie Bobby Brown, one of the stars of a popular Netflix science-fiction series, Stranger Things. As for her fiancé, well, his dad used to be kinda popular in the 1980s, and maybe still is, if you count karaoke singalongs. When […]

Another ‘Pretendian’ Exposed

This is deeply offensive to me, and should be offensive to everyone: The once-popular folk singer known as Buffy Sainte-Marie has spent decades fraudulently claiming to be of Native American ancestry. One of the telltale clues was that, at different times during the 1960s, she claimed ancestry from three different groups — first Algonquin, then […]

The Toxic Lives and Influence of AWFLs

A couple of days ago, the Google algorithm on my phone brought up one of those clickbait headlines — illustrated with a photo of a large-breasted woman — “Famous Celebrities You Won’t Believe Are Still Single.” Who was that large-breasted woman? I still don’t know, because the way these clickbait articles work, you’re going to […]

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