The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Pagan Caucus?

Posted on | January 23, 2011 | 22 Comments

“As a Pagan I can tell you that I, like many others, strongly support economic freedom, limited government, a strong nationals defense and law and order. Many Pagans are also pro-life, anti-drug and pro-traditional marriage. Should Pagans be turned away because they aren’t Christians?
“The Pagan Right is a vigorous defender of conservative values and classical liberalism in an arena that few other conservatives have access to. It is time the movements were linked together so that both are strengthened.”

Rob Taylor, NewsRealBlog, “Top 5 Potential Allies Conservatives Ignore — at Our Peril”

Because, of course, the “Odinists for Obama” movement proved to be so crucial in 2008 — certainly more powerful than “Wiccans for Hillary.” Catholic blogger Lisa Graas points out the problems of political math:

Note to Rob: There are 67 million Catholics. Last I looked, 67 million was a lot bigger than 400,000. lists 69,776,000 Catholics (24.5% of the population in America) and 768,400 Neo-Pagans (0.28% of the population in America).

Mike Tuggle calls Taylor’s idea a “psychedelic version of conservatism,” expanding political inclusiveness to the point of philosophical universalism, so that anything and everything can be called “conservative.” It’s symptomatic of an age of political confusion that dates back to the end of the Cold War, but no one’s ever going to pay me to write that 70,000-word book, so I’ll desist from further analysis.


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