The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘You’re White, You Know’

Posted on | October 21, 2019 | 1 Comment

One of my former co-defendant John Hoge‘s favorite stories about our lengthy legal entanglement with Brett Kimberlin is a moment in the 2014 Maryland trial when I was on the witness stand being questioned by Kimberlin, who was acting as his own attorney, pro se. Kimberlin kept trying to bring up my alleged “racism,” a legend largely manufactured by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and our attorney Patrick Ostronic would respond: “Objection, your honor — irrelevant.”

The judge in the case was black, as was the foreman and several members of the jury, and the fact that Ali Akbar was among the co-defendants with whom Kimberlin alleged I had conspired against him was rather an obvious rebuttal of any accusation of racism on my part.

We could tell that the judge was irritated by Kimberlin’s repeated attempts to bring up this “racism” angle, as it was obvious he merely meant to smear my reputation, to prejudice the jury against me.

Having prayed hard prior to my appearance on the witness stand, I think I acquitted myself rather well. At one point, in fact, Kimberlin tried to cut off my testimony by making an objection and the judge responded to the effect, Hey, you asked the question and he’s answering. Overruled.

Being the defendant in a lawsuit is not fun, and it is an experience I’d encourage others to avoid. Even when you are dealing with a nuisance suit you know you’re bound to win, the legal hassle is a drain on your time and energy. Nevertheless, I have to admit my time on the witness stand was rather enjoyable, and after Kimberlin finished his questioning, I leaned into the microphone and said, “You’re white, you know.”

This is one of my pet peeves about modern “social justice” rhetoric. Five or six decades ago, when you had Klansmen burning crosses or lynching black people, everybody knew what actual racism was, and even among people who might disagree about civil rights as a matter of policy, there was widespread consensus in condemnation of terroristic violence and overt expressions of racial prejudice. What has happened more recently is that liberals have attempted to hijack “civil rights” as an all-purpose political weapon to wield against anyone who might oppose them — or even against their own allies, as witness the attempt of Democratic presidential candidates to throw Joe Biden under the bus for his long-ago statements in opposition to court-imposed school busing.

What we so often see nowadays is one white person pointing the accusing finger at another white person: “RAAAAACIST!”

Do white liberals think black people haven’t caught onto this game by now? Do you really think the SPLC’s crooked hustle is not obvious?

Last week, I noticed that there has been a mysterious surge of traffic to my “About” page. My online biography, which had averaged 10 clicks a day for the past two years, was suddenly getting hundreds of visitors daily, amounting to about 4,000 visits in two weeks. What has happened, I wondered, that could have created such interest in me?

The answer, it turns out, is Ginger Gorman.

Longtime readers may recognize Gorman’s name. She is the Australian journalist who in 2010 did a feature about a gay couple who had adopted a little boy with the headline: “Two Dads Are Better Than One.”


Three years later, there was another headline:

Two Gay Men Used Russian Surrogate
Mother to Create Boy for Sex Abuse Ring

That headline appeared on my July 1, 2013, post about the sentencing of the two men, Mark Newton and Peter Truong, who had been convicted of heinous crimes as part of an international child-pornography scheme known as the “Boy Lovers Network.” It seemed to me obvious at that time — and many people agreed — that Ginger Gorman had been guilty of journalistic incompetence in failing to adequately investigate the two men she depicted in 2010 as “a loving family and a loving household.”

Well, it turns out, Ginger Gorman turned that incident into a book deal, and she has lately been promoting her book, Troll Hunting. Believe it or not, Gorman now claims she was the real victim in all this:

Within 72 hours of Mark Newton being sentenced, I started to get scores of hateful tweets, mostly from people in the United States calling themselves conservatives. They were responding to the article I’d written two years earlier, which was still online.
My trolls insisted I should have known what was going on behind closed doors. They wanted me shamed. . . .
My husband Don and I quickly realised that location services were turned on for my Twitter feed and you could just about pinpoint our house on Google Maps. That night we both lay awake in bed wondering if our children were in danger.
Six days after Newton was sentenced in 2013 came the second frightening moment. Don found a photo of our family on the fascist social network Iron March. The now-defunct website carried the slogan “Gas the kikes” on its homepage.

According to Gorman, the real issue here is not her own incompetence as a reporter; rather, it’s that people on the Internet said mean things about her. And guess what? She blames . . . me.

In her book she devotes hundreds of words to portraying me as a “white supremacist” who “helped to create a tsunami of hate” against her. And I suppose that in media appearances promoting her book, she invokes my name, thus inspiring people to look me up. And just as her depiction of Mark Newton and Peter Truong as a “loving family” was a blunder inspired by her own bias, so likewise her defamatory portrayal of me is a function of her refusal to take responsibility for her own errors.

It reminds me very much of Brett Kimberlin, a convicted bomber-turned-“progressive-activist, suing me because I told the truth about him. It is not enough for such people to defend themselves with lies. They feel a need to destroy the reputations of those who speak the truth.



One Response to “‘You’re White, You Know’”

  1. Saturday Links | 357 Magnum
    October 26th, 2019 @ 10:09 am

    […] from The Other McCain – ‘You’re White, You Know’ SJWs are never responsible for […]