The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Living in Interesting Times

Early this morning, I found myself researching the British industrialist and politician Joseph Chamberlain, whose son Neville became the Prime Minister ruined by appeasement. It was apparently from Joseph Chamberlain that his other son, Austen (Nevill[e’s half-brother) derived the idea of “may you live in interesting times” as being, as is often said, an ancient […]

The Coronation of Queen Kamala: Why Are You Peasants Such Racist Sexists?

While I usually watch CNN (so you don’t have to), the past couple of days I’ve tuned into MSNBC to see what the real Kool-Aid drinkers are saying, and oh, boy, let me tell you it’s exciting! New York Times journalist and “Morning Joe” panelist Mara Gay added that the Republicans “first instinct is just […]

‘Violence Was Inevitable’

“Don’t jump to conclusions,” I say, every time there’s a shooting, bombing, some other incident where people on social media start rushing to place blame, before any definite information is available. In my first update Saturday, at 6:55 p.m. ET, I said: “We still know nothing about what actually happened, and I urge everyone to […]

The ‘Misinformation’ Scam

Just yesterday I noted my shock that Jon Stewart (!!!) is now apparently a MAGA extremist, and I guess we’ll have to add Nate Silver’s name to the list, now that he’s admitted that the term “misinformation” has been “hijacked as a cover for partisan bias.” Barely two weeks ago, you were a right-wing conspiracy […]

Jon Stewart: ‘Get on Board or Shut the F*** Up Is Not a Particularly Compelling Pro-Democracy Bumper Sticker’

Question: When did Jon Stewart become a “MAGA extremist”? Because, you’ll recall, prior to June 27, anyone who so much as suggested that perhaps Joe Biden was less than coherent was denounced as a MAGA extremist, a fascist, an enemy of “Our Democracy,” etc. Before the June 27 debate, any and all criticism of Biden […]

Prediction: Worst ‘Debate,’ Ever

Every day, I watch CNN (so you don’t have to) and for the past several days, they’ve been hyping up tonight’s so-called “debate” between Joe Biden and Donald Trump as the Most Important Debate in World History. Like everything else on CNN, this is a lie. There will be no actual debate tonight. That is […]

Israel Rescues Hostages From Terrorists; Guess How Media Are Spinning It?

The Jewish world celebrated Saturday after a special forces raid rescued four Israelis held hostage by the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza: Four Israeli hostages were rescued alive from Hamas captivity Saturday in a daring daylight operation in the central Gaza Strip, the military announced. Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, […]

On MSNBC ‘Kerosene Maxine’ Labels Republican Voters ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Of all the people to be criticizing inflammatory rhetoric! Some readers may not be old enough to remember why California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters got the nickname “Kerosene Maxine.” During the Rodney King controversy leading up to the deadly 1992 Los Angeles riots, Waters was one of the most irresponsible voices in the South Central […]

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