The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Detroit-ification Syndrome

“‘No American city ever fell as far or as fast as Detroit,’ Julia Vitullo-Martin has observed, and the man who presided over Detroit’s descent into depression and decay was a former radical labor activist named Coleman Young. . . . “Young was elected mayor of Detroit in 1973, narrowly defeatingthe city’s police chief, John Nichols. […]

AOC, ‘ADOS,’ and the Strange New Contours of ‘White Supremacy’

One of the basic problems of young extremists — this is equally true of Nick Fuentes and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — is that they don’t know history, and cannot be made to understand why history matters. A few years ago, Michelle Malkin tried to get Fuentes to abandon his Jew-hating (thus to make his “Groypers” a […]

The Warning From Sweden

Sweden has a population of about 10.5 million, or about the same as the state of North Carolina. Twenty years ago, you had to seek out “far right” sources (which, of course, I did) to learn anything about the problems caused by immigration in Sweden. Many of the atrocity tales came from the city of […]

White Criminal Gets Shot by Police

Alan Metka is a California resident and a convicted felon: A terrifying moment was captured on police body camera when an armed man with a criminal history caught a female Fontana officer in a headlock. The officer’s partner shot the suspect and they were able to take him into custody. He survived and is awaiting […]

How to Lose a Special Election

What is the first thing you notice about that picture? It shows last week’s televised debate for the special election in New York’s 3rd Congressional District — a seat vacated because fraudulent “Republican” Rep. George Santos was kicked out of Congress. Don’t even get me started on how Santos got elected up there, but let […]

New Form of Racism Has Been Discovered

Moving is racist, when white people do it. When a white person chooses to relocate, the consequences are racism. To understand this, you have to understand what Steve Sailer dubs “Dirt Theory”: Any geographical location where black or brown people live is “Tragic Dirt,” afflicted by poverty and violence, and the only solution to their […]

Craziest Cult Story of the Year (So Far)

Say hello to Rashad Jamal White, who insists he is not a “cult leader.” He insists on this while apparently running his social-media presence from a prison in Georgia, which makes me wonder if state officials are aware that prison inmates are using the Internet to engage in such conduct. White’s online enterprise — which […]

History You Probably Never Knew

Very early in my childhood, history became a favorite subject, most likely because of my father’s service in World War II. Knowing that he had been wounded while fighting the Germans in France — he had a deep scar on the back of his neck from the shrapnel that nearly killed him — I was […]

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