The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Let’s Nationalize the Wealth!

Posted on | March 4, 2011 | 17 Comments

So says Michael Moore: “They’re sitting on the money, they’re using it for their own — they’re putting it someplace else with no interest in helping you with our life, with that money. We’ve allowed them to take that. That’s not theirs, that’s a national resource, that’s ours. We all have this, we all benefit from this or we all suffer as a result of not having it.”

And obviously, Fat Mike’s right about this: That’s our money, the rich have taken it from us, and we have the right to take it back — starting with Michael Moore’s Park Avenue penthouse in New York and his 7,000-square-foot lakefront home.

What an excellent idea!


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