The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Finally, Weiner Calls the Police!

Posted on | June 2, 2011 | 50 Comments

No, he didn’t ask the cops to start an investigation of the insidious hackers who stole his crotch-photo and Tweeted it to a 21-year-old. But when a reporter for WCBS-TV in New York started asking questions . . .

Weiner’s Office Calls The Police
After CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer
Asks For An Interview

As you can imagine, Ace of Spades has loads of fun with this news. Meanwhile, CNN’s Jack Cafferty is asking another question: Can Weiner survive this scandal?

Dan Collins at Piece of Work in Progress has an excellent round-up of today’s WeinerGate news and commentary. And by “excellent,” of course, I mean: He linked me.

UPDATE: Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg see — what else? — a vast conspiracy!

Scott Whitlock has the transcript at NewsBusters.

UPDATE II: Linked by If You Seek Peace — thanks!

UPDATE III: Linked by Nice Deb — thanks! — and this story is now the top thread on Memeorandum.


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