The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

NY16 Primary Results: Challenger Latimer Defeats Jew-Hater Jamaal Bowman

9 p.m. ET: Polls just closed in New York, where the Democratic primary in the 16th congressional district pits deranged Jew-hater Jamaal Bowman against a slightly less crazy challenger, George Latimer. 9:15 p.m. ET: Seriously, polls in New York are open from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. — 15 hours on Election Day, and never […]

Rigged Jury in Show Trial Delivers Guilty Verdict Demanded by Corrupt Judge

Was there ever any doubt about this predetermined outcome? The way that Judge Juan Merchan instructed the jury made anything but a guilty verdict impossible, if there was ever any doubt to begin with (which there wasn’t). As I explained 10 days ago: The evidence and testimony don’t matter, because the outcome was predetermined before […]

I’d Call This a Kangaroo Court, But That Would Be an Insult to Honest Kangaroos

Ed Morrisey points out that Alan Dershowitz has literally been practicing law since before Judge Juan Merchan was born. This lends greater gravity to what Dershowitz said on Hannity last night after spending Monday in Merchan’s courtroom for the Trump trial: “This judge has committed more reversible errors in the one day I was in […]

‘Get Trump’ Show Trial Continues

CNN takes this mockery of justice very seriously: The biggest questions as Donald Trump’s first criminal trial resumes Monday are whether his attorneys have destroyed the credibility of star witness Michael Cohen — and how much of the damage prosecutors can fix. The presumptive GOP presidential nominee is due back in court amid clear signs […]

‘I Was Hearing the Voices Again’

Notice anything about Calvin Haskins? Like the fact that he’s got an Egyptian ankh symbol tattooed in the middle of his forehead? Why would somebody do that? I could refer you to the title of a 1974 Richard Pryor album, or I could cite research that black people “are 2.4 times more likely [than white […]

The Leticia James Fraud

How shall I phrase this? To hell with New York. To hell with Leticia James and every one of the 3,739,239 New Yorkers who voted to elect her as their state’s attorney general in 2018. These are bad people, and New York is a bad state. If it is your misfortune to reside in New […]

Just a Couple of Car Thieves

On Wednesday, March 13, there was an auto accident in Lower Paxton Township, Pennsylvania, involving a black Lexus with New York tags, driven by 16-year-old Kensly Alston. A check showed the vehicle was uninsured, and the police had it towed. Three days later — Saturday, March 16 — as the officer was writing his final […]

How to Lose a Special Election

What is the first thing you notice about that picture? It shows last week’s televised debate for the special election in New York’s 3rd Congressional District — a seat vacated because fraudulent “Republican” Rep. George Santos was kicked out of Congress. Don’t even get me started on how Santos got elected up there, but let […]

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