The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Navigator

Posted on | July 17, 2011 | 8 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Never let it be said that Rule 5 Sunday is lacking in consideration of the heterosexual women who are faithful readers of this blog! Why, only this week Three Beers Later submitted a photo of his glorious, fully-clothed body for the edification of the ladies! More conventionally, he also supplied some Rule 5 links & pix pertaining to Governor Palin. Likewise, the DaleyGator has something for the ladies this week.

The POH Diaries quickly linked to the scurrilous rumor that Mila Kunis would be standing up her date for the Marine Ball. Elsewhere, the Eye of Polyphemus lingered on Olivia Munn this week, while Fishersville Mike recognized the new Miss West Virginia, and Randy’s Roundtable spotlighted Katie Green and Daphne Joy. A View From The Beach’s Rule 5 theme this week was Women Who Sing, for reasonable approximations of the verb “to sing”. Serr8d’s Cutting Edge reminds us that in more ways than one, Marilyn Monroe remains larger than life.

Soylent Green begins the weekly snooch barrage with continental breakfast, a super body paint job, something about Lucy Pinder’s calendar, a surprisngly SFW pairing of Mary Elizabeth and Lynn Collins, a special time lapse edition of Corset Friday, some Tiara Lestari, and last but not least, Anita Pearl.

Jake Finnegan’s Burkalesque Babe this week is Christina Hendricks.
Choose wisely, indeed! Dustbury links an unfortunate spell-checker fashion faux pas and the legendary Barbara Stanwyck; Postaldog offers former Ryan Seacrest arm candy Sara Jean Underwood. Proof Positive this week has the classic Christie Brinkley and Bianca Kajlich.

This week at The Camp of the Saints, it’s Peta Todd, Helen Caunt, the Rule 5 News, and Donna Michelle.

On a more somber note, Maggie’s Notebook this week has a unique photo essay pertaining to our brothers and sisters in arms. Has Rule 5 content but is SFW.

El Opinador Compulsivo addresses the inflation issue in Argentina, Larisa Riquelme’s devotion to the Paraguayn national soccer team, some soul searching, a roll in the hay (with bonus Teri Garr video content!), and a selection from the Opiladies archives.

We end our Rule 5 Sunday as we end most Rule 5 Sundays; take it away, Daleybabes! This week, the Daley Gator features Jennifer Stano, Beyonce, Kia Drayton, Kim Smith, Mila Kunis, Liz Hurley, women with power tools, an answer to the question “Will reading this blog make you hotter?”, Salli Richardson, and Asian Babe Friday.

Thanks to all for their Rule 5 linkagery! To be included in next week’s roundup, please e-mail your links to Rule 5 Wombat by July 23.


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