The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Rick Santorum Gets Endorsement by Key Iowa Social Conservative Leader Bob Vander Plaats UPDATE: In Interview, Santorum Says Endorsement ‘Sends a Strong Signal’

Posted on | December 20, 2011 | 14 Comments


CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – Two weeks before the Republican nominating contest opens at the Iowa caucuses, former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania has won a highly-coveted endorsement from one of the state’s social conservative leaders.
Bob Vander Plaats, who has sought to put his imprint on the Republican presidential race for months, announced Tuesday that he would support Mr. Santorum. He and other evangelical Christians have talked openly about their struggle to unite behind one candidate, but he urged others to follow his lead. . . .
The Family Leader said Tuesday that it would remain neutral in the race, a decision that was reached after several lengthy meetings with members of the board, according to Republicans familiar with the discussions. But in the end, participants said, Mr. Vander Plaats decided to make a personal endorsement.

UPDATE: Another social conservative leader, Chuck Hurley, joined Vander Plaats in endorsing Santorum, Jennifer Jacobs of the Des Moines Register reports:

Santorum was munching on a cinnamon roll after a campaign stop in Pella when he found out about Vander Plaats’ endorsement.
“There’s a lot of good people out here running, and I’m sure it was a tough decision, I think it shows that we’re the candidate right now that has the momentum that has the message that’s resonating to the people of Iowa,” Santorum said.Vander Plaats and Hurley are “probably catching that. And they see this as the campaign that’s going to be the conservative alternative.”
Santorum had heard rumors that the Family Leader was going to endorse Rick Perry. Then he’d heard this morning that the group wasn’t endorsing anybody.
“Nothing was better than Perry,” he said of the non-endorsement by the group. “Now this is better than nothing — a lot better than nothing,” he said of Vander Plaats’ and Hurley’s endorsement.

Still waiting for a Santorum campaign press release, and hope to speak to either the candidate or his staff soon.

UPDATE II: Rick Santorum was near Ottumwa, driving from Pella to Mount Pleasant, when I reached him just now for a brief telephone interview.

“It’s important,” Santorum said of the endorsements by Vander Plaats and Hurley. “It sends a strong signal to social conservatives . . . who are coalescing behind our campaign.”

Santorum noted that his campaign has also recently picked up endorsements by other Iowa conservatives, including evangelical ministers like Pastor Cary Gordon and Rev. Terry Amman. Many social conservatives had “waited and waited” before making official endorsements, Santorum said, because they wanted to see how the Republican contest would shape up.

The recent flurry of Iowa endorsements for his candidacy, Santorum said, was evidence that “we’re picking up momentum” in the final two weeks before the Jan. 3 caucuses.

Santorum started today with a 7:45 a.m. appearance on “Fox and Friends,” followed by a 9 a.m. event in Pella that drew about “60 to 70 people” and he was en route to Mount Pleasant for a 12:30 p.m. “Faith, Family and Freedom” town hall event. He has held nearly 350 town halls in Iowa this year and visited all 99 counties.

After a 4 p.m. appearance at a health-care forum in Davenport, Santorum will end today at a 6 p.m. fundraiser in Bettendorf for 2nd District Republican congressional candidate John Archer. It is rumored that Santorum’s GOP rival Michele Bachmann will also attend the Archer fundraiser.

UPDATE III: Now a Memeorandum thread, and Ed Morrissey concludes his Iowa war-gaming with a mention that Santorum will be his podcast guest today at 3 p.m. ET.

UPDATE IV: Politico‘s Reid Epstein reports:

Vander Plaats provides the former Pennsylvania senator with one of the most sought after imprimaturs for these voters.
“I believe Rick Santorum comes from us,” Vander Plaats told reporters at a press conference in a hotel lobby here. “Not to us. He comes from us. He is one of us.” . . .
Santorum also won the endorsement of Chuck Hurley, the president of the Iowa Family Policy Center. . . .
Santorum, Hurley said, “meets and exceeds the biblical qualifications” for Iowa evangelicals.

UPDATE V: Press release from the Santorum campaign:


Influential Iowa Conservatives Join The Fight

Urbandale, IA – Today, two major endorsements were awarded to the Santorum for President campaign. Bob Vander Plaats is the President and CEO of the Iowa FAMiLY Leader and Chuck Hurley is the President of the Iowa Family Policy Center – and both are influential pro-traditional values leaders in Iowa.
Rick Santorum said: “I am truly honored to receive the Bob and Chuck’s endorsement today. I’ve had the great pleasure of getting to know them over the past several years. In fact, we campaigned together throughout 2010 as they successfully worked tothrow out activist judges who redefined marriage in the Hawkeye State. Their reach and influence covers all corners of Iowa, and I know they did not take this endorsement lightly. This means so much more to our campaign. If their work on behalf of Governor Huckabee four years ago is any indication, I have no doubt they will be a terrific catalyst for our campaign as we continue building momentum in Iowa. Now is the time for conservatives to unite so we can defeat Barack Obama.”
Hogan Gidley, National Communications Director said, “Conservatives are starting to recognize that Rick is the viable consistent conservative alternative to moderates like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Rick offers a clear contrast to Barack Obama on important issues like healthcare, individual mandates and TARP. This endorsement like previous endorsements are clear indicators that Rick’s record of conservative victories are attracting those who want to beat this President and his radical liberal agenda.
The FAMiLY Leader has emerged as one of the nation’s most influential pro-family organizations. In 2010, Rick Santorum was the only Republican Presidential contender to join the FAMilY Leader in their statewide campaign to oust Iowa Supreme Court justices who redefined marriage in Iowa. The FAMiLY Leader has also been active in the 2012 presidentialcampaign, hosting a presidential forum in November 2011 where six of the leading Republican presidential candidates attended.
Rick Santorum has been a stalwart defender of the traditional family for two decades. Santorum is the author of the law that bannedpartial birth abortions, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act to defend the unborn. Santorum was the principal proponent of the Federal Marriage Amendment, forcing the only vote ever cast on the Amendment. Rick Santorum was also the author of the Combating Autism Act to assist special-needs children afflicted with autism, the National Fatherhood Initiative, and the landmark 1996 Welfare Reform legislation that has helped millions of American families rise out of poverty. In 2005, Santorum authored the New York Times Best-Selling book, “It Takes A Family.” Rick and his wife Karen are the proud homeschool parents of 7 children.


14 Responses to “BREAKING: Rick Santorum Gets Endorsement by Key Iowa Social Conservative Leader Bob Vander Plaats UPDATE: In Interview, Santorum Says Endorsement ‘Sends a Strong Signal’”

  1. mojo
    December 20th, 2011 @ 2:58 pm


    It’s STILL Iowa, guys.

  2. ThePaganTemple
    December 20th, 2011 @ 3:25 pm

    Tea Party Patriots Poll

    Michelle Bachmann-28%

    Rick Santorum-16%

    Stacy isn’t going to give up until Michelle stomps Rick’s nuts beneath her sharp stiletto heels.

  3. richard mcenroe
    December 20th, 2011 @ 3:57 pm

    Or til you figure out that Tea Party Patriots and TPX AIN’T THE TEA PARTY.

  4. ThePaganTemple
    December 20th, 2011 @ 4:15 pm

    But do you know what Tea Party Patriots and TPX are, Richard? That’s right, they are voters, and probably voters whose rank-and file are a pretty good reflection of the average GOP voter.

  5. EBL
    December 20th, 2011 @ 4:20 pm

    It is still a big deal. 

    Oh Ricky your so fine.  Your so fine you blow my mind.  Hey Ricky.  Hey Ricky. 

  6. Rick Santorum Picked Up Another Big Endorsement in Iowa | The Lonely Conservative
    December 20th, 2011 @ 4:58 pm

    […] in the end, participants said, Mr. Vander Plaats decided to make a personal endorsement. (Read More)The Other McCain has much more, including an exclusive phone interview with Mr. Santorum.Wouldn’t it be […]

  7. Finrod Felagund
    December 20th, 2011 @ 6:22 pm

    In other odd endorsement news, Don Wildmon endorsed Newt Gingrich, which was quite the surprise to me.

  8. Anonymous
    December 20th, 2011 @ 6:59 pm

    Would like to say that I am warming to Santorum but he does not have the record of leadership that Perry does.  He got beat in his own state for Senator. That is not good. I do think he is a strong conservative.

  9. Pathfinder's wife
    December 20th, 2011 @ 7:43 pm

    Hey, it’s working; I’m starting to warm up to the guy.  He does need to work on his delivery though…loosen up or something.  If he did he’d be a lot more effective.

  10. Adjoran
    December 21st, 2011 @ 1:25 am

    Nah, he figures sooner or later some cop will look at her eyes and take her in for observation.

  11. Adjoran
    December 21st, 2011 @ 1:31 am

    They are pretty representative of the conservative GOP primary voter’s views on most issues.  That doesn’t mean their political endorsements or specific policy choices are, though.

    But his point was they aren’t the Tea Party, and neither is Freedom Works.  They are private organizations who rode the Tea Party wave to more influence than they earned on merit.  They are unelected, self-appointed, and in many cases stand to gain financially from associating themselves with the “Tea Party.” 

    So, other than the fact they are a bunch of con artists fooling people with the Tea Party name, they’re pretty cool, I guess.

  12. Adjoran
    December 21st, 2011 @ 1:33 am

    Well, Newt has trimmed down a good bit in recent years.

    Always pictured Wildmon as more a fan of the prepubescent set, though.

  13. ThePaganTemple
    December 21st, 2011 @ 7:04 am

    Well shit, anybody can start an organization and call it any damn thing they want. I could start a Tea Party organization, or you could. It doesn’t make it legitimate, true, but then again, it doesn’t mean its not legitimate either.

    There’s no such thing as a “Tea Party” as far being in the form of one overarching umbrella group.

    The idea behind it is what matters, and whether any specific group adheres to Tea Party principles of, basically, lower taxes and smaller, less intrusive government.

    The first sentence of your post made my point for me. And as for their “political endorsements” this wasn’t an endorsement, it was a poll.

  14. ThePaganTemple
    December 21st, 2011 @ 7:40 am

    That’s nice. While they’re at it, you think maybe they should check on Mitt. Judging by those dead, soulless eyes of his he might be needing a battery charge.

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