The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ron Paul Raised $3.27 Million in February

Posted on | March 20, 2012 | 5 Comments

Ron Paul’s campaign was the first GOP candidate to file his required Federal Election Commission report for February, and the Texas congressman reported that he raised $3,271,369.74 last month.

Paul’s campaign spent slightly more ($3.5 million) than it took in during Feburary, and finished the month with about $1.4 million cash on hand. However, his campaign remained debt-free.

All presidential campaigns will be required to publish their February reports today. While both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have previously announced their February fundraising numbers — $11.5 million and $9 million, respectively — Newt Gingrich’s campaign has said nothing about their totals for last month, fueling speculation about Gingrich’s financial viability.


5 Responses to “Ron Paul Raised $3.27 Million in February”

  1. Ericdondero
    March 20th, 2012 @ 10:36 am

    And yet he placed a lowly 5th place behind Nobody candidate Fred Karger in Puerto Rico with 1% of the vote.  That has got to be the biggest drop of any presidential candidate ever.  To go from nearly winning the Iowa caucuses to 1% in the space of a little more than 2 months. 

    Paul’s loss in Puerto Rico, a nearly State that has NO INCOME TAX and is primed for Paul’s message, tells you that his campaign is in the dumps. 

  2. Ron Paul Campaign Took in $3.27 Million in February | REPUBLICAN REDEFINED
    March 20th, 2012 @ 11:35 am

    […] over $3.2 million in spite of his relative lack of definable successes on the campaign trail.  As RS McCain points out, “Paul’s campaign spent slightly more ($3.5 million) than it took in during […]

  3. Adjoran
    March 20th, 2012 @ 2:32 pm

    AND – you were right on about Gingrich, he came in at roughly $2.5 mil raised and a similar amount in debt, supporters who have billed him for services are beginning to complain about not getting paid.

    As I’ve said before, anyone dumb enough to expect payment from a political campaign for loans or billings deserves to lose every dime.  But that’s the destructive beauty of capitalism – it reallocates resources from the foolish almost automatically!

  4. Quartermaster
    March 20th, 2012 @ 8:09 pm

    If Paul had a sane foreign policy I’d vote for him. Declaring Manning a hero killed it for me regardless.

  5. Michael Bates
    March 21st, 2012 @ 3:34 am

    RP raised it, and RP’s consultants wasted it. I was just going through a pile of unsorted mail and found two letters from the Paul campaign — each multiple pages in an envelope — asking me to vote for Dr. Free Bananas on March 6.  How many voters just assumed these letters were  donation requests and  tossed them unopened? A postcard would have been cheaper and had the voter’s attention for at least a few seconds.
