The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mitt Romney: Scrappy Underdog?

Posted on | July 11, 2012 | 51 Comments

Today I watched Mitt Romney’s speech to the NAACP convention and was impressed that he did not pander.

Yes, portions of his speech were aimed specifically at his audience — Romney talked a lot about education reform as a means of promoting opportunity — but for the most part, Mitt gave his standard Republican stump speech, saying the same things to the NAACP I’d heard him say to crowds in Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida and other stops along the GOP primary campaign trail.

Mitt slammed ObamaCare and was willing to risk being booed for it, and in general displayed an admirable firmness of conviction.

Will this win Mitt many black votes in November? Probably not, but it will help inspire support for a candidate who seems sincere, whose message is consistent and who is unafraid to speak up unapologetically for core Republican principles even when speaking to a hostile audience.

UPDATE: Drew M. at AOSHQ was peeved at the MSM’s distorted reporting about the speech, whereas my optimistic appraisal was based on having watched the speech itself . . . on MSNBC, of all places.



51 Responses to “Mitt Romney: Scrappy Underdog?”

  1. Wombat_socho
    July 13th, 2012 @ 4:42 pm

     Sweet, sweet tears from trolls. Mmmmm.