The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

We Are Prepared to Come Kill You UPDATE: One American Killed, Another Wounded in Libyan Attack

Posted on | September 11, 2012 | 52 Comments

The other day I asked my wife where our 19-year-old son Bob was.

The answer: Hiking up a mountain with an 85-pound pack.

He recently enlisted in the Army, having scored a near-maximum on the ASVAB test, and will report to boot camp in a few months — some kind of delayed-entry deal — as an aspiring candidate for the elite Special Forces. Already a Red Cross certified lifeguard, he is so fired-up that he’s voluntarily doing PT (physical training) in advance, which is why he hiked up the mountain with an 85-pound pack.

Because he is preparing to kill our nation’s enemies.

My wife is concerned for our son’s safety. No, dear — let our nation’s enemies worry about their own safety. Because he’s coming to kill them.

Do you want to be America’s enemy? Really?

Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy on Tuesday, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film being produced in the United States that insulted Prophet Mohammad. . . .
Once the U.S. flag was hauled down, some protesters tore it up and showed off pieces to television cameras. Others burned the remains outside the fortress-like embassy building in central Cairo. . . .
“This movie must be banned immediately and an apology should be made,” said 19-year-old Ismail Mahmoud, a member of the so-called “ultras” soccer supporters who played a big role in the uprising that brought down Hosni Mubarak last year.

Hey, Ismail: Do you think this flag-burning stuff is smart? You want to turn this into war? You want my son to come kill you?

I don’t know anything about this movie you and your “ultra” mob are all excited about, Ismail, but attacking a U.S. embassy isn’t the kind of thing that Americans take lightly, no matter what gutless apologies you get from the pussies at the State Department. And the same goes for that mob of violent savages in Benghazi:

Gunmen and security forces clashed at the U.S. consulate office in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on Tuesday as the armed group protested over a film being produced in the United States, a security official said. . . .
“There are fierce clashes between the Libyan army and an armed militia outside the U.S. consulate,” Abdel-Monen Al-Hurr, spokesman for Libya’s Supreme Security Committee, said.
“The U.S. consulate’s security guards inside the building fired at the militia as it was trying to enter and attack it.”

See, I’ve got skin in the game, so to speak, and this is what enrages me about the folly of appeasement, which only invites such attacks.

This administration’s idiotic policy blunders — and not some movie — are to blame for the signals of weakness that make these thugs think they can attack us with impunity.

Weakness inspires aggression, and war arises not from the power of our enemies, but from the foolishness of our leaders.

America would not be attacked if we were respected. We are not respected because our enemies believe we are weak and cowardly, and they believe this because our leaders don’t often enough remind them that our sons are strong and do not fear them.

The American people will be safer — and the entire world will be safer — when we have leaders who deserve the confidence of a nation willing to send its sons to war if need be, but who yet pray for peace. America’s strength is the best hope for peace.

The enemies of America are the enemies of peace, and they should be warned: My strong son — like the sons of so many thousands more Americans — is prepared to come kill you.

UPDATE: Dana Loesch at

An American has been killed on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 as Islamist mobs attacked and burned the U.S. consulate in Libya. . . .
It is so far the only death from mob attacks in Libya and Egypt over Islamist anger at an alleged film in production by Coptic Christians focusing on Islam. The United States spent 9/11 apologizing for hurting Islamists feelings in Egypt which caused them to desecrate our flag and storm the walls of the U.S. embassy and our Libyan consulate.

Annihilate these savages. Hunt them down and kill them, and kill any of those other vicious fanatical bastards who try to stop us.


52 Responses to “We Are Prepared to Come Kill You UPDATE: One American Killed, Another Wounded in Libyan Attack”

  1. jsn2
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:22 pm

    Coptic Christians in U.S. make a movie and Islamists go crazy.

    To date there have 19,582 deadly terror attacks ( ) world wide since 9/11/01 targeting non muslims. I think we missed an opportunity to practice a cruise missle launch.

  2. ThomasD
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:24 pm

    We really should start taking people at their word. Attacking an embassy is justified by the production of some movie somewhere? OK, by that standard their willingness to visit violence on America in the name of Islam marks them as one and the same with AQ.

    God Bless your son, but, given that the embassy was previously evacuated we don’t need boots on the ground in Cairo, what we need are MLRS (or naval variant) cluster munitions.

    We got em, might as well use em.

  3. Matthew W
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:25 pm

    “My wife is concerned for our son’s safety. No, dear — let our nation’s
    enemies worry about their own safety. Because he’s coming to kill them.”

    Sounds like a modified version of what Patton said:

    “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”

    Good for your son to get ready in advance.

    Remember Shannon Faulkner??
    Getting into the Citadel was sooooooooooooooooooooo important that she went in as a fat cow and didn’t last but a week.

    Thanks to your son for joining !!!
    (must be good parenting)

  4. Bob Belvedere
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:30 pm

    Damn well put.
    Hey Muslims: You don’t want to face the wrath of a Scots-Irishman.

  5. Mostly Non-Radical Egyptians Assault US Embassy » Pirate's Cove
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:31 pm

    […] The Other McCain points out that a mob of mostly non-radical Islamists set fire to a US Consulate in Benghazi, […]

  6. jlwellfonder
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:37 pm

    God bless him, will keep him in my prayers. Thank him for his service! I agree 110% My son in law is in AIT right now. So grateful for all our troops and their sacrifice.

  7. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:38 pm

    Memo to your son: Don’t underestimate the SF test. It is designed to see how you handle stress and training is obviously a great way to deal with stress.

    And thank him for his service.

  8. M. Thompson
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:39 pm

    Despite what some think, this nation would still fight. There’s a reason the Navy flies a Rattlesnake.

  9. Red Dawn
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:49 pm

    As far as I can tell, Obama simply used the Arab Spring to foment the Occupy movement which was supposed to be the prophesized overthrow of capitalism required to usher in an era of centrally planned “progress”.

    Ultimately, Obama sold out the Arab Springers, made the middle east exponentially more dangerous, and didn’t make much of a dent in the useful value of free enterprise.

    Similar situation for Israel – Obama views Israel as a proxy for capitalism and, since capitalism must go, Israel must go.

  10. Michael Adams
    September 11th, 2012 @ 7:53 pm

    Interesting that Egyptians and Libyans believe we can just ban a movie. They do it in their countries. We have freedom here, and so we don’t. Talk about a clash of cultures!

  11. JeffS
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:03 pm

    Amen. Same thing for Ranger training. Physical training is key, but keeping a level head at all times is critical. Don’t let the adrenaline highs get out of hand.

    (No, I’m not Ranger qualified, but it’s obvious once you hear all the war stories from the tab wearers.)

    Good hunting, young man!

  12. Jimmy Carter Redux: US Embassy stormed in Egypt » Datechguy's Blog
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:07 pm

    […] 4: While our liberal administration offers apologies, Stacy McCain prepares to send his son to war. This administration’s idiotic policy blunders — and not some movie — are to blame for the […]

  13. Pablo
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:15 pm

    Hunt them down and kill them? But we just put them in charge!


  14. Pablo
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:16 pm

    Yeah, but does the Navy have enough algae in the tank?

  15. JeffS
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:33 pm

    That makes targeting much easier.

  16. Zilla of the Resistance
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:52 pm

    Fucking savages. Kill them ALL, let allah sort ’em out – in hell.

    God bless your boy, Stacy, I pray we get the enemy’s enabler out of office and we trash those suicidal rules of engagement that have killed and maimed so many on our side so that our mighty fighting forces will be free to do what they do best: kill the freaking bad guys, every last damned one of them, and come back home victorious.

  17. Cube
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:53 pm

    make these thugs think they can attack us with impunity

    Well, they have some good reasons to think that, don’t they? From President “use NASA to make muzzies feel good about their [non-existent] contributions to recent civilization” Obama to Harry “this war is lost” Reid, Leftists have been appeasing evil and projecting weakness for a long time. (See also Jimmy Carter and Democrat-controlled Congress after Vietnam.)

    What they’re not taking into consideration is the large part of our country out of view of the media where ideas like Honor, Patriotism and Service still matter. Large numbers of young people from these areas haven’t drunk the Leftist swill and agree with Gen. Curtis LeMay that if you kill enough of the enemy, they stop fighting.

    My thanks to your son for his willingness to serve.

  18. patriot_legion
    September 11th, 2012 @ 8:55 pm

    Egyptian islamists are insulted …. by a movie, and then attack and kill non-moslems.
    Must be the same moslem sensitivity that goes beserk whenever an incident like the ‘Amernian genocide’ is mentioned.

  19. Kab Ashraf
    September 11th, 2012 @ 9:37 pm

    Please do not send your son. Or anyone’s son! Send Little Boy & Fat Man and their descendants. .

  20. sybilll
    September 11th, 2012 @ 9:58 pm

    I hope you saw *2016*, if so, this makes perfect sense.

  21. Red Dawn
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:01 pm

    I haven’t seen it. That said, leftists are so utterly predictable that it’s not difficult to understand their next move and their motivations for doing so.

    Know thy enemy as thyself.

  22. lindy marie abbott
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:16 pm

    YES! Thank you! My son is right now training in the ARMY! He prepared on his own just like your son because he wants to kill our enemies. We don’t go out looking for enemies but when they provoke and attack, we will FIGHT BACK.

    It makes me a little crazy how some parents are so worried about their little sons who signed up for infantry. Too many males have been coddled and not taught to fight and defend themselves against BULLIES!

    We need to teach our children (esp our sons) how to be STRONG.

    Talking and diplomacy has it place once we have established how strength… we are fools now in the eyes of the world… wimps and I want our military men out of training thugs how to be their own military and police… if it isn’t in their people to figure out how to train themselves then their civilization is not going to last! I want our soliders brought home if they are not allowed to have their weapons and to fight. They aren’t babysitters… send in the talking coddled folks to do the unarmed training to get shot execution style in the back of their heads by people they are suppose to be teaching!

    Enough is enough! Let them defend themselves and fight or bring them HOME!

  23. lindy marie abbott
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:18 pm

    YES! Thank you! My son is right now training in the ARMY! He prepared on his own just like your son because he wants to kill our enemies. We don’t go out looking for enemies but when they provoke and attack, we will FIGHT BACK.
    It makes me a little crazy how some parents are so worried about their little sons who signed up for infantry. Too many males have been coddled and not taught to fight and defend themselves against BULLIES!
    We need to teach our children (esp our sons) how to be STRONG.
    Talking and diplomacy has it place once we have established our strength… we are fools now in the eyes of the world… wimps and I want our military men out of training thugs how to be their own military and police… if it isn’t in their people to figure out how to train themselves then their civilization is not going to last!
    I want our soliders brought home if they are not allowed to have their weapons and to fight. They aren’t babysitters… send in the talking coddled folks to do the unarmed training to get shot execution style in the back of their heads by people they are suppose to be teaching!
    Enough is enough! Let them defend themselves and fight or bring them HOME!

  24. lindy marie abbott
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:19 pm

    My Family is Scot-Irish! WOW What a fine stock we are!

  25. M. Thompson
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:21 pm

    Underway on nuclear power.

  26. lindy marie abbott
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:22 pm

    so is my son!

  27. Daral Harb
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:39 pm

    yeah, huh, soooooo maybe NUNUM ought to EVER come to America – and stop letting them be DEPLOYED here thru the visa program

  28. Mike Rogers
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:39 pm

    Once more, I say. It. Time to teach some lessons by turning sand into molten glass. Nuke the westernmost of these North Africa troublespots, and work east (downwind) as necessary.
    Hey, Mohammed, got a problem with that? How about a pillar of fire?
    At the very least, time to storm Benghazi, do some real damage, and evacuate all our staff, then leave the Libyans to clean up.

  29. The worst possible thing you can do is show weakness to terrorists « The Daley Gator
    September 11th, 2012 @ 10:55 pm

    […] post up about this. I think McCain AND his son, who is joining the Army, understand what I mean! And God bless a protect Bob McCain! The other day I asked my wife where our 19-year-old son Bob […]

  30. TC_LeatherPenguin
    September 12th, 2012 @ 12:00 am

    Half breeds….

  31. Kathy Kattenburg
    September 12th, 2012 @ 12:33 am

    My heart goes out to your wife in her fears for her son’s safety. If you can take a break from the war dance you’re doing over there, please convey to her my sympathy for her feelings of concern — that is, if you feel it wouldn’t encourage her too much in her silly reluctance to see her son go to war.

  32. Adjoran
    September 12th, 2012 @ 12:51 am

    In the end, it won’t be about teaching lessons to unwilling students. We’ll have to glass over great swaths of the earth, or let them figure out how to do it to us first.

  33. SDN
    September 12th, 2012 @ 1:08 am

    We can start with cleaning up our own Fifth Column.

  34. David R. Graham
    September 12th, 2012 @ 1:17 am

    Thank you to your son and his parents.

    Terminological note: Boot Camp is Marine basic training. Army basic training is Army Basic Training. At West Point the latter is Cadet Basic Training.

    Also, SF are primarily nation builders, not primarily killers. The latter are Rangers (Army), Delta (Army), and SEALs (Navy) with AF and Marine components as well.

  35. David R. Graham
    September 12th, 2012 @ 1:22 am

    “Hey Muslims: You don’t want to face the wrath of a Scots-Irishman.” True. Says another.

  36. Mme Scherzo
    September 12th, 2012 @ 3:20 am

    We Scots-Irish are full breeds.

  37. zombiemedic
    September 12th, 2012 @ 4:55 am

    As a former Army Special Forces medic who also entered at an early age, from a family of military, I salute your son’s attitude. More kids like him would have made a better showing at SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection). Wish him all the best and let him know the elite welcome those who serve for something bigger than themselves.
    De Opresso Liber

  38. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:12 am

    I dare you to say that to one of them in person.

  39. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:14 am

    They’re the stock that won our wars.

  40. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:16 am

    THIS. It won’t do us any good to try to defeat our foreign enemies if our domestic ones are working hard to undermine our efforts.

  41. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:19 am

    That advice is exactly what one of my best friends, who has just be promoted to Colonel, would give.

  42. Chip Halstead
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:20 am

    May be time for an additional update. This morning the Libya government confirmed that our Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 other Americans were killed in Benghazi during the attack on the consulate. See US Ambassador killed in WSJ.

  43. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:20 am

    And David’s a man of the cloth, so you’d better listen.

  44. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:23 am

    That’s a good option.

  45. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:24 am

    Damn good point.

  46. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 8:33 am

    Regarding the Afghans: This passage by Colonel Sir Thomas Hungerford Holdich in the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittannia is, as Roger Kimball puts it, ‘refreshingly frank’:

    The Afghans, inured to bloodshed from childhood, are familiar with death, and audacious in attack, but easily discouraged by failure; excessively turbulent and unsubmissive to law or discipline; apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when they hope to gain some object, but capable of the grossest brutality when that hope ceases. They are unscrupulous in perjury, treacherous, vain and insatiable, passionate in vindictiveness, which they will satisfy at the cost of their own lives and in the most cruel manner. Nowhere is crime
    committed on such trifling grounds, or with such general impunity, though when it is punished the punishment is atrocious. Among themselves the Afghans are quarrelsome, intriguing and distrustful; estrangements and affrays are of constant occurrence; the traveller conceals and misrepresents the time and direction of his journey. The Afghan is by breed and nature a bird of prey. If from habit and tradition he respects a stranger within his threshold, he yet considers it legitimate to warn a neighbour of the prey that is afoot, or even to overtake and plunder his guest after he has quitted his roof. The repression of crime and the demand of taxation he regards alike as tyranny. The Afghans are eternally boasting of their lineage, their independence and their prowess. They look on the Afghans as the first of nations, and each man looks on himself as the equal of any Afghan.

    They are capable of enduring great privation, and make excellent soldiers under British discipline, though there are but few in the Indian army. Sobriety and hardiness characterize the bulk of the people, though the higher classes are too often stained with deep and degrading debauchery. The first impression made by the Afghan is favourable. The European, especially if he come from India, is charmed by their apparently frank, openhearted, hospitable and manly manners; but the charm is not of long duration, and he finds that the Afghan is as cruel and crafty as he is independent….

    -Roger Kimball, The Fortunes Of Prudence, pages 73-74.

  47. SDN
    September 12th, 2012 @ 9:09 am

    Not if Obama gets a second term, you won’t be.

  48. SDN
    September 12th, 2012 @ 9:12 am

    Not even Carter managed to lose an Ambassador.

  49. TC_LeatherPenguin
    September 12th, 2012 @ 12:10 pm

    Oh, I’ll say all sorts of things to a Scotsman… even semi-Scots! They might be my Celtic cousins, but in their hearts beats an inner Englishman (spits).

  50. Bob Belvedere
    September 12th, 2012 @ 1:47 pm

    Goddamn Irish, eh?