The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gay Baby Merchant Boasts: ‘My Vast Wealth and Contacts Will Crush Anyone’

Posted on | May 2, 2014 | 114 Comments

British couple Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow with two of their surrogate babies.

A British millionaire who stars in a Sky TV reality show about his surrogate baby business responded to an e-mail from a critic by boasting about his £18 million London mansion and threatening to use his influence to “crush anyone” who opposed him.

Barrie Drewitt-Barlow is CEO of the British Surrogacy Centre and, along with his gay partner Tony, stars in the series The Parent Makers that began airing last month on the Sky 192 satellite channel. Publicity for the show drew a hostile online reaction from Luke McKee, an Australian exile living in Asia. McKee posted a message full of anti-gay slurs (“queers,” “faggots,” etc.) at a right-wing online forum, suggesting that Drewitt-Barlow’s surrogate business may be violating British and U.S. laws. After a lengthy e-mail exchange with McKee, Barrie Drewitt-Barlow sent a message Friday morning calling McKee a “stalker” and “trailer trash,” and bragged that his wealth would protect him from investigation or adverse publicity. An excerpt of that e-mail:

From: Barrie Drewitt-Barlow <barrie@BSC-AMERICA.COM>
To: Luke McKee
. . .
Sent: Friday, May 2, 2014 9:26 AM
Subject: RE: i always have the last word

. . . This time, you have met someone who is not only wealthier than you who can fight your pathetic attempt to blacken their name, but someone who is far more intelligent then you and someone who actually, does not give a shit about what anyone else in the world thinks of him! . . .
Do yourself a big favour and move on, you cannot win a fight against me, I’m far too well respected for some little idiot like you to do anything to. And as far as using other people to do the job for you as you say, hahahhahahaha I laugh in your face, and say to you, BRING IT ON, my vast wealth and contacts will crush anyone you bring onto your team! . . .
[T]onight, I will sit in my 16 bedroomed, £18 million pound London mansion, sipping champagne and eating the finest foods available to me, cooked by the house keeper and served by one of our three live in maids, before tucking my stunningly good looking 5 children up in their amazing bedrooms! After which, I will go for a swim in my swimming pool with my husband and talk about how much money we have made over the past 48 hours whilst YOU, sit in the poverty of your own making! Now do something worthy with your miserable life and get a job!

You prick! lolol

Drewitt-Barlow has often been controversial. Last year, he and his partner sued the Church of England demanding religious recognition of same-sex marriage. That lawsuit provoked criticism of Prime Minister David Cameron from conservatives like Colin Hart of the Coalition for Marriage, who told the London Daily Mail: “The ink’s not even dry on the [new marriage law] and churches are already facing litigation. We warned Mr. Cameron this would happen, we told him he was making promises that he couldn’t possibly keep. He didn’t listen. He didn’t care. He’s the one who has created this mess. Mr. Cameron’s chickens are coming home to roost and it will be ordinary people with a religious belief who yet again fall victim to the totalitarian forces of political correctness.”

The commercial surrogacy business is a growing international trade that has been criticized as  a form of “human trafficking,” especially by women’s rights advocates who say the lucrative practice — which is outlawed in many countries — enables wealthy people to exploit poor women as “breeders.” Reuters reported last year:

India opened up to commercial surrogacy in 2002. It is among just a handful of countries – including Georgia, Russia, Thailand and Ukraine – and a few U.S. states where women can be paid to carry another’s genetic child through a process of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) and embryo transfer.
The low-cost technology, skilled doctors, scant bureaucracy and a plentiful supply of surrogates have made India a preferred destination for fertility tourism, attracting nationals from Britain, the United States, Australia and Japan, to name a few. . . .
A U.N.-backed study in July 2012 estimated the surrogacy business at more than $400 million a year, with over 3,000 fertility clinics across India. . . .
India’s surrogacy industry is vilified by women’s rights groups who say fertility clinics are nothing more than “baby factories” for the rich. In the absence of regulation, they say many poor and uneducated women are lured by agents, hired by clinics, into signing contracts they do not fully understand.
In May [2012], surrogate mother Premila Vaghela, 30, died days after delivering a child for an American couple at a clinic in Gujarat. It was recorded as an “accidental death” by police.

Negative attention was also focused on surrogate parenthood last year by the highly-publicized case of a gay couple whose son — which they said was produced by a Russian surrogate impregnated by one of the men’s sperm — was exploited by an “international syndicate” of pedophiles known as the “Boy Lovers Network”:

Mark Newton, 42, was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison last week by U.S. District Court Judge Sarah Evans Barker. Authorities say Newton and his partner, Peter Truong, 36, paid a Russian woman $8,000 to give birth to a boy they said was conceived using artificial insemination with Newton’s sperm. The men began sexually abusing the boy before he was two weeks old, recording the acts on video they shared online with other pedophiles.
“What can be said? What can be done to erase some of the horror of this?” Judge Barker said Friday in giving the maximum sentence to Newton, an American who had become an Australian citizen. Prosecutors said the case was tried in Judge Barker’s U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana because images of the boy were found on the computer of an Indiana man who was arrested as part of a larger child-pornography investigation.
Records in the case had previously been sealed, the Indianapolis Star reported. Newton and Truong made the boy available for molestation by other men in France, Germany and the United States, according to prosecutors. “For more than one year and across three continents, these men submitted this young child to some of the most heinous acts of exploitation that this office has ever seen,” said U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett.

Barrie Drewitt Barlow is @Gaydads on Twitter. The Sky TV show has its own Twitter account, @TheParentMakers. Luke McKee is  @gaysabovethelaw on Twitter.



114 Responses to “Gay Baby Merchant Boasts: ‘My Vast Wealth and Contacts Will Crush Anyone’”

  1. Nan
    May 4th, 2014 @ 2:09 am

    The child is created, with the premise that it will live with one of its biological parents but be deprived of the other. This is no different than a child being created for two homosexuals; note also that surrogacy is often used in the case of a vain mother who doesn’t want to carry a baby herself.

  2. Guest
    May 4th, 2014 @ 5:15 am

    UK BABY SELLERS TO HIV+ Gays / PEDOPHILIA SUPPORTERS GO GLOBAL IN TV SHOW! This is what liberal / labor / greens support in Australia! Sunrise on Channel 7 praises their criminal activity on our morning TV shows: Gay men who sell single HIV+ homos babies! Now they are threatening to kill an Australian as they have threatened victims of their fraud previously (as reported by Daily Mirror UK). DM-UK also said they put their kids on the gay instant casual sex website Gaydar – the same website their surrogacy agency @SurrogacyUK promotes!

    It get’s better. Gay men who put their kids on an instant gay men casual sex site GayDar and do other criminal activities praised by Sunrise Australia TV! Be sure to see the last dailymail UK link! Gay baby sellers admit they are coming to Australia soon! My twitter antics are getting world famous – especially in the TCOT and Right Wing American forums!

    Here they plug their TV interviews including in Australia.

    @skyhd @pinknews @itvnews @InformationTV @TheParentMakers ALL PROMOTE THE #GAYDADS FLESH TRADE American children to UK/AU/Europe single gay men (pedos?) – admittedly to gays with HIV (see their website #essex Police were informed they admit operating a commercial surrogacy agency using UK surrogates to produce babies for gays mostly on both their websites ( / the that backed up by myself and UK sworn police officers). It is presently illegal in the UK to pay women in commercial surrogacy operations. 2-5 years jail! The cops should shut these criminal homos down! More info (page 2 for the police news) – for updates! BNP: They tweeted their physical address when talking about my imminent death. And Via email CC the Essex Chemsford police, they claimed to hire local police here to kill me, to get my dad in Australia who’s 72 years old and as yet zero involvement with police for any crime, and even claims he can pull of an extra-ordinary rendition. See these faggots think they own the world. They also put their kids on dating sites and their history of making death threats is well known before I attempted to expose their pro pedophile behavior! Be sure to check out Robert Stacy McCain (big us blogger)’s first article about them too! Via email CC the police @gaydads Barrie said he supports the actions of a US mainstream media confirmed gay child rape fantasizing pedo taking away my first born child. If he is going around saying stuff like that he shouldn’t have kids! (Christopher Bowersox, Convicted Pedophile, Bakersfiled CA Police – see him on child sex offenders registrar and I provided details on his charge sheet for me) Now I find out their @surrogacyUK twitter is plugging GAYDAR the same gay casual sex site – they put pictures of their kids on! So says the Daily Mirror! Remember it’s not homophobic to be against those who support gay child fuckers or sexualizing their children! I’m against gay child fuckers – queers that don’t go near children are no problem for me just as they are no problem for Putin. Hurt our children or go near them – JAIL! The west should follow Putin. Look where it’s going! See how the ABC Australia supports gay dads child rapists here and does a cover-up destroying evidence of a world famous pedophile ring that inspired Russia to make it’s “anti-gay” laws

    FYI I’m writing my own well sourced article. This is just a rant.

  3. Luke McKee
    May 4th, 2014 @ 7:57 am

    @Guardian sequal to @FeMail story RE #gaydads put kids on @GAYDAR sex site #UKIP @bnp @latimes@rsmccain #auspol #tcot

    Begin rant. Sourced article will be written soon!

    This is what liberal / labor / greens support! Sunrise on Channel 7 praises their criminal activity on our morning TV shows: Gay men who sell single HIV+ homos babies!

    Now they are threatening to kill an Australian as they have threatened victims of their fraud previously (as reported by Daily Mirror UK). DM-UK also said they put their kids on the gay instant casual sex website Gaydar – the same website their surrogacy agency @SurrogacyUK promotes!

    Gay men who put their kids on an instant gay men casual sex site GayDar and do other criminal activities praised by Sunrise Australia TV! Be sure to see dailymail UK link!

    Gay baby sellers admit they are coming to Australia soon! My twitter antics are getting world famous – especially in the TCOT and Right Wing American forums!
    Here they plug their TV interviews including in Australia.

    @skyhd @pinknews @itvnews @InformationTV @TheParentMakers ALL PROMOTE THE #GAYDADSFLESH TRADE American children to UK/AU/Europe single gay men (pedos?) – admittedly to gays with HIV (see their website #essex Police were informed they admit operating a commercial surrogacy agency using UK surrogates to produce babies for gays mostly on both their websites ( / the that backed up by myself and UK sworn police officers).

    It is presently illegal in the UK to pay women in commercial surrogacy operations. 2-5 years jail! The cops should shut these criminal homos down! More info (page 2 for the police news) – for updates!

    BNP: They tweeted their physical address when talking about my imminent death. And Via email CC the Essex Chemsford police, they claimed to hire local police here to kill me, to get my dad in Australia who’s 72 years old and as yet zero involvement with police for any crime, and even claims he can pull of an extra-ordinary rendition. See these faggots think they own the world. They also put their kids on dating sites and their history of making death threats is well known before I attempted to expose their pro pedophile behavior! Be sure to check out Robert Stacy McCain (big us blogger)’s first article about them too!

    Via email CC the police @gaydads Barrie said he supports the actions of a US mainstream media confirmed gay child rape fantasizing pedo taking away my first born child. If he is going around saying stuff like that he shouldn’t have kids! (Christopher Bowersox, Convicted Pedophile, Bakersfiled CA Police – see him on child sex offenders registrar and I provided details on his charge sheet for me)

    Now I find out their @surrogacyUK twitter is plugging GAYDAR the same gay casual sex site – they put pictures of their kids on! So says the Daily Mirror! Remember it’s not homophobic to be against those who support gay child rapists or sexualizing their children! I’m against gay child rapists – queers that don’t go near children are no problem for me just as they are no problem for Putin. Hurt our children or go near them – JAIL! The west should follow Putin. Look where it’s going!

    See how the ABC Australia supports gay dads child rapists here and does a cover-up destroying evidence of a world famous pedophile ring that inspired Russia to make it’s “anti-gay” laws

  4. sylviasusan
    May 4th, 2014 @ 9:16 am

    My gosh these babies will grow up with no moral boundaries. I can just imagine how they will raise them, if that is what you call it, I call it sexual perversions being forced on helpless babies. Really, quite a few so called homosexuals have been caught with child porn and letting them adopt children is so wrong and just a step away from NAMBLA (men who love boys) getting their fight into the courts, which they plan to do. This is all so sickening!

  5. Eric Ashley
    May 5th, 2014 @ 10:21 am

    The ‘accidental death’ does look interesting. It might not be that hard to make sure the mother never decides to get her baby back by having her shot by some street thug a few days after birth.

  6. gaysabovethelaw
    May 6th, 2014 @ 5:52 am

    The gay censorship nazi’s struck again! You can’t hold a view that opposes gay marriage or gay adoption on twitter without being shut down! Here’s what I mailed twitter.
    I am getting censorship requests from the gay lobby who doesn’t want my story to be public.

    I assure you @rsmccain will to a defamatory blog against twitter for censoring this. Please see the blog he wrote up about what I exposed and why the gay lobby tried to censor my posts.

    Here’s proof of my refugee status from Australia/NZ due to backing of warrants scheme.
    @gaydads has issued DEATH THREATS to my family in Australia, and my family in vietnam. @EssexPoliceUK is investigating that and operating an illegal commercial surrogacy outfit in the UK. You can see him advertising for surrogates using a UK phone number which is illegal under the surrogacy arrangements act 1985. Essex police file number May 2/163.

    contact me via gmail.

    Remember if account isn’t restored – then people will cry foul about your support of gays that sell HIV+ gay men USA trafficked babies. I’m not joking see their own website hetro surrogacy page or their infomercial promoting USA made babies to UK gays – @TheParentMakers.

    A copy of this request has been sent to @rsmccain Please respond ASAP.

  7. gaysabovethelaw
    May 6th, 2014 @ 6:26 pm

    @worldnetdaily you approved this comment so you have a journo on the case?

    #nswpol All Hail the #gaymarriage #fail @BishopGRobinson on @AlexGreenwich MP’s order #auspol

    Gay MP Alex Greenwich in Australia who trademarked his own pubic hair (see my tweets) in relation to the “BondiBoys” IP Australia trademark (see before he deletes it & orders the NSW Parliament to praise this now divorced gay ex-Bishop

    The youtube video shared on twitter’s description has lots of information on all the trouble Gene Robinson caused for the Anglican Church.

    See how much of a joke the gay mafia is – my twitter @gaysabovethelaw:disqus is there for you tall all investigate. I’m a UNHCR confirmed refugee from NSW GLLO Gay Police persecution.

    NEWS Suggestion

    UK ESSEX @gaydads SELL USA babies / exploit USA women through surrogacy since commercial surrogacy is illegal in United Kingdom, and this therefore is the only way to allow homosexuals to breed there. Their own website (hetro surrogacy page) says they give children to single gay men with AIDS! It gets worse – they launched reality TV show to promote their human trafficking business. This kind of stuff makes you sick but you do need to investigate it and change the NV,CA and potentially FL,NY gay surrogacy laws to stop america being exploited by the global gay lobby. If you don’t see a problem with this – then see following youtube clip. It might change your mind! the to see the REAL REASON Putin made those “anti-gay” laws to protect the children! Russian baby raped from @FertilityCentre

    This topic was also covered by Robert Stacy McCain

    Australian Catholic’s take on the from Russia with love Australian/US Gaydads saga:

    Link also shows Australian gay dads buying babies from India – a practice that has now been outlawed by two Indian High Courts – but don’t worry Barry for someone who claims not to do business in India is telling his @gaydads followers that the ban will be lifted in only 6 months!

  8. gaysabovethelaw
    May 21st, 2014 @ 9:52 pm

    @fknIrked @AdamReakes @LandPerry > @rsmccain @jmattbarber blogged this.I think he outranks you

  9. gaysabovethelaw
    May 21st, 2014 @ 10:11 pm

    @Volk613 @heatherlib38 @rsmccain sorry 11 times bigger I got carrier away but you get the idea

  10. gaysabovethelaw
    May 21st, 2014 @ 10:41 pm

    @AdamReakes @Volk613 @heatherlib38 thought it was done here? <sigh>your “vast audience” is 11x smaller than @rsmccain

  11. gaysabovethelaw
    May 27th, 2014 @ 11:09 am

    #auspol @MsRonnyB like #EQUALLOVE #NAMBLA #GAYDADS #BABYRAPE propaganda? – @rsmccain #2GB #2UE

  12. blondpidge
    May 27th, 2014 @ 5:42 pm

    @sitsio I hope so. I saw a big American blogger had highlighted some of their threats too. – interesting comments

  13. sitsio
    May 27th, 2014 @ 5:44 pm

    Gay Baby Merchant Boasts: ‘My Vast Wealth and Contacts Will Crush Anyone’

  14. AdamCC92
    May 27th, 2014 @ 5:47 pm

    RT @sitsio: Gay Baby Merchant Boasts: ‘My Vast Wealth and Contacts Will Crush Anyone’
