The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Death by Misadventure

Posted on | July 27, 2014 | 56 Comments

Brooke Slocum (left); Charles Oppenneer (center); Brady Oestrike (right).

You meet the creepiest people on Craigslist.

That’s probably the only lesson to be learned from the tragic deaths of Brooke Slocum and her boyfriend Charles Oppeeneer. Slocum, 18, was eight months pregnant when Oppenneer posted an ad to Craigslist offering to let other men have sex with her for money while Oppenneer watched. Brady Oestrike, 31, responded to the ad.

Oestrike was a crazy weirdo who collected guns and swords and was into some kind of strange medieval stuff. His former roommate, Rachel Morris, said she moved out two years ago after Oestrike told her he was having fantasies about killing her:

“Knowing what tormented him, knowing the bad dreams and bad things he saw in his dreams and the depth of pain in his poetry, I wasn`t surprised that something traumatic and violent like this happened in his life,” she said. . . .
“He described a lot of bad dreams,” Morris says. “He described a lot of thoughts that were dark and disturbed him.” She says Oestrike was very intelligent and worked a lot.
Though the house was filled with guns and swords, Morris says she wasn’t frightened of him until he made a horrific confession one day.
“He told me that he was having thoughts about killing me and that he was warning me,” she said.
“He’s like, ‘These thoughts are happening to me.’”
Morris says she prepared to move out and encouraged Oestrike to see a mental health professional. “He had said he studied it and believed that he was schizophrenic,” she said.

So this was the psycho who responded to the ad in which Oppenneer offered his girlfriend Slocum for sex. You have to figure the guy who sells his pregnant girlfriend on Craigslist is a certain kind of crazy, but the guy who pays to do it with a pregnant woman while her boyfriend watches? Yeah, he’s operating at a higher level of crazy.

Oppenneer and Slocum went missing. Four days later, on July 16, police found Oppenneer’s headless body in a park. Police found e-mails between Oppenneer and Oestrike, and staked out Oestrike’s house July 17. When he drove away, there was a high-speed pursuit that ended when Oestrike committed suicide, shooting himself in the head. Police found Slocum’s body in the trunk of Oestrike’s car. Police say they believe that after Oestrike beheaded Oppenneer, he then held Slocum captive for days before strangling her. And now the saddest part of the story:

As the details emerged, the slain woman’s father revealed that he knew about the couple’s schemes and said that his daughter was desperate to do anything her boyfriend insisted so that they would stay together to bring up their child.
Greg Slocum said that his daughter was going to move in with her mother two weeks before her disappearance because she had broken up with Oppenneer – but instead, they got back together.
His daughter was desperate to get back with her child’s father ‘no matter what it took – and she paid the ultimate price for it’, Slocum told WOOD-TV.
‘Even to meet men on Craigslist to make some money because her boyfriend was manipulative,’ he said. ‘She would put herself through hell just to make sure her family didn’t get divorced.’
He added that she had written letters to her unborn child about why she met men for sex, and explained that she simply wanted to be loved.
The devastated father said he had warned her against meeting strangers for sex but that she was a teenager with a mind of her own, WOOD-TV reported.

Police still have not found Charles Oppenneer’s head.



56 Responses to “Death by Misadventure”

  1. cmdr358
    July 28th, 2014 @ 11:00 pm

    The thing here isn’t just the two scumbags. This young woman would have gravitated toward the next bad situation.
    I’m am not condemning her. There are people who, no matter what else happens, are destined to self-destruct.
    This is a very sad story.

  2. cmdr358
    July 28th, 2014 @ 11:04 pm

    Thanks for the last laugh in a thoroughly depressing story.
    I for one needed it.

  3. cmdr358
    July 28th, 2014 @ 11:10 pm

    I can’t help but think of it as a possible blessing for the unborn child.
    Having to grow up with parents like these….he or she was likely doomed to a horrible childhood.
    I wish I hadn’t read this story.
    Now I’m going to get down on my knees and pray.

  4. TroubleAtTheMine
    July 29th, 2014 @ 5:57 am

    Thank god she didn’t. Back before people knew about this, 30 years ago, I knew someone who got caught this way. Ended up having to leave her kids there and barely escaping with her life. Total disaster.

  5. Quartermaster
    July 29th, 2014 @ 8:13 am

    Yeah, there used to be a number of tabloids that catered to the sexual depravity market, especially the “swingers.” I encountered one in a grocery store in Gallatin, TN in the early 70s among the Family Circles and other mainstream mags, out in the open.

  6. Fred_Z
    August 3rd, 2014 @ 2:56 pm

    The spores for the ideas are everywhere, and cause the idea to erupt in a brain like a mushroom.

    The predisposition to act on them, to be unable to see them for nonsense is genetic.
