The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

ISIS Claims Credit for Paris Slaughter; Death Toll 127 in Islamic Terror Attack

Posted on | November 14, 2015 | 15 Comments


ISIS released a video overnight claiming responsibility for the violence that brought bloodshed to the streets of Paris. The death toll in Friday’s terrorist attack is now reported at 127; earlier reports had said more than 150 were killed. The New York Post reports:

Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent fighters strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital. . . .
Islamic State earlier on Saturday distributed an undated video threatening to attack France if bombings of its fighters continued.
The group’s foreign media arm, Al-Hayat Media Centre, made threats through several militants who called on French Muslims to carry out attacks.
“As long as you keep bombing you will not live in peace. You will even fear traveling to the market,” said one of the militants, identified as Abu Maryam the Frenchman. . . .
The militants, who appeared to be French citizens, sat cross-legged in a group wearing fatigues and holding weapons in what appeared to be a wooded area.
The video showed the militants burning passports.
“Indeed you have been ordered to fight the infidel wherever you find him – what are you waiting for? There are weapons and cars available and targets ready to be hit,” said Abu Maryam.
Another militant, identified as Abu Salman the Frenchman, said: “Even poison is available, so poison the water and food of at least one of the enemies of Allah.”
“Terrorize them and do not allow them to sleep due to fear and horror,” he added.

UPDATE: CNN reports:

A Syrian passport was found near the body of an attacker outside the Stade de France, according to a police source, CNN affiliate France 2 said. Multiple local media are reporting the same.
Also on Saturday, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said the state of emergency in France could mean restrictions on people’s movements, among other measures. Border controls were tightened as of Friday, and the gendarmerie paramilitary police are on heightened alert, he said. . . .
[An ISIS statement] said eight militants wearing explosive belts and armed with machine guns attacked precisely selected areas in the French capital.
In addition to the people killed, 180 others were injured, according to the Paris Police Prefecture. More than half of them are in critical condition. . . .
In the chaotic aftermath of the attacks, there was no clarity on the number of casualties.
Earlier, the Interior Ministry put the death toll at 153 people Friday, but a day later, the Paris police lowered it to 128 people. . . .
Most of the deaths were inside the Bataclan concert hall, where a witness said gunmen stormed in, firing rifles and shouting, “Allah akbar.” At least 80 people died in the attack there.

UPDATE II: The New York Times reports:

President François Hollande, addressing the nation from the Élysée Palace, said the attacks on Paris were an “act of war” and blamed the Islamic State.
“It is an act of war that was committed by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, Daesh, against France,” Mr. Hollande said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.
“It is an act of war that was prepared, organized and planned from abroad, with complicity from the inside, which the investigation will help establish,” he added.
“It is an act of absolute barbarity,” he said. The toll, he said, was “at this time 127 dead and many wounded.”
He said that he had proclaimed three days of national mourning and that all necessary measures would be taken to protect French citizens and territory. “The army and the interior security forces are mobilized at the highest level of their possibilities,” he said. . . .
“France, because it was foully, disgracefully and violently attacked, will be unforgiving with the barbarians from Daesh,” he said. France, he said, will act within the law but with “all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination with our allies, who are they themselves targeted by this terrorist threat.”

UPDATE III: Donald Douglas at American Power:

Angela Merkel’s Future in Doubt as She Faces Coup
After Her Own Party Criticises Asylum Policies

There can be no doubt that an open-borders policy toward “refugees,” which Merkel and some other European leaders had advocated, will become a political liability after the Paris attacks.

UPDATE IV: Nine hours before the terrorists struck in Paris, in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America, President Obama claimed ISIS has been “contained” and denied that the Islamic group was “gaining strength.”


PARIS ATTACK: Terrorist ‘Refugee’ Had
Syrian Passport; Death Toll Now 129




15 Responses to “ISIS Claims Credit for Paris Slaughter; Death Toll 127 in Islamic Terror Attack”

  1. PARIS JIHAD: Major Terrorist Attack UPDATE: French President Declares Emergency, Says ‘Several Dozen Dead’ : The Other McCain
    November 14th, 2015 @ 8:21 am

    […] ISIS Claims Credit for Paris Slaughter; Death Toll 127 in Islamic Terror Attack […]

  2. Jason Lee
    November 14th, 2015 @ 8:38 am

    And yet we’re importing these people by the tens of thousands into our own country. Will we ever do what it takes to extinguish Islam?

  3. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    November 14th, 2015 @ 9:08 am
  4. marcus tullius cicero
    November 14th, 2015 @ 9:18 am

    …Did we do that? Where is Charlie…..!

  5. Mike G.
    November 14th, 2015 @ 9:20 am

    Al Gore hardest hit…they interrupted his glo(bull) warming telethon from the Eiffel Tower.

  6. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    November 14th, 2015 @ 9:29 am

    Not only does Al Gore bring cold fronts, he also sparks ISIS attacks…

  7. Frank Ch. Eigler
    November 14th, 2015 @ 10:13 am

    According to the Bloomberg timeline, police stormed the concert hall three (!) hours after its attack started.

  8. CrustyB
    November 14th, 2015 @ 10:34 am

    This is just one of hundreds of reasons I stopped trying to reason with leftists about four years ago. If they want to bitch about imaginary racism while standing knee-deep in the blood of Islamic terrorist victims, the guts of unborn children and the shredded human rights of formerly free Americans while they cover their ears and mewl mindless protest chants and #hashtags, then there is no rescuing them,

  9. Matthew W
    November 14th, 2015 @ 1:15 pm

    Obama’s JV team of clockmakers

  10. RKae
    November 14th, 2015 @ 1:52 pm

    Has the MSM started running their “We’re afraid of an anti-Muslim backlash” stories yet?

  11. PARIS ATTACK: Terrorist ‘Refugee’ Had Syrian Passport; Death Toll Now 129 : The Other McCain
    November 14th, 2015 @ 3:05 pm

    […] ISIS Claims Credit for Paris Slaughter; Death Toll 127 in Islamic Terror Attack […]

  12. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    November 14th, 2015 @ 3:30 pm

    It is on their voice mails…

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  14. TERROR MANHUNT: French Authorities Seeking Accomplices of Islamic Killers : The Other McCain
    November 15th, 2015 @ 3:37 pm

    […] ISIS Claims Credit for Paris Slaughter; Death Toll 127 in Islamic Terror Attack […]

  15. TERROR RAID: French Police Kill Two, Arrest Seven Suspects in Saint Denis : The Other McCain
    November 18th, 2015 @ 6:21 am

    […] ISIS Claims Credit for Paris Slaughter; Death Toll 127 in Islamic Terror Attack […]

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