The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Those Danged Voters!

Posted on | March 2, 2016 | 103 Comments


Donald Trump scored huge victories in the Super Tuesday primaries and is now “unstoppable” in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, according to veteran GOP campaign strategist Ed Rollins:

Game over! This was a rout, America. Winning seven states and the vast majority of delegates is a landslide. Donald Trump and the millions of his supporters have changed American politics and the Republican Party for the foreseeable future.
The nomination is within his grasp and if he does what he said he would do Tuesday night: “[I will] be a unifier!” he may be a very viable candidate against Hillary Clinton in the fall.
After his victories Tuesday night in multiple states and his second place finish in others, Trump is in an unstoppable position. Whether the junior senators from Texas and Florida choose to pursue him, it doesn’t matter, the end is near.
Trump, who is an unconventional candidate, to say the least, has tapped into the anger and frustration across America and has mobilized voters to turn out in record numbers.

This is woe and misery, many of my conservative pundit friends are convinced. For the third consecutive campaign cycle — 2008, 2012 and now 2016 — Republican primary voters have failed to choose the candidate the blogosphere wanted. In 2008, bloggers wanted Fred Thompson, but voters chose the hated “maverick” John McCain. In 2012, bloggers got on the Rick Perry bandwagon, but voters chose the despised liberal Republican, Mitt Romney. Now in 2012, it seems, voters decided to give the ultimate “f–k you” to conservative pundits by giving their votes to the vulgar billionaire Donald Trump:

Donald J. Trump won sweeping victories across the South and in New England on Tuesday, a show of strength in the Republican primary campaign that underscored the breadth of his appeal and helped him begin to amass a wide delegate advantage despite growing resistance to his candidacy among party leaders.
Mr. Trump’s political coalition — with his lopsided victories in Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts and Tennessee, and narrower ones in Arkansas, Vermont and Virginia — appears to have transcended the regional and ideological divisions that have shaped the Republican Party in recent years.
With strong support from low-income white voters, especially those without college degrees, he dominated in moderate, secular-leaning Massachusetts just as easily as he did in the conservative and heavily evangelical Deep South.

What can be done? Why aren’t voters paying attention to pundits? Could it be that Idiocracy is upon us? Well . . .

The man behind the 2006 cult sci-fi film “Idiocracy” is lamenting that his fictional movie appears to have become reality.
“I never expected #idiocracy to become a documentary,” tweeted screenwriter Etan Cohen in an apparent jab at the 2016 presidential race.
Together with “Beavis & Butt-head” creator Mike Judge, Cohen co-wrote the time-travel comedy. The plot revolves around the misadventures of a man who wakes up in a futuristic America only to discover that everyone around him, including lawmakers and government officials, is an idiot.
“I thought the worst thing that would come true was everyone wearing Crocs,” Cohen told his Twitter followers.
“Idiocracy” star Terry Crews, famous for his role as President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, also used the satirical film to take a shot at the surreal election cycle.
“All y’all need to stop tripping,” Crews tweeted in character. “Chill the F out, ‘Merica.”

When TV filled up with idiotic “reality” shows like Survivor and The Bachelor, and when “motor voter” registration ensured that nearly everyone with a driver’s license was eligible to vote, we knew there would be bad consequences. Do I sound like a snob? Man, I hate snobbery, but really, anyone who spends their evenings watching wretched crap like that on TV needs to be disenfranchised. If your idea of quality programming is Keeping Up With the Kardashians or MTV’s The Real World? Stay home on Election Day, please. If you have seen Idiocracy and if you have also read The Bell Curve, you understand the connection here. You might also wish to read, for example, What to Expect When No One’s Expecting and Adam and Eve After the Pill. Demographics is destiny, and the United States has been in demographic decline for at least 40 years.

Who can save us from utter ruin?


Well, OK, you can see my six kids. Where are your six kids?

The future belongs to those who show up, as Mark Steyn says, and if you are sufficiently intelligent, literate and civic-minded that you spend your leisure time reading political news and cultural commentary, you need to maximize your personal contribution to the future. Have more kids and home-school them. Do not surrender your kids to the government education system, which is run by corrupt bureaucrats who teach children to hate God, hate America and vote Democrat.

What does the Trump juggernaut mean? That is not for me to decide. If you’re smart enough to read this, you’re smart enough to decide for yourself what it means. But one way or another, it’s not a good sign. As I said when Obama was re-elected, we are Doomed Beyond All Hope of Redemption. Does anyone now doubt we are doomed?



103 Responses to “Those Danged Voters!”

  1. Dana
    March 3rd, 2016 @ 3:10 pm

    Maybe it’s just that il Duce and his Italian troops were simply more inept.

  2. Dana
    March 3rd, 2016 @ 3:11 pm

    When George Tiller was murdered by Scott Roeder, was that not the achievement of justice by an unjust means?

  3. Ilion
    March 3rd, 2016 @ 3:38 pm

    Sadly, I’m not going to bother trying to help you work you way through the logical contradictions contained in your question. As I mentioned in the other thread, I have shaken the dust from my feet.
