The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Living in Interesting Times

Early this morning, I found myself researching the British industrialist and politician Joseph Chamberlain, whose son Neville became the Prime Minister ruined by appeasement. It was apparently from Joseph Chamberlain that his other son, Austen (Nevill[e’s half-brother) derived the idea of “may you live in interesting times” as being, as is often said, an ancient […]

BOOM! Trump Campaign Hits Harris Immediately: ‘Kamala Was In On It’

While today’s announcement caught me by surprise, obviously Team Trump was prepared in advance for this contingency: The Democratic party baton has not officially passed from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris, but already, the vice president is facing Republican attacks befitting a presidential front-runner. Only moments after Biden announced he would not be seeking reelection […]

Trump #Winning Again

The man is stacking up W’s like nobody’s business. First, he wins the early debate that Team Biden demanded, then sits back and watches for two weeks while Democrats tear their party apart in an ultimately doomed effort to kick Sleepy Joe off the ticket. Then on Saturday he survives an assassination attempt, and by […]

‘Don’t Get Cocky’

What’s the first thing you notice when you look at today’s Real Clear Politics average of presidential election polls? What stands out to your eye? For me, it’s that NPR/PBS/Marist poll which, alone among all polls in the last two weeks, shows Joe Biden in the lead. Any average is only as good as the […]

The Zuckerberg Conspiracy: How a 501(c)3 Funded the 2020 Election ‘Cabal’

“The ‘cabal’ that bragged of foisting Joe Biden on us must answer for his failed presidency,” Glenn Reynolds wrote in December 2021. Nearly everyone now seems to agree about the “failed presidency” part of that headline, but is it too late to examine the nature of that “cabal”? William Doyle at The Federalist has a […]

When You’ve Lost Nate Silver …

What? A Democrat telling “obvious lies that nobody but the dumbest partisans will buy”? You mean it’s a day ending in “-y”? My friend Stephen Green is reveling in schadenfreude over Silver’s latest election forecast, which is developing a trendline in exactly one direction — from bad to worse for “Sundown Joe,” showing “Biden with […]

Democrats Singing ‘Suspicious Minds’

Democrats are caught in a trap. They can’t walk out. As much as they may want to dump Joe Biden, there are a few problems — perhaps insurmountable problems — with any scenario to replace him: “We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before […]

NY16 Primary Results: Challenger Latimer Defeats Jew-Hater Jamaal Bowman

9 p.m. ET: Polls just closed in New York, where the Democratic primary in the 16th congressional district pits deranged Jew-hater Jamaal Bowman against a slightly less crazy challenger, George Latimer. 9:15 p.m. ET: Seriously, polls in New York are open from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. — 15 hours on Election Day, and never […]

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