The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Satanic Education

Posted on | July 31, 2016 | 11 Comments


Another reason to get your kids out of public school:

“It’s critical that children understand that there are multiple perspectives on all issues, and that they have a choice in how they think,” said Doug Mesner, the Satanic Temple’s co-founder.
On Monday, the group plans to introduce its After School Satan Club to public elementary schools, including one in Prince George’s County [Maryland], petitioning school officials to allow them to open immediately as the academic year starts. Chapter heads from New York, Boston, Utah and Arizona were in Salem [Massachusetts] on July 10 talking strategy, with others from Minneapolis, Detroit, San Jose, New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Florida participating online. . . .
Amy Jensen, a professional educator in Tucson who has a master’s degree in curriculum, instruction and teaching from the University of Denver, says she has decided to lead an After School Satan Club . . .

You can read the rest. Of course public schools are already effectively satanic. Christianity was purged from the curriculum decades ago and no Christian could in good conscience work in these government-run temples of godlessness, so the public schools are staffed by wicked perverts.

  • BUFFALO, N.Y., July 29 — An English teacher for the Holley Central School District is facing child pornography charges.
    Steven Choi, 41, of Rochester, is charged with receipt and possession of child pornography.
    Prosecutors say members of the FBI Child Exploitation Task Force began monitoring Choi’s IP address in December 2014 and recovered sexually explicit photographs of prepubescent girls on his laptop computer.
  • NASHVILLE, Tenn., July 29 — A former Nashville teacher has been charged with statutory rape after allegedly performing sexual acts on five 17-year-old boys.
    The alleged incidents took place between September and November of 2014, and officials confirmed some of those acts reportedly happened on the campus of Pearl Cohn High School where the suspect used to teach.
    Authorities said 24-year-old Marquita Alston was arrested and charged with five counts of statutory rape.
    According to reports, an investigation of Alston began on November 24, 2014 by the Sex Crimes Unit of the Metro Nashville Police Department.
    Officials had received information from the principal at Pearl Cohn regarding disturbing information about Alston.
    Detectives conducted several interviews and were told the former teacher had sexual contact with multiple teens.
    Prosecutors received the case file for evaluation and consideration in May 2015.
    Those involved with the case said Alston’s arrest took a while to happen because authorities had to go through the five victim’s phones to recover text messages and interview the victims and their families, which took a couple of years.
  • BONITA, Calif., July 28 — A Bonita High School music teacher is accused of having a sexual relationship with one of his students.
    Jason Jerome Mangan-Magabilin, 38, was arrested Wednesday by Chula Vista police on nine counts of oral copulation with a minor and four counts of sexual penetration with a minor.
    The victim was a student between the ages of 15 and 17, police said. The alleged relationship occurred about five years ago.
    The Sweetwater Union High School District is fully cooperating with investigators and is also conducting its own internal investigation. Mangan was booked into the San Diego County Jail. . . .
    Sweetwater Union has dealt with a myriad of allegations regarding inappropriate staff-student relationships at one of its other schools, Mar Vista High. In March and April, three Mar Vista High School staff members were arrested on allegations of having sex with students.
  • CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, July 22 — A Cedar Rapids teacher admits she has had a relationship with a high school boy.
    Mary Beth Haglin, 24, is facing charges of sexual exploitation.
    We were at the Linn County Sheriff’s Office this morning when Haglin turned herself in.
    Haglin’s relationship with the 17-year-old student was going on while she was a substitute teacher at Washington High School. She claims the school found out about her relationship, telling her to keep the situation quiet.
    Haglin turned herself in at the Linn County Sheriff’s Office today, but contacted us last month, wanting to tell her story.
    At the time of the interview, 24-year-old Haglin says she and the high school boy were still in a relationship.
    “We both knew what could happen,” says Haglin. “He gave me a lot of solace and comfort.”

These are just a few recent stories that made headlines, the tip of a vast iceberg of evil perpetrated in taxpayer-funded schools. Satan seems to be doing pretty well in school, without having any official clubs.



11 Responses to “Satanic Education”

  1. Steve Skubinna
    July 31st, 2016 @ 9:36 am

    So one could start a Hitler Fan Club on school grounds and nobody could object because First Amendment, bitches!

    Who am I kidding? That’s dumb. No, it would have to be a Stalin Fan Club to get through. In the meanwhile, excuse me, we have to shut down the Book Club because somebody recommended a book by Thomas Sowell.

  2. Vicky Fisher
    July 31st, 2016 @ 11:16 am

    Who needs a Satanic Club when you have the NEA.! They have been destroying minds,morals,and souls for years.

  3. RS
    July 31st, 2016 @ 11:32 am

    Insert any of my comments from prior public education posts here. As for the substance of the “club,” presumably a few of the school administrators have a passing acquaintance with Christian beliefs. If so, they would be wise to consider Matthew 18:6 (KJV):

    6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    The time is fast approaching, if it is not here already, where Christians employed within public education are going to have to choose. Either they will go along with a program designed to alienate children from God and their families in order to maintain their jobs and secure a retirement, or they will resign and follow Christ. There will be no other options available.

  4. RS
    July 31st, 2016 @ 11:35 am

    I should add, parents of school aged children face that choice already. Sending one’s children to public schools as they currently exist makes one complicit in the destruction of those children’s souls.

  5. Steve Skubinna
    July 31st, 2016 @ 1:21 pm

    Yeah, but they’re secular. Their “faith” is all based on pure reason and Science! and other rilly, rilly smirt stuff.

  6. BSR
    July 31st, 2016 @ 2:31 pm

    OMFG this would not have struck me as that huge of a deal (since it seems like there are people who troll real life as furiously as some troll the internet) but I actually grew up and went to school in the Prince George’s County school district. I live nowhere near there now, but there’s some perspective missing here.

    Prince George’s County is actually majority Black. It has languished somewhat compared to its neighbors because it had a lot of difficulty attracting commercial investment. So while it was an awesome location from the perspective of being able to commute easily to most of Maryland’s major cities while living there, there were vast portions of the county that remained underdeveloped for years. Unknown to me when I was younger, the region of PG county I lived in was actually well-known for its pot. The old tobacco fields apparently weren’t just good for growing tobacco.

    I just don’t see how having a Satan fan club after school will serve to improve the educational system or promote excellence in the students who are involved with it. Shouldn’t there be some common sense here?

  7. Adobe_Walls
    July 31st, 2016 @ 5:30 pm

    Common sense has become an uncommon virtue of late.

  8. NeoWayland
    July 31st, 2016 @ 5:32 pm

    Considering that the history of public education in the U.S. is wrapped up with anti-Catholic bias, I’m sure you’ll pardon me if I find this whole thing deeply ironic.

    Here’s an idea. Let’s make sure that public education, like all American government function, neither helps nor hinders any religion.

    We could go one step further and get government out of the education business, but maybe it’s too soon to ask that.


    ETA again: Coincidently, my old piece on Public School Monopoly got a lot of hits this last month.

  9. Quartermaster
    July 31st, 2016 @ 5:41 pm

    If some one were in the mood to troll people, starting a Hitler Fan Club would be an excellent way of doing it. Rejecting it would place the rest of those school “clubs” in jeopardy.

    The Satan Club would embrace any of the evil men you could name, however. They were, after all, his men.

  10. Joe Joe
    August 1st, 2016 @ 3:19 am

    The Catholic Church is going terribly wrong:

    Vatican sex ed ‘surrenders’ to sexual revolution: Life and family leaders react

    July 29, 2016 (LifeSiteNews)
    — Three international life-and-family leaders who have defended Catholic teaching on marriage, sexuality, and life for decades have called the Vatican’s newly released sex-ed program for teens “thoroughly immoral,” “entirely inappropriate,” and “quite tragic.”

    “I find it monstrous that an official arm of the Church would not only create a sexual education program for teens but one that bypasses parents as the primary educator of their children,” said Dr. Thomas Ward, Founder and President of the National Association of Catholic Families as well as a Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life….

  11. Time for a reformation, time for a crusade [Jn 1]. | Dark Brightness
    August 1st, 2016 @ 2:49 pm

    […] As we point to Christ, we point away from the Antichrist and the minions of the pit, but I have to note this: the minions of the pit are trying to infest public schools, and you can judge them by the results of…. […]
