The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gay Pride = Hate Republicans?

Posted on | June 12, 2017 | 1 Comment


This year’s Los Angeles Pride Parade was turned into an anti-Republican political protest, from which gay Republicans were banned. It’s rather difficult to explain the logic of this, given that Trump was the most pro-LGBT Republican ever nominated for president, and his most prominent supporters include gay billionaire Peter Thiel. If you look at exit polls, you discover that Republicans get more votes from the gay community than they do from the black community, and why? Two reasons:

1. Capitalism;
2. Patriotism.

If you love economic freedom, and you’re proud to be an American, obviously you should vote Republican. Does being gay require you to vote for the Democrat Party’s socialist anti-American agenda? No, and many gay people are smart enough to figure this out. Heck, at the 2012 GOP convention in Tampa, I watched Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech from a private luxury suite — with free beer — thanks to a lesbian friend who happened to be lobbyist for the coal industry. Who says that so-called “social issues” are more important than basic economics? Democrats. And who believes that supporting America’s enemies is good for gay people? Democrats. The Orlando massacre was committed by a terrorist who declared his loyalty to America’s enemies. You know what Donald Trump wants to do to terrorists who support America’s enemies? Kill them all. If you think that’s a good idea, vote Republican.

Look, I don’t care who you are or what your problem is, there is no such thing as a problem to which the solution is “Vote Democrat.”

(Hat-tip: Donald Douglas at American Power.)



One Response to “Gay Pride = Hate Republicans?”

  1. News of the Week (June 18th, 2017) | The Political Hat
    June 18th, 2017 @ 2:48 pm

    […] Gay Pride = Hate Republicans? This year’s Los Angeles Pride Parade was turned into an anti-Republican political protest, from which gay Republicans were banned. It’s rather difficult to explain the logic of this, given that Trump was the most pro-LGBT Republican ever nominated for president, and his most prominent supporters include gay billionaire Peter Thiel. If you look at exit polls, you discover that Republicans get more votes from the gay community than they do from the black community, and why? […]

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