The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Heading to Harvard Yard

Posted on | September 7, 2017 | Comments Off on Heading to Harvard Yard

“What these male feminists fail to realize is that, as men, they will always be oppressors. . . . Men, as a class, are culpable for misogyny, and male allies are no different . . . Feminism does not need men. . . . Feminism is not supposed to be palatable to men; it is supposed to be threatening.”
Nian Hu, Harvard Crimson

FITCHBURG, Massachusetts
My friend Pete Da Tech Guy will be taking the train down to Cambridge this afternoon, and my first stop will be Harvard’s Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Honestly, I just want to see what Hell on Earth looks like at close range. Pray for my safety.

On the other hand, notorious Thought Criminal Charles Murray managed to speak at Harvard without causing a riot Wednesday night:

Harvard University students braved a light drizzle Wednesday night to protest a speech by Charles Murray, dubbing the conservative intellectual a “white nationalist.”
Murray is best-known for his 1994 book, The Bell Curve, in which he and co-author Richard Herrnstein argue that hereditary factors, in addition to environmental ones, influence an individual’s intelligence.
Murray had been invited by the Harvard College Open Campus Initiative (HCOCI) — known as the “free speech club” on campus — which invited him to talk about his most recent book, By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission, but the announcement sparked outrage among the student body, according to The Harvard Crimson.
“Inviting [Dr. Murray] to campus in an uncritical and stubbornly evasive way is deeply harmful, and giving him an unchecked platform to spread white nationalism is antithetical to a true commitment to free speech,” said Nicholas Whittaker, a junior at the school. “We ask any interested to join us to assert our dissatisfaction with Murray and HCOCI.”
Outside of the venue, protesters gathered and chanted, “Don’t give into racist fear/everyone is welcome here!”

Well, if everybody is welcome at Harvard, probably they won’t mind me wandering around campus checking out the student scene. My plan is to meet up with Republican students on campus — believe it or not, there are at least two — and maybe grab a pizza and a few cold beverages.

* * * * *

Readers can come hear me speak, and get a copy of my book Sex Trouble, this Saturday, Sept. 9, in Leominster, Massachusetts, at an event hosted by Da Tech Guy blog, the Worcester Tea Party and Granite Grok.

Tickets for this buffet luncheon event are available online, and I hope all my friends in the New England area will attend.

If you can’t make it to Saturday’s luncheon, however, you might want to chip in to the Shoe Leather Fund, because I’ll be spending five days visiting institutes of higher learning in the region, just to see what kind of lunacy is being promulgated on campus this fall. Please remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:





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