The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | February 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

[Read Darleen first, as this is a continuation. And Happy Valentine’s Day!]

“Solved it,” said Steve.
“Do tell. What’s that man doing?” Kristy squirmed.
“I was in the Navy. If you interpret arm positions in the pictures as semaphore, you get: ‘WYMM’.”
Blank stare. “Yeah, maybe.”
Steve turned the camera over, revealing a ring cached beneath. Sat Kristy on a chair as he gracefully took a knee, sliding the beautiful band onto her finger, saying “Will you marry me?”
* * *
Years later: “OK, how’d you do that, Steve?”
“Do what?”
“Rig that proposal camera.”
“How did the car break down just ahead of that Yukon road trip?”
“I’m not telling you that.”


One Response to “Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short : The Other McCain
    February 4th, 2018 @ 6:56 pm

    […] Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge EBL […]