The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Toxic Intersectionality Syndrome

Posted on | July 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

“Word salad is a ‘confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases’ . . . used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder.”

If you really want to know why Hillary lost in 2016, and why Democrats have descended into incoherent hysteria since Trump became president, look no further than EverydayFeminism-dot-com, a toxic stew of Third Wave “gender” madness that features headlines like this:

Asian Americans: 10 Warning Signs That
Show You’re Siding With Whiteness

— Sept. 22. 2017

Let’s Be Real, Mainstream LGBTQIA+
Organizations Aren’t Really Showing Up
For QTPOC. Here’s What They Need To Do Now

— April 3, 2018

Transgender People Are Not Included In Mainstream History. Here Are 5 Ways For Anyone to Combat Trans Erasure Everyday
— May 7, 2018

You probably never gave a second thought to whether you were “siding with whiteness,” or “showing up for QTPOC” (queer/trans people of color) and I doubt you noticed how transgender people were omitted from “mainstream history,” because you probably (a) have an actual life and (b) vote Republican. You’re a grown-up, with bills to pay and real problems of your own to deal with, which means you don’t have a lot of time to spend worrying about the LGBTQIA+ agenda and “whiteness,” with which EverydayFeminism-dot-com is so obsessed.


Do you see what I mean about why Hillary lost? Her core supporters were the kind of young feminists who take seriously the bizarre craziness of 21st-century identity politics. Third-Wave “intersectionality” means that feminism is about everything — from “fat-shaming” and climate change to transgenderism and “queer” sexuality — and a feminism that is about everything is also ultimately a feminism about nothing.

Voting for Democrats means handing over the government to the kind of wackjobs who blabber on endlessly in postmodern academic jargon that sounds an awful lot like the “word salad” symptomatic of schizophrenia. It’s frightening to think that 68 million Americans actually voted for Hillary, given her lockstep loyalty to the feminist movement.

The three Everyday Feminist headlines cited above are all for articles by Ayesha Sharma, who attended Bates College — annual cost of attendance $66,720, including room and board — where she (or “they”) was/were “Co-Founder and President of the Bates Feminist Collective” and a member of such student organizations as Bates Democrats and OUTFront, “an advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and questioning (LGBTIQQ) individuals”). Ayesha is “non-binary,” which is a feminist synonym for crazy. Her latest column for Everyday Feminism is to craziness what Baskin-Robbins is to ice cream, and Ayesha is serving all 31 flavors here, folks.

5 Things I Learned About
Holding A Predominantly White
And Cisgender Feminist Space

Alright y’all, lemme cut straight to the point.
If your feminist — or really any justice-oriented — space is predominantly white and cisgender (cis), chances are that it’s got a lot of messy unchecked dynamics at play.
I’ll tell you my story of how I came to realize this seemingly obvious truth and what I’ve learned from it.
My freshman year of college, I founded a feminist organization with two cis women. One of these women was white and American and other who was Brown and Indian. I’m South Asian and trans, but at the time I hung out with mostly white people and identified as cis — or, at least, not trans.
So, needless to say, I was messy myself.
The feminist organization turned into a space where we, the three leaders, would host discussions to delve into what we decided were compelling feminist topics. With all of us having the same majority white and cis friends, our attendance reflected that demographic—and so did the people who applied to be on the club’s board.
I’m a senior now and after having done a lot of self-growth, I’ve understood what troubled me so much about the club as the years went on. Obviously, one reason was that it was majority white and cis and it wasn’t what I needed to come into my own identity.
But another was that I was really confused about why other people of color (POC) and trans people weren’t showing up like I was. . . .

You can read the rest of that, if you’re a connoisseur of insane gibberish, but among the things Ayesha is “really confused about,” maybe the shortage of “people of color” attending her feminist collective isn’t at the top of the list. My hunch is that most of the “POC” paying $66,720 a year to attend Bates College probably have better things to do with their spare time than hang out for discussions of “compelling feminist topics.”

By the way, what’s up with Ayesha Sharma and “y’all“? As a native Southerner, can I object to her cultural appropriation of my dialect? Bates College is in Maine, and was founded by abolitionists, so where does a senior at Bates get the idea she can use “y’all”? But there’s no point complaining, especially when this Third Wave craziness — which we may call “Toxic Intersectionality Syndrome” — is helping to drive every sane person in America out of the Democrat Party.


Oh, yes! If you vote Republican, it’s because your “whiteness” is “toxic,” according to Everyday Feminism, and they want to teach you how to eradicate the “deeply normalized white supremacy” of American society, which “is built on a foundation of systemic oppression.”

You can buy a lot of “systemic oppression” for $66,720 a year, honey.



One Response to “Toxic Intersectionality Syndrome”

  1. If All You See… » Pirate's Cove
    July 3rd, 2018 @ 1:02 pm

    […] blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Toxic Intersectionality […]