The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

For Massachusetts, Journalism Reinforcement Arrives

That was Stacy’s FMJRA title. I had suggested something noticeably more pretentious: “From Massachusetts, Journalism Re-emerges, Agamemnon-esque”. Then again, I registered “The McCain Mutiny” as a title for the blog, just in case we couldn’t spring TheOtherMcCain from in time for our rollout a fortnight and a lifetime

Valley of the Shadow

My friend JSF at Valley of the Shadow blog hosted me during my recent California expedition, and now he’s having a tip-jar fundraising drive. If you’ve hit my tip jar, you really ought to do something for my friend. UPDATE: If NBC can pay Conan O’Brien $30 million to leave the “Tonight Show,” the least […]

Some Things You Really
Have to See to Believe

Yes, believe it or not, an SEIU member supporting Scott Brown — read her story at The American Spectator. Here’s another photo of the Brown supporters who turned up outside the Martha Coakley event at Worcester Polytechnic Institute tonight: Will update shortly with videos from tonight’s speech by Bill Clinton, but I just had to […]

Rudy Giuliani and Scott Brown Hit the North End

My brief report at the American Spectator blog includes this: A crowd of several hundred supporters turned out to greet Brown and Giuliani, who were followed by a large press contingent as they visited a nearby fire station and walked three blocks to Caffe Vittoria, a landmark eatery in a community famed for its Italian […]

Scott Brown: Nice Guy

From my latest American Spectator column: Brown’s nice-guy likeability may be his strongest advantage in the race to fill the Senate seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy in a state where registered Democrats outnumber GOP voters three-to-one. His affable, easygoing manner offers a stark contrast to his opponent, state attorney general Martha Coakley, whose chief […]

‘Our Small Is Their Large’

Da Tech Guy absolutely insisted that I must visit Mighty Subs in Needham, Mass., home of the giantic 20-inch sub famous for the motto, “Our Small Is Their Large.” And so I did. Big hands, big feet, big nose, big sandwich . . . Da Tech Guy orders his “chicken parm” at Mighty Subs. Well, as we […]

VIDEO: New Scott Brown Ad Hits Martha Coakley for Ties to Lobbyists

(Hat-tip: Michael Graham.) UPDATE: You want to see how demoralized Democrats are about the distinctly unlikeable Martha Coakley’s horribly bad campaign? Check out the desperate arguments made by a liberal Massachusetts  blogger. (Hat-tip: Memeorandum.) I’m currently on deadline for The American Spectator and don’t have time to do a lot of aggregation right now — much […]

Scott Brown Meets the Press

FITCHBURG, Mass. “This is a big tent campaign,” Republican Scott Brown told reporters today at Boston’s Omni Parker House hotel. “I’m not into labels.” Brown responded to questions about a Boston Globe story that distorted the Senate candidate’s remarks about the Tea Party movement. Asked about the Globe’s assertion that he had claimed to be “unfamiliar” […]

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