The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Security Breach at Newark Airport

Not sure if it’s anything other than a major hassle for travelers, but Fox News has this: Authorities are searching for a man who walked through a screening checkpoint exit into the secure side of a terminal at Newark Liberty International Airport. Flights have been grounded, and passengers are being re-screened. Homeland Security Department spokeswoman […]

Massachusetts Senate: Scott Brown Is Running — and Martha Coakley’s Hiding

Republican Scott Brown‘s Massachusetts Senate campaign is gathering momentum. The Jan. 19 special election is to fill Ted Kennedy’s vacated seat (Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment) and, in heavily Democratic Massachusetts, a GOP victory would be a shocking upset. In addition to the built-in leftward tilt of Massachusetts voters, Brown’s opponent, […]

Roger Scruton: ‘Our World Has
Turned Its Back on Beauty . . .’

“. . . and because of that, we find ourselves surrounded by ugliness and alienation.” On our inaugural Rule 5 Sunday of the New Year at the new site, please watch this video and then we’ll talk more about beauty: That’s one of a six-part series of YouTube videos collected in one post by blogger […]

Interviewed at JIP

by Smitty Jumping in Pools requested an interview. Who am I to refuse such blatant ego massage? At any rate, back to work on the TO DO list.

Rule 5 Sunday

by Smitty

Rule 5 Sunday at the new digs. Welcome. Here we take all manner of links that are beautiful/handsome PG-13 or lower in intensity, and package them in the most liesurely fashion possible. Updates to Smitty for inclusion. Put “Rule 5” in the Subject field for easy queueing. To work:

Band at JSU Banned at LGF:
Time for a Neo-Confederate Music Fest!

Fight on, fight on for ole Jax State We’re proud that we’re from Alabama . . . The lyrics of the fight song at my alma mater, Jacksonville (Ala.) State University, would almost certainly result in immediate banishment from Little Green Footballs. “Proud that we’re from Alabama“? It would be worse than down-dinging a comment […]

Some Blues

by Smitty

Now and then a tune comes to mind, and you find yourself YouTubing. For starters, there is Tracy Chapman doing “Give Me One Reason”

Your Printer Is a Narc

Well, maybe not your printer, but my printer is clearly spying on me. Over dinner today, my 20-year-old daughter had a suggestion that inspired me to design a thank-you note to send to our tip-jar hitters. When I went to do a test printing, however, the machine printed only half the card. Hmmm. Try again, same […]

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