The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Caution for the New Year

by Smitty (h/t House of Eratosthenes) Morgan points us to the Latin expression MURUM ARIES ATTIGIT, “The (battering) ram has touched the wall”. Follow the HoE link to get to one of those bits of legal correspondence that occurs when the Big Guy apparently overplays the hand and the Little Guy comes on with all […]

State Employee Faces Discipline for Looking at Porn Insulting Obama at Work

Stereotypes are harmful and one would be promoting a sexist stereotype to say that women have a habit of forwarding “cute” e-mails, no matter how many times your mother-in-law does it. However, not all junk-mail is created equal: DENVER, Colo. – A Colorado Department of Transportation employee could face discipline for forwarding an email with […]

The Focus Groups Have Spoken

by Smitty Paco Enterprises drops a bomb on a deserving couple… Obama: Hey, that’s not a pair of golf shoes! What do you suppose it is? Napolitano: Beats me. Anyhow, as I was saying, we’d like to do a better job connecting the intelligence dots, but the Suspicious-Looking Persons Anti-Defamation League has been complaining about […]

Because We’re Cool

The new blog was announced via Twitter and Facebook. Smitty is also on Twitter, although his Facebook identity is a closely guarded secret. If you knew his Facebook page, he’d have to kill you. Smitty got an Instalanche on his second post at the old site, so I’m thinking he should be assigned the task […]

A Tale of Two Bloggies

by Smitty It was the best of blogs, it was the worst of blogs… The website was a great place to convince ourselves that we could blog, find an audience and command its attention. But the Big Brother convenience of Blogger squelched our dreams of galactic conquest; of subjugating the foe; of . . […]

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