The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dennis Kucinich to Vote ‘Yes’ and Other Updates on Zombie Health Care Bill

Posted on | March 17, 2010 | 36 Comments

Obama’s arm-twisting works wonders on the little leftist from Ohio:

“In the past week it’s become clear that the vote on the final bill will be very close,” Kucinich, who voted No last time because of the lack of the public option, said at a presser moments ago. He acknowleged that he’d be voting “not on the bill as I would like to see it, but as it is.”
“However, after careful discussions with President Obama, Speaker Pelosi” and others, Kucinich said, “I’ve decided to cast a vote in favor of the legislation.”

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air:

Obviously, having one former no vote swing to yes doesn’t mean Nancy Pelosi can pass the bill.  It does, however, create a sense of momentum.  Kucinich, as one of the most loony of the progressive caucus, provides cover for those progressives more connected to reality to follow suit and switch their votes to yes. 

Campaign for Liberty accuses Kucinich of hypocrisy:

If Kucinich were really as principled as he believes himself to be, he would have cast a “no” vote on this legislation for precisely the same reasons he articulated on ‘Countdown’ last week.
Kucinich had a chance to prove that he “walks the walk” but instead let the intense pressure from the powers that be sway his opinion.

UPDATE: This just in — Dennis Kucinich’s wife is still hot. You got to give the guy credit for that, eh?

Meanwhile, CNN reports “no” votes from five other Democrats whose wives aren’t nearly as hot as Elizabeth Kucinich.

The Nose On Your Face dubs the Kucinich deal the “Klingon Kickback.”

“As Kucinich goes, so goes Uranus.”

UPDATE II: Michelle Malkin damns Kucinich with his own words:

“This bill represents a giveaway to the insurance industry,” Kucinich told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. “$70 billion a year, and no guarantees of any control over premiums, forcing people to buy private insurance…I’m sorry, I just don’t see that this bill is the solution.”

Kucinich: He was against the $70 billion giveaway to the insurance industry before he was for it! But don’t worry, nobody on the Left will hold Kucinich accountable. If they weren’t gullible sheep, they wouldn’t be on the Left in the first place.

UPDATE III: From Kucinich’s statement:

I believe health care is a civil right.

Yeah? Well, some people may believe a 6-foot-tall redheaded wife 30 years younger is a civil right, but do the math, Dennis: There’s just not enough to go around.

You can’t conjure up goods and services merely by proclaiming your belief that these things are a “civil right.” This is the basic problem with socialism: Eventually, you run out of other people’s money.

UPDATE IV: The American Spectator‘s health-care ace Philip Klein:

The media will make a lot of noise about this because Kucinich is the first “no” vote to publicly switch to “yes,” but we shouldn’t be surprised that a single-payer advocate would support a bill that’s such a major step toward government-run health care.
As I’ve said all along, the question is not whether, with this one piece of legislation, liberals achieve their dream of a government-run health care system. The important point is that it moves the United States in that direction.

One of the commenters notes that Michelle Obama has enlisted Mrs. Kucinich for her anti-obesity crusade:

Now that Michelle Obama has made curbing childhood obesity the rage, another effort with a similar wow factor is pressing the case for schools to provide healthful foods to replace the sugary and fatty products the first lady wants to send to the principal’s office.
To publicize a bill being dropped Thursday to push school cafeteria veggies, promoters are rolling out dishy actress Scarlett Johansson and redheaded activist Elizabeth Kucinich to talk up the bennies of “plant-based meals.”
“We’re trying to drive healthy eating,” says Kucinich, who’s married to Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the one-time Democratic presidential candidate. She represents the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which is whipping up support for Rep. George Miller’s Healthy School Meals Act of 2010. . . .
Their efforts run in parallel with the first lady’s antiobesity campaign, which comes at the issue from another direction. “We are absolutely working parallel, in tandem,” said Kucinich . . .

Just a coincidence, I’m sure . . .

UPDATE V: Byron York reports that the count is 209 “no,” 204 “yes” and 18 undecided, according to GOP sources. That means the undecideds have to break 2-to-1 “yes” in order to pass the bill. Hot Air says the whip count means Pelosi is in trouble.



36 Responses to “Dennis Kucinich to Vote ‘Yes’ and Other Updates on Zombie Health Care Bill”

  1. L.N. Smithee
    March 17th, 2010 @ 4:39 pm

    Rush is now forwarding a report that Elizabeth Kucinich is somehow going to be a part of Michelle Obama’s war on obesity, with an emphasis on veggie consumption.

    This makes cynical sense. Kucinich SHOULD be the star of the upcoming movie She’s Out of My League, and I’m sure he knows it. He wants to keep the little … uh … the statuesque lady happy. And make no mistake about it — nobody who is as put together and well-maintained as Mrs. Menace is content to remain in the shadow of a midget.

  2. L.N. Smithee
    March 17th, 2010 @ 11:39 am

    Rush is now forwarding a report that Elizabeth Kucinich is somehow going to be a part of Michelle Obama’s war on obesity, with an emphasis on veggie consumption.

    This makes cynical sense. Kucinich SHOULD be the star of the upcoming movie She’s Out of My League, and I’m sure he knows it. He wants to keep the little … uh … the statuesque lady happy. And make no mistake about it — nobody who is as put together and well-maintained as Mrs. Menace is content to remain in the shadow of a midget.

  3. Joe
    March 17th, 2010 @ 4:40 pm

    There was a commentator at Althouse who wrote that the Dems would “bride” Kucinich. Given how his wife looks, maybe that explains all of this. They got him a smokin red head and the Dems essentially own him. Plus with his new age ideas, he might actually have a modest proposal on making Obamacare work fiscally.

    And for St. Paddy’s day how about this.

  4. Joe
    March 17th, 2010 @ 11:40 am

    There was a commentator at Althouse who wrote that the Dems would “bride” Kucinich. Given how his wife looks, maybe that explains all of this. They got him a smokin red head and the Dems essentially own him. Plus with his new age ideas, he might actually have a modest proposal on making Obamacare work fiscally.

    And for St. Paddy’s day how about this.

  5. When you stand by your principles party or no… « DaTechguy's Blog
    March 17th, 2010 @ 12:14 pm

    […] Other McCain keeps his eyes on the…prize? This just in – Dennis Kucinich’s wife is still hot. You got to give the guy credit for that, […]

  6. Lipton T. Bagg
    March 17th, 2010 @ 6:36 pm

    In fairness to Obama, if it were Clinton he’d be keeping his eye on Ms. Kuninich and not the prize. Seriously, this means nothing inasmuch as his vote is always a matter of question – especially when there is political collateral to be had. I’m guessing some kickbacks in future support might have something to do with it as well..

    Every flock needs a mindless “sheeple” to be the bellwether, leading the mindless throng. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Dennis Kuninich – (insert bell tones here).

    No really, I give him to you. Take him, please. I don’t want him – don’t think Smitty does either…

  7. Lipton T. Bagg
    March 17th, 2010 @ 1:36 pm

    In fairness to Obama, if it were Clinton he’d be keeping his eye on Ms. Kuninich and not the prize. Seriously, this means nothing inasmuch as his vote is always a matter of question – especially when there is political collateral to be had. I’m guessing some kickbacks in future support might have something to do with it as well..

    Every flock needs a mindless “sheeple” to be the bellwether, leading the mindless throng. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Dennis Kuninich – (insert bell tones here).

    No really, I give him to you. Take him, please. I don’t want him – don’t think Smitty does either…

  8. The WyBlog
    March 17th, 2010 @ 1:49 pm

    Obamacare – about as popular as a root canal (which it wouldn’t pay for anyway)…

    …Barry is still buying votes but some Democrats have not yet decided which way the wind is blowing. ……

  9. Dennis Kucinich
    March 17th, 2010 @ 6:58 pm

    My wife is a smokin hot red head and I am not looking back! Weeeeeeeee

  10. Dennis Kucinich
    March 17th, 2010 @ 1:58 pm

    My wife is a smokin hot red head and I am not looking back! Weeeeeeeee

  11. listingstarboard
    March 17th, 2010 @ 7:51 pm

    Funny, when I see a repulsive dweeby nerdface of a man like Kucinich has a wife that looks like her –well my thoughts aren’t that he deserves credit, rather WTF is so pathetically wrong with that woman she beds herself to that loser. She must have some deep seeded insecurity complex to subject herself to that torture.

  12. listingstarboard
    March 17th, 2010 @ 2:51 pm

    Funny, when I see a repulsive dweeby nerdface of a man like Kucinich has a wife that looks like her –well my thoughts aren’t that he deserves credit, rather WTF is so pathetically wrong with that woman she beds herself to that loser. She must have some deep seeded insecurity complex to subject herself to that torture.

  13. Michael Moore
    March 17th, 2010 @ 7:52 pm

    Within days, the House of Representatives will vote to pass the Senate health-care “reform” bill. This bill is a joke. It has NOTHING to do with “health-care reform.” It has EVERYTHING to do with lining the pockets of the health insurance industry. It forces, by law, every American who isn’t old or destitute to buy health insurance if their boss doesn’t provide it. What company wouldn’t love the government forcing the public to buy that company’s product?! Imagine a bill that ordered every citizen to buy the extended warranty on all their appliances? Imagine a law that made it illegal not to own an iPhone? Or how ’bout I get a law passed that makes it compulsory for every American to go see my next movie? Woo-hoo! Who wouldn’t love a sweet set-up like this windfall?

    Damn Obama and his phoney health care reform.

  14. Michael Moore
    March 17th, 2010 @ 2:52 pm

    Within days, the House of Representatives will vote to pass the Senate health-care “reform” bill. This bill is a joke. It has NOTHING to do with “health-care reform.” It has EVERYTHING to do with lining the pockets of the health insurance industry. It forces, by law, every American who isn’t old or destitute to buy health insurance if their boss doesn’t provide it. What company wouldn’t love the government forcing the public to buy that company’s product?! Imagine a bill that ordered every citizen to buy the extended warranty on all their appliances? Imagine a law that made it illegal not to own an iPhone? Or how ’bout I get a law passed that makes it compulsory for every American to go see my next movie? Woo-hoo! Who wouldn’t love a sweet set-up like this windfall?

    Damn Obama and his phoney health care reform.

  15. Michael Moore
    March 17th, 2010 @ 8:08 pm

    Hey you already updated your post with my article. That is pretty good for a crazy right winger like you. And people say crazied anti capitalist people with eating disorders can’t get along with right wing gun loving people with nicotine stained fingers.

    See, I even described you as “people”. That is a big move on my part.

  16. Michael Moore
    March 17th, 2010 @ 3:08 pm

    Hey you already updated your post with my article. That is pretty good for a crazy right winger like you. And people say crazied anti capitalist people with eating disorders can’t get along with right wing gun loving people with nicotine stained fingers.

    See, I even described you as “people”. That is a big move on my part.

  17. Joe
    March 17th, 2010 @ 8:32 pm
  18. Joe
    March 17th, 2010 @ 3:32 pm
  19. Dave C
    March 17th, 2010 @ 8:34 pm

    It makes sense that the House member most resembling a leprechaun should make the most news today.

  20. Dave C
    March 17th, 2010 @ 3:34 pm

    It makes sense that the House member most resembling a leprechaun should make the most news today.

  21. “Kucinich: He was against the $70 billion giveaway to the insurance industry before he was for it!” « The TrogloPundit
    March 17th, 2010 @ 5:08 pm

    […] the $70 billion giveaway to the insurance industry before he was for it!” That’s The Other McCain’s take on the news: Rep. Dennis Kucinich – he of the “Department of Peace” and other […]

  22. Why Did Barack Obama Decide to Stir Up Trouble for Israel Now? : The Other McCain
    March 17th, 2010 @ 5:23 pm

    […] struck that he stirred up this mess at the very time that his health-care plan is approaching its final crisis on Capitol Hill. Was this an ill-timed blunder or a purposeful distraction? var addthis_pub='smitty1e';var […]

  23. richard mcenroe
    March 18th, 2010 @ 12:53 am

    ” This just in – Dennis Kucinich’s wife is still hot. You got to give the guy credit for that, eh?”

    She ain’t all that. Too much make-up to try to hide the deep set eyes.

    Hey, you don’t think Obie offered Kookie Kucie the VP slot in his 2012 defense?

  24. richard mcenroe
    March 17th, 2010 @ 7:53 pm

    ” This just in – Dennis Kucinich’s wife is still hot. You got to give the guy credit for that, eh?”

    She ain’t all that. Too much make-up to try to hide the deep set eyes.

    Hey, you don’t think Obie offered Kookie Kucie the VP slot in his 2012 defense?

  25. Right-Wing Links (March 17, 2010)
    March 17th, 2010 @ 8:40 pm

    […] Dennis Kucinich to Vote ‘Yes’ and Other Updates on Zombie Health Care Bill […]

  26. Conspiracy Theorist
    March 18th, 2010 @ 2:36 am

    Kucinich caved when he was informed by Obama that if he voted “no”, the government would be repossessing the android wife they had constructed for him.

  27. Conspiracy Theorist
    March 17th, 2010 @ 9:36 pm

    Kucinich caved when he was informed by Obama that if he voted “no”, the government would be repossessing the android wife they had constructed for him.

  28. Bob Belvedere
    March 18th, 2010 @ 2:51 am

    Awarded the THE SPOT-ON QUOTE OF THE DAY at:
    The Camp Of The Saints

  29. Bob Belvedere
    March 17th, 2010 @ 9:51 pm

    Awarded the THE SPOT-ON QUOTE OF THE DAY at:
    The Camp Of The Saints

  30. Oxbay
    March 18th, 2010 @ 10:16 am

    Civil right? Sure, you’re entitled to buy health insurance if someone will sell it to you.

    You’re not entitled to free health care provided by the government. Why? There is no right to other people’s money. That is the crux of the whole issue.

    It’s hard enough walking around these days with Chuck You Schumer’s hand in my pocket. It would become doubley difficult to walk around if this bill passes with Chuck You’s hand in one pocket and Barack Obama’s hand in the other.


  31. Oxbay
    March 18th, 2010 @ 5:16 am

    Civil right? Sure, you’re entitled to buy health insurance if someone will sell it to you.

    You’re not entitled to free health care provided by the government. Why? There is no right to other people’s money. That is the crux of the whole issue.

    It’s hard enough walking around these days with Chuck You Schumer’s hand in my pocket. It would become doubley difficult to walk around if this bill passes with Chuck You’s hand in one pocket and Barack Obama’s hand in the other.


  32. Roxeanne de Luca
    March 18th, 2010 @ 2:57 pm

    The “right” to health care is the same as any other right we have: that to do it without government interference (i.e. negative rights).

    I’ll go for health care being a positive right when liberals go for gun ownership as a positive right.

  33. Roxeanne de Luca
    March 18th, 2010 @ 9:57 am

    The “right” to health care is the same as any other right we have: that to do it without government interference (i.e. negative rights).

    I’ll go for health care being a positive right when liberals go for gun ownership as a positive right.

  34. CBO Performs Voodoo Math and Other Undead Zombie Health Care Updates : The Other McCain
    March 18th, 2010 @ 12:17 pm

    […] Madoff — great work you’re doing there!”EXPECT FURTHER UPDATES . . .PREVIOUSLY:Dennis Kucinich to Vote ‘Yes’ and Other Updates on Zombie Health Care Bill Undead Zombie Health Care UpdateLIVE: People’s Surge vs. ObamaCare 2.0Rep. Jim Jordan Speaks Out […]

  35. Lawyer Don Hecker Communication » Linkaround 3-17-2010
    March 18th, 2010 @ 1:25 pm

    […] Ohio Senator Acknowledges Any Health Reform Bill Will Lead to Public OptionThe Other McCain: Dennis Kucinich to Vote ‘Yes’ and Other Updates on Zombie Health Care Bill. The aliens got to him. American Power: Democrats Against […]

  36. CODE RED! D.C. Rally NOON TODAY : The Other McCain
    March 20th, 2010 @ 9:13 am

    […] […]
