The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Paul Ryan Is Great, Even If His Ideas Need Work

Posted on | April 26, 2010 | 4 Comments

by Smitty

Rep. Paul Ryan is that absolutely rare political animal who manages to be at once wonkish and likeable.
In a system geared by election frequency toward myopia, he has had the unmitigated gall to offer something like a tangible plan to work on the most pressing fiscal problems besetting the country. Note that I don’t say ‘fix’ or ‘solve’: the ‘F’ and ‘S’ words are indicators that whoever has the floor is either (a) stupid or (b) thinks you are stupid.
Here he is on Fox on 21Apr10:

Ryan’s plan is important. Its very existence belies the claim that the GOP has no ideas. Also, it argues an evolutionary change. Whereas many, for example, me, would argue that we should just admit that Federal entitlements are a 10th Amendment violation and boil them down for glue, Ryan’s plan is a far more realistic compromise in favor of something workable.

This admission does not mean that pressure to kill Federal entitlements should be removed. It doesn’t mean that chucklehead Brooks has won a new pair of nicely creased chinos. Rather, that the admission that there is merit in Ryan’s plan means it’s OK to club the beast on a variety of levels to bring about the necessary demise. Get bent, Brooks.
Via the Barracuda Bridage, Newsmax did a Ryan interview that his fans may find interesting. This rather friendly interview elaborates on the topics from the Fox clip in a little more detail. At the end, the interviewer throws out the executive branch bait, which Ryan refuses to admit giving any thought. Ryan is not thinking about it now, but fell well short of a Sherman denial. And why should he not?
For all I like and would support Ryan, individual entitlements are not a Federal issue. The sooner we overcome the cranial rectalitis on this point, the sooner we can set about un-baking the situation.


4 Responses to “Paul Ryan Is Great, Even If His Ideas Need Work”

  1. MNRobot
    April 26th, 2010 @ 1:37 pm

    You guys seriously need a “like” button, because I seriously “like” your take on Ryan and the entitlements issue. I hope he gets ready for a run in 2012 or 2016. Hey, Smitty for VP!

  2. MNRobot
    April 26th, 2010 @ 8:37 am

    You guys seriously need a “like” button, because I seriously “like” your take on Ryan and the entitlements issue. I hope he gets ready for a run in 2012 or 2016. Hey, Smitty for VP!

  3. Joe
    April 26th, 2010 @ 3:24 pm

    I like any politician who is capable of focusing on the entitlement issue and explaining why it is a huge problem for the country. Ryan and Christie seem able to do it. I do not see any others, but if you know of any let me know.

    Now the American people may be too retarded to take this advice and make the changes needed. I note that many lefties in the MSM are saying Tea Party members are too stupid to cut social security.

    I do not believe that to be the case. I believe the Tea Partiers do not want their social security cut merely to give more benefits to illegal imgrants and others who have not paid into the system. I think many would welcome increasing the eligibility age if we also cut other entitlements to be fiscally sound.

  4. Joe
    April 26th, 2010 @ 10:24 am

    I like any politician who is capable of focusing on the entitlement issue and explaining why it is a huge problem for the country. Ryan and Christie seem able to do it. I do not see any others, but if you know of any let me know.

    Now the American people may be too retarded to take this advice and make the changes needed. I note that many lefties in the MSM are saying Tea Party members are too stupid to cut social security.

    I do not believe that to be the case. I believe the Tea Partiers do not want their social security cut merely to give more benefits to illegal imgrants and others who have not paid into the system. I think many would welcome increasing the eligibility age if we also cut other entitlements to be fiscally sound.