The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Patrick Murray For VA-8

by Smitty Last Tuesday, 30Mar10, I had the privilege of meeting Ambassador John Bolton. The occasion was his endorsement of Patrick Murray to run for Congress in the 8th District of Virninia, against Jim Moran. Roughly 50 supporters turned out for Murray at the Army and Navy Club. Mr. Bolton is currently a Senior Fellow […]

VIDEO: Interview With Vernon Parker, AZ-3 Republican Candidate

During a fund-raiser Tuesday at his home in Paradise Valley, I interviewed Mayor Vernon Parker, who is running for Congress in Arizona’s 3rd District. Please excuse my usual “uh-ahh” stumbling — the Detective Columbo style as an interviewer works better in print than on video — and also please excuse the poor lighting. Sundown was rapidly approaching when we arrived at the event and […]

The Price of Press-Corps Fellatio

Ed Driscoll calls our attention to this interesting media dynamic: Every reporter in the White House press corps is writing a book promising “inside access” to the Obama administration, which bends the supply-demand curve for such access. Reporters are being required to provide fawning “blow job” coverage and then wait their turn for access. So don’t be surprised by the lack […]

If You Can’t Bedazzle With Brains, Baffle With Bacon Sandwich

by Smitty (via C0MM1TT3D on Twitter) Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery technology manufacturer, a woman named Doris stood to ask the president whether it was a “wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care” package. “We are overtaxed as it is,” Doris said […]

DailyKos Poll Puts McCain Over Hayworth

by Smitty (via Lucianne) The Daily Caller reports that a DailyKos poll puts McCain over Hayworth in the Arizona Republican Senate Primary race. The lack of detail makes the entire exercise sketchy, and the final DC quotation even moreso: The liberal site put it this way: “The bottom line? The Democrats become competitive, if Hayworth […]

Normblog Profiles Fausta

by Smitty How can you do anything but admire the lady? What philosophical thesis do you think it most important to disseminate? > The moral benefits of capitalism. What philosophical thesis do you think it most important to combat? > Communism in all its incarnations. Can you name a work of non-fiction which has had […]

Harpoon Him!

Damned whale-hugger:  An anti-whaling activist has been indicted in Tokyo for illegally boarding the Shonan Maru II, a Japanese harpoon boat, as part of a protest against a whale hunting expedition in Antarctic seas. Peter Bethune, a 44 year old activist from New Zealand, “was indicted on Friday for trespassing, causing injuries, obstructing commercial activities, […]

How About A Union of Liberty-Conscious Americans?

by Smitty The ULCA, i.e. ACLU spelled backwards, could be founded by lawyers who grasp the Constitution, and help defend American civil liberties in a manner that actual Americans find intelligible. Just a thought, echoed by one President to whom BHO is never compared: “The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national […]

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