Which Fluid Is Scarier?
by Smitty (via American Digest) iOwnTheWorld’s Oil of Obama: or, Ace of Spades’ cocoa butter? Shameless bloviators who’re trying to score a top Memeorandum thread may consider mixing the two. This blog cannot be held responsible for the disastrous side effects of such experimentation, and renews its commitments to safety and vanilla pudding for all.
What Would Happen If The Supreme Court Upheld A Meaningful Interpretation Amendment X?
by Smitty Megan McArdle asks the negative question: what if SCOTUS strikes down ObamaCare? I like the more positive assertion in the post title. “Judicial restraint” for the last century has seen the SCOTUS asleep at the switch, while Federal over-reach has led to government run amok. Certainly, a few generations have benefited, but the […]
Nikki Haley Is Now Nationally Famous for Not — Not — Having Sex With a Blogger
Hell hath no fury like a blogger scorned: State ethics filings available online indicate that Haley’s campaign for State Senate paid Will Folks’s company, Viewpolitik, a bit more than $1,100 in consulting fees for the months of January and February of that year, along with a reimbursement of $173.50. . . . South Carolina Republicans […]
Yankees Invade Georgia — Again!
Da Tech Guy is on the prowl this week near my hometown of Atlanta, but I made him promise to leave his matches in Massachusetts. Of course, Atlanta’s been utterly overrun with Yankees in the past few decades — I blame air-conditioning, interstate highways and Hartsfield Airport — and it figures that the first person Da […]
Right Online Conference July 23-24
The announcement: From July 23-24 AFP Foundation will host the third annual RightOnline Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. . . . RightOnline will bring together the foremost new media experts to train attendees on how to be influential grassroots activists and sway public policy debates through the use of online tools and strategies. . . […]
The Kind of Blog Post That You’re Thankful Someone Else Wrote
South Carolina conservative blogger Will Folks confesses to having once, er, dated the married Republican gubernatorial candidate he’s been promoting: Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki. Dude. Republicans already treat bloggers like whores, metaphorically. Now they’ll actually be expecting us to put out. For the record, Nikki […]
Does Congress Know What It’s Doing?
A Rasmussen poll finds that seven out of 10 likely voters said “nuh-uh” when asked, “How confident are you that Congress knows what it’s doing when it comes to addressing the country’s current economic problems?” Of those surveyed, 29% said, “Not very confident,” while 43% said “Not at all confident.” (Evidently, “Are you freaking kidding […]
VIDEO: A Mosque at Ground Zero?
Another great ad from Alabama, this one from 2nd District Republican candidate Rick Barber: Excerpts: “We weren’t attack by a nation. We weren’t attacked by ‘terror.’ We were attacked by Islamic jihadists. . . . Jihad threatens our freedom, our families and our way of life. . . . Islamic jihadist pose a clear and […]
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