Alvin Greene Rocks The House! New Ad Is A Scream
by Smitty (h/t BlueGrass Pundit) Full props to Greene. You’ve got a campaign so uphill as to be purely vertical, so what are you going to do? Prep for your follow-on gig as an entertainment mogul or hip-hop personality. Maybe he and the Lonely Island can collaborate on some John Kerry work, for example.
‘Family Values,’ 2010 Edition
News from Highlands County, Florida: A Lake Placid man was arrested Thursday on allegations that he had sex more than once with a 13-year-old girl, which led to her getting pregnant. Pedro Valladares Martinez, 27, of Sudburry Drive, Lake Placid, was charged with lewd and lascivious acts on a victim 12 to 16 years of […]
I Am So Winning The Chevy Volt Slogan Contest
by Smitty (h/t Doug at Malkin) Here I go: Re Maybe Stogie can do something with a yellow Volt with a Gadsden flag snake on the hood, and the “Re” on the hard top. You all may now link me.
Zombie Folks Still Prowling For Brains
by Smitty If you thought that enough shells of laughter had been sent into rumor zombie Will Folks, Right Turns Only informs us that no: no, it’s not been enough. Rumors that Will Folks has scheduled a Million Paramour March have not been confirmed. Dishonest zombies, it seems, lack friends.
Founders Mocked: Judge Reams Arizona
by Smitty FMJRA lowers its gesture to Judge Bolton and the 9th Circuit long enough to type up a post. As if Americans paying attention had any doubt that Liberty is threatened by a Ruling Class, and That Ruling Class will say all manner of things in the Progressive Inverted Tongue (PIT) to retain its […]
FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document drop on the Left’s favorite anti-American historian: On July 30, 2010, the FBI released one file with three sections totaling 423 pages on Howard Zinn, a best selling radical historian, teacher, playwright, and political activist. . . . In 1949, the FBI opened a domestic security investigation on Zinn (FBI File […]
OK, folks, no kidding around this time, it’s time to help a friend in urgent need: Home foreclosures are continuing at a brisk pace, according to an article by McClatchy News. Many of the first foreclosures that began three years ago, when the housing bubble began to burst, were for subprime mortgages. Now, however, a […]
New York vs. Chicago: If Charlie Rangel Resigns, Will Hillary Clinton Be Next?
Obama suggests it is time for Charlie Rangel to end his career with “dignity,” which prompts some musings by my friend Bob Engstrom: New York is the home of Hillary Clinton and the state invested heavily in her 2008 run. Grudges between the New York and Chicago factions run deep over Obama’s DNC convention victory over […]
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