The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Had A Blast Out Knocking On Doors

Posted on | August 14, 2010 | 14 Comments

by Smitty

What a good time. Extroversion really isn’t a preferred mode for someone who’d rather sit around and blog.

Nevertheless, supporting Patrick Murray, or whoever the local anti-fascist candidate in your district may be, is crucial.

Thus, it’s hard to be happy with the Peter Schiff in the crowd:

Connecticut Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate, Peter Schiff, could tolerate mockery when he foretold the economic collapse, but he’s having trouble coping with his imminent primary loss to professional wrestling CEO, Linda McMahon.
“I’m the best candidate but unfortunately I’m not going to be the nominee,” Schiff said in an interview by phone as he criss-crossed the state in an RV… “I’m not saying I’m not going to win. I can still possibly pull it off. But if I end up not being the nominee, it’s just really unfortunate, because not only am I the only person that can deliver the kind of change that the country needs, but I actually have a better chance of beating Dick Blumenthal,” he said.
At first glance, it’s easy to believe his loss will be because of McMahon’s oodles and oodles (a KT-nomics term) of money. But a closer look shows his weak campaign and the fact he’s a single issue candidate are also factors (although, if there’s going to be single issue voting right now, the economy is the issue).
And if you’re going to run on economics alone, Linda McMahon is a formidable opponent. She has that real world experience the Teaparty cherishes. McMahon’s spokeperson, Ed Patru:
“(McMahon) has never claimed to be an academic theorist or a celebrity cable talk show economist. She spent 30 years in the real world building a global enterprise from a company that started with one desk… She was the CEO of an NYSE traded billion dollar company that employs nearly 600 people. She understands how jobs are created and how budgets are balanced in the real world, and she clearly has a firm grasp of economic principles.”

Come on, Peter. I’d have supported Matthew Berry for VA-8 just as strongly, had he bested Patrick Murray in the primary. Only, that’s how history unfolded.

Granted, it takes a certain bit of ego to run for office, but what good is ego if houses divided against themselves cannot withstand liberal fascist tyranny?

Go, Linda (via Libertarian Republican):

And go, the rest of you patriots. Go out there and phone bank and precinct walk and invest time and treasure in getting the country back on course!

Now you sunny beaches know how I feel.


14 Responses to “Had A Blast Out Knocking On Doors”

  1. Rob
    August 14th, 2010 @ 10:27 pm

    Extroversion < Introversion

    I'm the same way. I hate blogging politics but it's a necessary evil when you have BHO get elected.

  2. Rob
    August 14th, 2010 @ 6:27 pm

    Extroversion < Introversion

    I'm the same way. I hate blogging politics but it's a necessary evil when you have BHO get elected.

  3. Adobe Walls
    August 15th, 2010 @ 12:55 am

    You know in any other part of society many of the Republicans who are being branded as dangerous extremists would be considered to be people who think outside the box. If things go well this November, watching the freak out of the MSM and Demorats is something we should all record, it will be well worth watching more than once.

  4. Adobe Walls
    August 14th, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

    You know in any other part of society many of the Republicans who are being branded as dangerous extremists would be considered to be people who think outside the box. If things go well this November, watching the freak out of the MSM and Demorats is something we should all record, it will be well worth watching more than once.

  5. RES
    August 15th, 2010 @ 5:56 am

    Given that the conventional wisdom is what is driving this country straight off a cliff as wealth is stripped from productive citizens for the benefit of public employee unions, the cries of extremist bring to mind the adage that in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is believed insane.

    Alternatively, everytime I hear a charge of “extremist” my inner Inigo Montoya observes: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  6. RES
    August 15th, 2010 @ 1:56 am

    Given that the conventional wisdom is what is driving this country straight off a cliff as wealth is stripped from productive citizens for the benefit of public employee unions, the cries of extremist bring to mind the adage that in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is believed insane.

    Alternatively, everytime I hear a charge of “extremist” my inner Inigo Montoya observes: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  7. young4eyes
    August 15th, 2010 @ 10:54 am

    “many of the Republicans who are being branded as dangerous extremists would be considered to be people who think outside the box.”
    Hahahaha…hahaha…OMG.That’s gold.
    Yeah buddy, rehashing tried and failed ideas older than you are is really “thinking outside the box”.
    Let’s see, let the country go into an economic tailspin in order to save the economy…hmmm.Brilliant!….NOT!
    “as wealth is stripped from productive citizens for the benefit of public employee unions,”
    Oh boy. Fox called, they want their talking points back.
    Really now, I love the Conservative code for “productive” citizens,I.E. the rich. Hey, we all work, we’re all productive, get it?
    And please, for once can someone explain to me how your so called wealth is being stripped away from you? Or have you heard it enough times that you’ve begun believing it?
    GOP motto-“There’s a sucker born everyday.”

  8. young4eyes
    August 15th, 2010 @ 6:54 am

    “many of the Republicans who are being branded as dangerous extremists would be considered to be people who think outside the box.”
    Hahahaha…hahaha…OMG.That’s gold.
    Yeah buddy, rehashing tried and failed ideas older than you are is really “thinking outside the box”.
    Let’s see, let the country go into an economic tailspin in order to save the economy…hmmm.Brilliant!….NOT!
    “as wealth is stripped from productive citizens for the benefit of public employee unions,”
    Oh boy. Fox called, they want their talking points back.
    Really now, I love the Conservative code for “productive” citizens,I.E. the rich. Hey, we all work, we’re all productive, get it?
    And please, for once can someone explain to me how your so called wealth is being stripped away from you? Or have you heard it enough times that you’ve begun believing it?
    GOP motto-“There’s a sucker born everyday.”

  9. smitty
    August 15th, 2010 @ 11:02 am

    Let me finish that for you:
    ”There’s a sucker born everyday, and, while we can’t stop the benighted bloke from voting Democrat, we can offer an alternative congruent with liberty.”

  10. smitty
    August 15th, 2010 @ 7:02 am

    Let me finish that for you:
    ”There’s a sucker born everyday, and, while we can’t stop the benighted bloke from voting Democrat, we can offer an alternative congruent with liberty.”

  11. young4eyes
    August 15th, 2010 @ 12:24 pm

    Smitty, let me add to that-
    “There’s a sucker born everyday. More money, more money, more money for me. And while we can’t help ourselves in bamboozling them into voting Republican,we can distract them with red meat and religion while helping ourselves to their checkbooks.”

  12. young4eyes
    August 15th, 2010 @ 8:24 am

    Smitty, let me add to that-
    “There’s a sucker born everyday. More money, more money, more money for me. And while we can’t help ourselves in bamboozling them into voting Republican,we can distract them with red meat and religion while helping ourselves to their checkbooks.”

  13. smitty
    August 15th, 2010 @ 12:27 pm

    Your reply is revealing, yet does not excel liberty.
    Cheap collectivist substitutes cannot.

  14. smitty
    August 15th, 2010 @ 8:27 am

    Your reply is revealing, yet does not excel liberty.
    Cheap collectivist substitutes cannot.
