Great: Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi Have Screwed Up My Last Day in L.A.
Posted on | August 16, 2010 | 23 Comments
WOODLAND HILLS, Calif. — My plans were all set: I’d drop by Pamela Geller’s 7 p.m. event on Sepulveda Boulevard, get some quick pictures, jump in the rental car, hustle down to LAX and return the car, and still leave myself plenty of time to catch the red-eye flight back home. What could possibly go wrong?
President Barack Obama will visit Los Angeles this Monday, for a 24-hour stay during which he will headline a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
The President is scheduled to land at Los Angeles International Airport at 4:10 pm on August 16th, attend the DCCC fundraiser that evening, spend the night, and depart Tuesday morning.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced last month that she will also be present at the DCCC’s top-dollar event, which is reportedly being held at the home of Marilyn and John Wells and costs between $2,500 and $30,400 to attend.
(Insert profane adjectives and obscene epithets here.) Wells is a liberal TV producer, and guests at the event will include Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Barbra Streisand.
What this means for me is that there will be police blocking off streets, heavy-duty Secret Service/DHS security all over town, and almost certainly an apocalyptic traffic jam between Sepulveda Boulevard and LAX, with further hassles at the airport because of the extra security for Air Force One.
In other words, I’m screwed, blued and tattooed. The 405 will be a gridlocked nightmare. A high-speed “Dukes of Hazzard” run to the airport — zig-zagging crazily through traffic on the surface streets — would almost certainly get me arrested now that presidential-level security is in effect throughout Los Angeles. The cops would run my license number through the headquarters computer which would kick off a red alert on the DHS Right Wing Extremist Watch List and it would quickly turn into an ugly scene. Pepper spray, tasers, K-9 units, SWAT . . .
No, I can’t risk that. Mrs. Other McCain made me promise to stay out of trouble during this West Coast trip, and even if I explain that it’s not my fault (“Honey, I’m a victim of police brutality — like Rodney King!”) she’d let me rot in San Quentin before she’d pay my bail. And I can’t re-schedule the flight for later, because I need to get back East to go cover the Christine O’Donnell Senate campaign in Delaware.
So I’ll have to scratch my plans to attend the 7 p.m. Geller/Spencer event at the Skirball Center and instead leave early for LAX, and probably end up sitting around an airport lounge for hours, all because of Obama.
Hit the tip jar, folks — it’s going to be a long night.
UPDATE: Dan Riehl calls attention to the NRCC’s response to Obama’s traffic-snarling Hollywood trip:
Don’t let Democrats mislead voters – the economic mess is a result of THEIR failed agenda. A group of Republican House Members have come together to agree to match dollar-for-dollar the funds raised through this page to offset the large sums of money the President will raise for vulnerable Liberal Democrat Members.
Suggestion: Skip the national GOP committees and give your money directly to Republican candidates of your choice. Giving $20 directly to individual candidates like Allen West, Liz Carter, Bill Gunn, Ray McKinney or Mattie Fein will have far more impact than giving a similar amount to the national committees, which (a) can collect their money in big lumps from special-interest fat cats, and (b) regularly support backstabbing RINO losers like Dede Scozzafava.
23 Responses to “Great: Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi Have Screwed Up My Last Day in L.A.”
August 16th, 2010 @ 6:44 pm
At least Donald ‘Restraining Order’ Douglas will be there to take some pictures.
August 16th, 2010 @ 2:44 pm
At least Donald ‘Restraining Order’ Douglas will be there to take some pictures.
August 16th, 2010 @ 7:01 pm
So you’re saying you want us to wire you the $2,500 so you can attend the fundraiser and listen to Streisand confuse her history?
August 16th, 2010 @ 3:01 pm
So you’re saying you want us to wire you the $2,500 so you can attend the fundraiser and listen to Streisand confuse her history?
August 16th, 2010 @ 7:06 pm
or sterisand throw obamas ass under the bus because he is useless to her?
BTW netroots nation is popular?
Surrrrrrrrrrre it is and obama is comptent and rosie o’donnell is a secret zionist hetero?
August 16th, 2010 @ 3:06 pm
or sterisand throw obamas ass under the bus because he is useless to her?
BTW netroots nation is popular?
Surrrrrrrrrrre it is and obama is comptent and rosie o’donnell is a secret zionist hetero?
August 16th, 2010 @ 7:24 pm
Dude, Skirball ctr is the better part of the way to LAX already.
Or, you could, you know, take the train…
August 16th, 2010 @ 3:24 pm
Dude, Skirball ctr is the better part of the way to LAX already.
Or, you could, you know, take the train…
August 16th, 2010 @ 8:55 pm
POTUS’s visit will probably screw up my commute back home, as well…
August 16th, 2010 @ 4:55 pm
POTUS’s visit will probably screw up my commute back home, as well…
August 16th, 2010 @ 9:32 pm
You’re in La-La Land to begin with, that’s your first mistake. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
August 16th, 2010 @ 5:32 pm
You’re in La-La Land to begin with, that’s your first mistake. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
August 16th, 2010 @ 10:38 pm
Drink outside the airport the liquor is cheaper.
August 16th, 2010 @ 6:38 pm
Drink outside the airport the liquor is cheaper.
August 17th, 2010 @ 1:05 am
[…] August 17, 2010 | No CommentsLOS ANGELES — Frankly, I didn’t think it could happen, and blogged to that effect. But when I stopped by for a cup of coffee with Evan Sayet, he told me that it was entirely […]
August 17th, 2010 @ 9:51 am
[…] (Insert profane adjectives and obscene epithets here.) Wells is a liberal TV producer, and guests at the event will include Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Barbra Streisand. More- […]
August 17th, 2010 @ 1:57 pm
How much is the coffee in the airport?
How much did you collect in your tipjar at the Geller event? I guess you would have done better had you gone for a walk on the streets of LA. (around Hollywood preferably) instead.
PS. Ban me. Ban me! (I’m not the real Bob of course!). This was a piece of cake but be assured i will be back anyway…whatever you do to tighten up your comment approval policy.
August 17th, 2010 @ 9:57 am
How much is the coffee in the airport?
How much did you collect in your tipjar at the Geller event? I guess you would have done better had you gone for a walk on the streets of LA. (around Hollywood preferably) instead.
PS. Ban me. Ban me! (I’m not the real Bob of course!). This was a piece of cake but be assured i will be back anyway…whatever you do to tighten up your comment approval policy.
August 17th, 2010 @ 11:11 am
[…] knows, maybe they were stuck in traffic. Share this post Hide Sites $$('div.d23708').each( function(e) { […]
August 17th, 2010 @ 11:22 am
[…] Hollywood DisasterPosted on | August 17, 2010 | 1 CommentROSSYLYN, Va. – Just as I predicted, President Obama’s Hollywood fundraiser produced a traffic catastrophe in Los Angeles:While I […]
August 17th, 2010 @ 6:12 pm
[…] – “We’ve got him this time!” […]
August 21st, 2010 @ 2:41 pm
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August 25th, 2010 @ 4:00 am
[…] Robert Stacy McCain, at The Other McCain, was bitterly “observing” the bumper-to-bumper parking lot that was originally “the 5” in California. When I saw this headline, I instantly wondered how RSM would react to THIS nightmare? […]